User's manual (short) ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding S.A.
4.1.4. Creating video clip
One of the available method of backup recordings is to create video clip. Clip is created for one
channel only. In playback window press the button for pointing the start of the clip. Red
marker above the chart will appear. Then you can playback video or just move the pointer on the chart
to select the expected time. Click the button again point the end of the clip, and displays
the archiving window. Then archiving window will appear.
Backup recordings
NHDD-5000 series DVRs provide a wide branch of methods when it comes to copying the recordings.
User may copy recordings to external storage devices. The DVR features the possibility of copying
the recordings to an external HDD connected via the USB, or to copy the data onto Flash memories.
No matter which method is using to backup the video, user will be asked to select the backup type.
H264 file (require NHDR-5000 Viewer application), or AVI file (can be opened in popular video
Below displayed information about size of the selected files to archive (also my be displayed
information about Start and End Time).
Next explorer window will open.
Please connect the HDD or flash memory to USB port. Press
Refresh to update device list. New device should appear. Please navigate through folders to select the
path for recordings. User can format the drive, delete file, or create the folder.
Selected Path
File list
Create folder
Delete file,
Format device
Device list
Free / total disk space