Correct measurement can be taken at any distance up to 10 cm.
While scanning, the thermometer emits short beeps to indicate the temperature
measurement is in progress.
- 5 -
4) Position the thermometer’s detector (fig.1-no.1) at a distance of not more than 10
cm (4 inch) and not less than 0.5 cm (0.2 inch) from the forehead. Press the
‘‘Measurement’’ button (fig.1-no.5) and explore the entire temple area. The best
position is above the left side of the left eyebrow or above the right side of the
right eyebrow, just under the hairline.
5) 4 sharp beeps indicate that measurement is completed. At this point you can read
the temperature on the display.
6) The thermometer turns off automatically 1 minute after the measurement has
been completed. To turn off the blue positioning ray, turn the Protective Cover
Switch (fig.1-no.4). Ensure this step is carried out to avoid draining the battery
and damage to the sensor when thermometer is not in use.
For repeated measurements, always position the thermometer at the
same point on the forehead.