Novell Support Advisor Administration Guide
After you have installed Support Advisor, continue with the post-installation tasks.
1.4 Running Novell Support Advisor
1.4.1 Local Database
The first time you run Support Advisor, you will be prompted to create an encrypted database. This
is a locally encrypted SQLite database used to store login credentials for the server connections you
create in Support Advisor. You may choose to continue without using a secure database, however
none of your server credentials will be saved. Support Advisor will still function but you will not
have access to running "group" analysis on your servers.
1.4.2 Connections
Before running an analysis or creating a group, you must connect to the relevant servers in your
The GroupWise connection will gather information provided by the web console/management pages
from each of the agent types over an http/https connection. To verify the connections accessibility
you should be able to access these pages through a web browser. (http://111.222.333.444:1234)
GWIA - GroupWise Internet Agent
MTA- Message Transfer Agent
POA- Post office Agent
WEB- Webaccess
SUSE Linux
The Linux connection will gather information from your SUSE based Linux machine via an SSH
port. On connection Support Advisor will leverage Supportutils (http://en.opensuse.org/
Supportutils) to gather system information.
If using a sudo user for analysis, the following commands require root privileges: