signal is not striking the bowl, try holding it with the red LED
up. Once you get the hang of the wireless button so that you
hear the bowl strike consistently whenever the button is
pushed, you are ready to adjust the power of the strike force
and the position of the bowl.
Adjusting Strike Force Power
The Zen Doorbell is designed so that its sound can be
customized for your needs; it just takes a minute of
experimentation to find the volume and timber that sounds
best to you. As illustrated on the next page, the power of the
striking mechanism can be adjusted by using the black knob
on the wood platform under the pyramid. Adjust the knob as
you press the wireless button to hear the variance in the strike
force. Turning the knob clockwise (left) increases the strike
power. Please note that if the power knob is turned all the way
to the right, there may not be enough power to move the
striker. The best “low” settings are achieved close to the
extreme end of the low range, but not all the way. Once you
find a strike force setting you like, the sound of the bowl can
then be “micro-adjusted” even further by moving the position
Testing and Adjusting the Sound of the Strike
Your Zen Doorbell is like a musical instrument and can be
adjusted to produce a wide variety of loud and soft sounds.
Start by testing the sound of the bowl strike. We recommend
you set the Doorbell so that the bowl is sounded in the lower
end of its volume range, because this is where it sounds the
sweetest. However, it can be set to strike quite loudly if high
volume is required.
Using the Wireless Remote Control Button
Place the brass bowl on the platform near the striker tip and
press the wireless button until you hear the bowl strike. A
small red LED in the wireless button’s housing tells you when
its signal is being sent. There is always a 2 second delay from
the time you press the wireless button until you hear the bowl
strike. Pushing the wireless button multiple times in quick
succession will not result in multiple bowl strikes, you must
wait at least 3 seconds between each button push for the
signal to have an effect. Also, the wireless button works best
when it is held in the vertical position with the button’s back
plate facing toward the base platform. If the wireless button’s
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