Microx User Manual
Rev. 1.2
Page 20
Menu 4
– Set 20 mA output
Monitor the current sourced from the analogue output of the
OEM module using a multimeter set to read milliamps.
Press the MENU button to open the menu system.
Using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons select menu option:
Press ENTER.
Using the INCREASE and DECREASE buttons adjust the
output to 20 mA.
Press ENTER.
Press the MENU button to close the menu system.
Note: The 20 mA factor will be displayed on exit.
Menu 5
– Analogue Output Simulation
The Microx analogue output can be tested for functionality via menu 5.
This option allows the user to simulate the analogue output.
Press the MENU button to open the menu system.
Using the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons select menu option:
Use the UP and DOWN button to increase or decrease the
analogue output. The value displayed on the Microx display will
be equivalent to the analogue output.
Press the MENU button to close the menu system.
Note: The module will return to the conditions on entry.