NovoSoft Guarantee
Novo Water Conditioning Products
guarantees that your new water conditioner is built of quality material and
workmanship. When properly installed and maintained, it will give years of trouble free service.
Seven Year Complete Parts Guarantee
Novo Water Conditioning Products
will replace any part which fails within 84 months from date of manufacture, as
indicated by the serial number, provided the failure is due to a defect in material or workmanship. The only exception shall
be when proof of purchase or installation is provided and then the warranty period shall be from the date thereof.
Life Time Year Guarantee on Mineral Tanks and Brine Tanks
Novo Water Conditioning Products
will provide a replacement mineral tank or brine tank to any original equipment
purchaser in possession of a tank that fails provided that the water conditioner is at all times operated in accordance with
specifications and not subject to freezing.
General Provisions
Novo Water Conditioning Products
assumes no responsibility for consequential damage, labour or expense incurred
as a result of a defect or for failure to meet the terms of these guarantees because of circumstances beyond its control.
Novo Water Conditioning is a Division of Canature North America Inc.