Change the desktop wallpaper
Touch and hold the blank space in the main screen, it will pop-up the window
to change the wallpaper.
Choose between Gallery, Live Wallpaper and Wallpaper gallery to search for
the new wallpaper photo.
Voice search
1. Touch the Microphone icon .
2. You can choose according to your needs in the google selection.
3. You can set the language according to your needs in the voice search frame, click
OK to confirm.
4. Keep your mouth close to the microphone, and speak out the content you need
to search, the browser will open the search result list.
3.6 Applications Access
1. Click button in Picture 3-6, enter the application list, as in Picture
2. Choose (tap) the application you want to run.
3.7 USB Connection
MID storage configuration
Before transferring documents, you have to conduct storage configuration on your
Connect the MID to a PC via USB connection, the task bar will confirm the connec-
1. Open the task bar (please see the Chapter 2.3 - MID status and task bar).
2. In the task bar, click USB connected, then touch Turn on USB storage, as in Picture
3. Now the MID is connected to the PC
To copy the files to the memory card:
1. Connect the MID to a PC (following the above instructions) .
2. Open “My computer” to view the Removable Drives(x).
3. Copy the file you need to copy into “Removable Drive(x)”.
4. After copying, click “Safely remove USB Drive” in your computer’s task bar to
unmounts the MID.
When your MID is connected with a USB cable, if you turn on the USB storage,
you can browse the contents of the memory card from your PC. If you want to
browse the memory card from your MID, you need to disconnect the USB cable.
Picture 3-8.
Picture 3-9.
Please make sure your device is connected to the internet before voice search.