4231 Quick start guide version 1.1
All rights reserved © AAT SYSTEMY BEZPIECZEŃSTWA Sp. z o.o.
After defining the administrator password, the password recovery question selection window will be
From each of the "Security Question" lists, select the questions and enter the answers to them in the
answer fields.
After making the necessary changes, save them by pressing the "OK" button. The camera will confirm
the correctness of the operations by displaying a confirmation window. After pressing the "OK" button
in the confirmation window, the login window to the web panel of the camera will be displayed.
Administrator password recovery
To regain access to the camera if you forget the password, click on the "Recover password" link in the
lower right corner of the login window. The password recovery window will be displayed, in which
user must enter the answers provided during the configuration of the answer in the appropriate fields,
and then set a new password.
It is obligatory to answer all the questions. Answers should be stored in a place protected against
unauthorized access. After saving the answers, they cannot be changed, and giving new ones is
possible after restoring the factory settings.
The described method of password recovery is active only for cameras with firmware that
requires the definition of an administrator password at the first login. For the firmware version
with direct login, access to the camera after forgetting the password will only be possible after
resetting the camera.