4232M Quick start guide version 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT SYSTEMY BEZPIECZEŃSTWA Sp. z o.o.
After defining the administrator password, the password recovery question selection window is
To activate the security questions, select the "Security Question Configuration" option. Then select the
questions from the "Security Question" lists and enter your own answers in the
After making the necessary changes, save them by pressing the "OK" button. The camera confirms the
correctness of the operations by displaying a confirmation window. After pressing the "OK" button in
the confirmation window, the login window to the web panel of the camera is displayed.
It is obligatory to answer all the questions. Selected questions and answers should be stored in a
place protected against unauthorized access. After saving the answers, they cannot be changed,
and giving new ones is possible after restoring the factory settings.
Since the camera does not analyze the sense of the answer, but only remembers it, it can be any
string of characters. The same answer can be given to each of the questions.
It is not mandatory to activate security questions. This step can be skipped by pressing the "OK"
button without selecting "Security Question Configuration", or by pressing the "Cancel" button.
However, in this case, the password recovery option is not available and the only way to restore
access to the camera in case the password is lost is to use the button reset.