Users manual
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The output of channel 1 is connected to a high impedance input and reports
1.25Vrms at the output.
Alert threshold is set to +/-20%.
The current state is saved in the Save Configuration screen.
The Channel 1 alert will report when:
The Channel 1 output is higher than 1.50Vrms
The Channel 1 output is lower than 1.00Vrms
To adjust the Alert Threshold from the front panel, hold the NEXT and SELECT
buttons down simultaneously for two seconds. The percentage value will begin
flashing. To increase the value, press the SELECT button. To decrease the value,
press the NEXT button.
When the desired value is reached, press the NEXT and SELECT button
simultaneously to leave the settings mode.
The Alert Threshold settings can be modified via the RS232 serial port with the
$FLTTHR command.
For details on the Alert Threshold, see Programmer’s Guide.