Special Zone Change
AFP-300/AFP-400 Programming PN 50259:C1 06/19/97
The Special Zone Change option lets you change the program for special zones F0-F9
or releasing zones R0-R9. From the Program Change screen, select <6> to display the
Special Function Change screen.
Table 17 contains descriptions for each special function that appears in the Special
Function Change screen.
Table 17 Special Functions
Select Function screens by entering the special function letter and number (for example,
F0, R0, and so on) from the Special Function Change screen. The following sections
show sample screens that display when you select a special function.
The Presignal screen provides fields for changing the delay time or PAS. From the
Special Function Change screen, select <F0> to display the Presignal Function screen.
Special Function
F0 (Presignal)
the delay time or the PAS selection.
F1 (Trouble less AC)
an output programmed to turn on/off if a system trouble—other
than an AC power loss—occurs.
F2 (AC Trouble)
an output programmed to turn on/off if an AC power loss or a
brownout condition occurs.
F3 (Security)
an output programmed to turn on/off if a Security input
F4 (Supervisory)
an output programmed to turn on/off if a Supervisory input
F5-F6 (Time Control)
the start time, stop time, or days of the week.
F7 (Holiday)
up to nine holiday dates. An F7-programmed device activates on
the specified holiday dates.
F8 (Coding)
one of four code types: March Time, Temporal, California, or
Two Stage. F8 only takes effect if you program one or more
NACs to F8.
F9 (Pre-Alarm)
the Alert and Action Pre-Alarm level.
R0-R9 (Releasing)
the delay times, abort type, cross zoning, or soak time.
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