This signal can be used as a modulation signal for the oscillators, or the joystick.
When the « audio » is selected as a Gate mode, a GATE is trigger when the audio left signal
is loud.
External CV
1 analog input (-6v/6V) and an external GATE IN (0/5V) are available using 3.5 mono jack,
compatible with most modular setup.
You can also control your synthesizer with a MIDI cable : using a keyboard to play notes, or
the pitch bend or modulation wheel to modulate the sound. Connect an external sequencer, a
computer etc. The informations used are :
Note on / note off, channel 1
pitch bend : When receiving a pitch bend information, the CV input is disconnected
from the analog input and connected to this midi data. This data are received only
from channel 1.
Program change (from 1 to 10, on Channel 1) load one of the memory.
You can also control all fader in midi. Midi data are added to fader value to control the
corresponding parameter. All MIDI data can be send using 7 bits (1 CC), or 14 bits
(using 2 CC). This CC should be send on MIDI Channel 2.
Here is a map of MIDI CC number :
For 14 bit MIDI, use CC x (MSB) and CC x+32 (LSB), always send MSB after the LSB.