Mechanical cleaning
1. After pre-cleaning place the micro saw and its accessories in the strainer basket.
2. Mechanical cleaning is only successful if the pre-cleaning, described above, is ad-
hered to!
3. Cleaning is done using the Vario TD programme in the cleaning and disinfection
unit (CDU). For the cleaning process it is advisable to use DI water (fully desalinated
4. After completing the cleaning programme (inc. Thermal disinfection) check the micro
saw, the nut and the cooling clip for visible contamination in grooves and gaps. Re-
peat the cleaning cycle, if necessary.
Automatic cleaning process (Vario TD programme)
1. Pre-clean with cold water for 4 minutes.
2. Empty
3. Clean for 5 minutes at 55°C with 0.5 % alkaline or
at 40°C with 0.5 % enzymatic cleaner.
4. Empty
5. Neutralise with cold water for 3 minutes.
6. Empty
7. Inter-rinse for 2 minutes with cold water.
8. Empty
Mechanical disinfection
The cleaning/disinfection unit has a thermal disinfection programme which follows
after the cleaning. When performing mechanical thermal disinfection, give due consid-
eration to the national requirements relating to the A0 value (see DIN EN ISO 15883-1).
We recommend an A0 value of 3.000 for the instrument. Disinfection must be carried
out with DI water.
When inadequately rinsed or exposed to the disin-
fectant or detergent for too long, the instrument can
corrode. Please see the corresponding detergent and
disinfectant’s package insert for dwell times.
Mechanical drying
Dry the micro saw using the cleaning/disinfection unit’s (CDU) drying cycle. If required,
manual drying can also be achieved by using a lint-free cloth. When drying manually, take
particular care with the grooves and gaps of the instrument. Then spray the instrument
again with NouClean spray.
Every CDU must provide a corresponding drying procedure through the manufacturer (see
ISO 15883-1). Please follow the corresponding CDU-manufacturer’s directions and operating
Manual drying
Set up the micro saw in an upright position without
the nut and the cooling clip attached.
Dry the instrument for at least 30 minutes. Then
spray it with NouClean spray. Afterwards reassemble
the nut and the cooling clip back onto the instru-
Manual cleaning
and disinfection
1. Immerse the micro saw handpiece after pre-cleaning for 15 minutes in a bath with enzymatic cleaner (for example 2 %
ID 215, Dürr Dental). Clean accessories such as e.g. the cooling clip and the nut for 15 minutes in an ultrasonic bath (1 %
ID215). Follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the detergent.
2. Perform a complete post-clean of the product under running drinking water, using a soft brush. Intensely rinse, if
there is any cavities and lumens existing, with a water pressure gun (or similar) for at least 30 seconds.
3. To remove the detergent, rinse the products under running city water (drinking quality) for at least 30 seconds.
Do not clean micro saw
(handpiece) in an ultra-
sonic bath!
After cleaning, immerse the products for 5 minutes in a bath with a suitable disinfectant (for example 2 % ID 212, Dürr Dental). It must be ensured that
all surfaces are completely wetted with the disinfectant. Follow the manufacturers instructions of the disinfectant.
After disinfection thoroughly rinse all products with deionised water to remove the disinfectant ( > 1 min.).
Set up the micro saw handpiece vertically, separated from the cooling clip, to make sure the outflow of water is favored. Dry products with a lint-free
paper towel. Then dry with suitable compressed air in accordance with the RKI recommendation. Pay particular attention to the drying of hard to
reach areas.
and care
1. First unscrew the union nut and remove the cooling clip.
2. Perform a visual inspection for damage, corrosion and wear.
3. In the next step, spray the saw handpiece for cleaning and care. Nouvag AG recommends the use
of NouClean spray. Place the spray attachment (REF 1958) on the spray can and spray the saw
handpiece from the coupling side with NouClean spray for about 3 seconds until only clear liquid
escapes from the saw handpiece.
4. Then wipe with a damp cloth (observe the instructions for use of the product).
5. After spraying the saw handpiece, re-install the cooling clip on the saw handpiece and screw the
union nut onto the collet chuck.
Sterilisation of the micro saw handpiece is performed with a fractionated pre-vacuum steam sterilisation technique (in accordance with DIN EN 556-1/
DIN EN ISO 17665-1) giving due consideration to the respective national requirements.
Minimum requirements:
1. Pre-vacuum phases: 3
3. Holding time: At least 3 minutes (full cycle).
2. Sterilisation temperature: At least 132°C.
4. Drying time: At least 20 minutes (max. 30 minutes).
When sterilising several products during one sterilisation cycle, do not exceed the maximum steriliser load. (see manufacturer’s details).
A drying cycle must be added in the case of autoclaves without a post-vacuum function. After sterilisation an immaculate sterilisation result must
be detected by examining the appropriate indications. According to the Robert-Koch Institute preparation ends with the documented release for
use of the medical device.
Storing the sterile packaging
The sterilised product must be stored away from dust, humidity and contamination. Dur-
ing storage, direct sunlight should be safely avoided. After the expiry date has passed,
do not use the product any longer.
Handling the sterile packaging
Before taking out the product, check for the packaging to
be intact. When taking out the product, follow the respec-
tive aseptic procedures.
for validating
the preparation
The above preparation process has been verified by a validated procedure. The following materials and machines were used:
1. Alkaline cleaner: Neodisher® Mediclean; Chemische Fabrik Dr. Weigert GmbH & Co. KG
2. Enzymatic cleaner: Neodisher® MediZyme; Chemische Fabrik Dr. Weigert GmbH & Co. KG
3. Cleaning and disinfection unit: Miele G 7836 CD
4. Rack trolley: Miele E429
5. Strainer basket/flush socket bar: 3mach (NOUVAG REF 51401)
6. Autoclave: Selectomat 666-HP (MMM)
7. Sterile packaging: Sterisheet 100; Broemeda Amcor Flexibles GmbH
Chemicals and machines other than those mentioned can also be used. In such a case consult the manufacturers or suppliers to find out whether their
products confer the same performance as the products that the procedure was validated with.
If you should opt for a different procedure for reprocessing to the one given above, you are required to correspondingly establish the suitability
There is no experience available from conducting other sterilisation procedures such as plasma sterilisation, low temperature sterilisation procedure,
etc. Users bear full responsibility if they use a procedure which differs from the validated sterilisation procedure described!
Please also comply with the applicable legislation in your country and the medical practice or hospital’s hygiene rules. This especially applies to the
varying requirements for an effective inactivation of prions.
REF 1958
Accessories and spare parts
Saw blades
Cutting depth Form/Field
40347 ........... End wrench ............................................................................... 1
1958 .............. Spray adapter for Nou-Clean Spray .......................................
....................... for maintenance and care of handpieces ............................1
1984 .............. NouClean-Spray ...................................................................... 1
5047 ............. Cooling clip ................................................................................ 1
5049nou ...... Set of saw blades for micro compass saw ............................
(REF 5041nou 5042nou, 5043nou, 5044nou, 5045nou; 1/Version) ...... 1
Manufacturer and Service points
Nouvag AG
St.Gallerstr. 23 – 25
CH-9403 Goldach
Tel. +41 (0)71 846 66 00
Nouvag GmbH
Schulthaißstr. 15
D-78462 Konstanz
Tel. +49 (0)7531 1290-0
Fax +49 (0)7531 1290-12
Nouvag USA, LLC
6201 Airport Freeway
Suite 200
Haltom City, Texas 76117
Phone +1 817 887-9814
Fax +1 817 887-9817
Toll free no. (800) 673 7427
The complete list of all Nouvag-authorized service points worldwide are to be found on our Website, under:
www.nouvag.com/en/service/service provider
When disposing of instruments, local legislations must be observed. Do not dispose of instruments with household waste. Observe the national regulations for the
disposal of infectious waste.
Motor is running
but saw is not
Saw handpiece is not
correctly coupled
with motor
Press saw handpiece firmly
against the motor until it snaps
into place. Check seat with
Saw blade is not
moving regularly
Saw blade is not cor-
rectly clamped
Clamp saw blade correctly
and tighten nut with the end
6 mm
11 mm
14 mm
18 mm
22 mm
26 mm
17 mm
21 mm
* PU: Packaging unit
Work length Total length
28 mm
70 mm
36 mm
100 mm
36 mm
100 mm
36 mm
100 mm
36 mm
100 mm