Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy
1.1. Ultrasound Transducer Installation
1. Unbend the spring supports and mount the ultrasound transducer in the positioning
device of the approach unit with the rounded part of the transducer base facing the user,
see Fig. 1-1.
a) ultrasound transducer
b) ultrasound transducer mounted
in the positioning device
Fig. 1-1
2. Using the adapter shown in Fig. 1-2 plug the transducer to the
socket of
the SPM Controller.
Fig. 1-2. Adapter
1.2. Fixing the Sample
Before fixing the sample make sure that it has a fairly flat and smooth surface on the side
by which it is to be fixed on the transducer. It means that the surface shall be free from
large prominence and irregularities that might impede tight contact with the transducer. A
material with good acoustic conductivity shall be used for fixing the sample. Common
liquid honey is one of the cheapest and easily available materials suitable for this purpose.
1. Put a small drop of honey on the ultrasound transducer surface (see Fig. 1-3).
2. Spread the honey evenly on the part of the transducer surface that is to contact the