Assign the directories to the guest with
. You can now
log in on the guest as user
Proceed with
Section 2.4.2, “z/VM Installation”
(page 30).
2.4 IPLing the SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server Installation System
2.4.1 LPAR Installation
There are different ways to IPL SUSE Linux Enterprise Server into an LPAR. The
preferred way is to use the Load from CD-ROM or server feature of the SE or HMC.
Mark the LPAR to install and select Load from CD-ROM or server. Leave the field for
the file location blank or enter the path to the root directory of the first CD-ROM then
select continue. In the list of options that appears, choose the default selection. Operating
system messages should now show the kernel boot messages.
IPL from ESCON or FICON Attached Tape
If you cannot IPL from CD-ROM, create a channel attached tape from which to IPL
the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation image. Use the LOAD button in the SE
or HMC with the tape device address as the load address to IPL the SUSE Linux Enter-
prise Server installation system.
There are many ways to create an IPLable tape. One is to copy the files:
as binary files from CD 1 (for example, using FTP from a Linux workstation).
Name them
Preparing for Installation