Use information in this section to perform maintenance or troubleshoot your i401 laser.
This section contains the following information:
describes typical i401 maintenance procedures.
Troubleshooting – explains how to troubleshoot common i401 problems
The Maintenance section includes subsections:
Disabling the i401 laser
Daily inspections
Cleaning optical components
Disabling the i401 laser
Before performing any maintenance on your i401 laser, be sure to completely disable the laser by
disconnecting the DC Power Cables from the DC power supply.
Daily inspections
Perform the following steps daily to keep your i401 laser in optimum operating condition. Except for the
procedures described below, no other service is required or should be attempted.
Caution: Possible Equipment Damage
If you operate your laser or marking head in a dirty or dusty environment, contact Novanta about the
risks of doing so and precautions you can take to increase the longevity of your laser, marking head,
Warning: Serious Personal Injury
A risk of exposure to toxic elements, like zinc selenide, may result when certain optical or beam
delivery components are damaged. In the event of damage to laser, marking head, or beam delivery
optics, contact Novanta, Inc. or the optics manufacturer for handling instructions.