NFS2-640/E Installation Manual —
P/N 52741:P2 7/10/14
Connecting the Power Cables
3.7.2 Connecting the Control Panel to AC Power
Connect primary power as follows (see Figure 3.14):
1. Turn off the circuit breaker at the main power
distribution panel.
2. Open the hinged insulating cover on TB1.
3. Connect the service ground to terminal marked
Ground (Earth).
4. Connect the primary neutral line to terminal
marked NEUTRAL and the primary Hot line to
terminal marked HOT.
5. Close the hinged insulating cover over TB1.
3.7.3 Checking AC Power
Table 3.5 contains a checklist for checking the system with AC power applied:
- AC Power Connection
Figure 3.14 CPS-24/E:
AC Power Connections
While checking AC power, make sure batteries are not connected.
Follow the sequence of steps in Section 3.2 “Installation Checklist”, Table 3.1; this is Step 15.
Control panel
circuit board
The green AC Power indicator on; the system Trouble indicator on because batteries are not connected.
Each option board
The yellow Trouble indicator may come on for approximately 10 seconds after applying AC power. (This
only applies to an unconfigured system.)
Each auxiliary power
The yellow Trouble indicator comes on because batteries are not connected.
Table 3.5 AC Power Checklist