Edit the highlighted line. The new edited line appears at the bottom
of the list.
Abort aa-logprof, losing all rule changes entered so far and leaving
all profiles unmodified.
Close aa-logprof, saving all rule changes entered so far and modifying
all profiles.
Click Allow or Deny for each learning mode entry. These help build the
Novell AppArmor profile.
The number of learning mode entries corresponds to the complex-
ity of the application.
• For
Figure 3.3: Learning Mode Exception: Defining Execute Permissions
for an Entry
: From the following options, select the one that satisfies the
request for access. For detailed information about the options available,
refer to
Section 2.1.3, “File Permission Access Modes”
(page 17).
Stay in the same security profile (parent's profile).
Require a separate profile to exist for the executed program. When
selecting this option, also select whether AppArmor should sanitize
the environment when switching profiles by removing certain envi-
ronment variables that can modify the execution behavior of the child
process. Unless these variables are absolutely required to properly
execute the child process, always choose the more secure, sanitized
Building and Managing Profiles with YaST