Examples & Explanations
The following are examples of the most important displays of the NOVAG SAPPHIRE II.
This display indicates that the computer is ready and its your move or the move for White.
Display after input of the first half move, the location where you wish to move FROM.
Display after input of the destination square that you wish to play TO.
Display of the computer's counter-move.
INFO-Display: Shows the total time used so far for Black, while the computer
is computing.
INFO-Display: The computer's counter move.
INFO-Display: The SAPPHIRE II expects this move after the
previous b8 c6.
INFO-Display: On c1 e3 this would be the computer's reply.
INFO-Display: Score for Black currently being computed.
INFO-Display: Number of half moves the computer has searched so far.
INFO-Display: Out of 43 variations there are still 39 to compute.
INFO-Display: The display for the scoring is selected and will appear after
1 second.
INFO-Display: Position evaluation for White, and it is White to move.
INFO-Display: Shows that the total time for White is selected and will appear after
1 second.
INFO-Display: Shows the total time used by White so far.
INFO-Display: Shows that the total time for Black is selected and will appear
after 1 second.
INFO-Display: Shows the total time used so far for Black .
INFO-Display: The display for the number of moves is selected and will appear after
1 second.
INFO-Display: Shows the total number of moves made so far.