Page 10
1 — Introduction
1 — Introduction
1 — Introduction
1 — Introduction
Rev. D
real-time loran TDs. These features greatly ease the transition from using
loran to using GPS. See page 30 for further details on using loran TDs.
The 941X’s plotter provides a picture of your position, and of what is
around you. Nearby waypoints, avoidance areas, and a lat/lon grid may
be displayed along with an image of your boat.
When you are using the plotter, the five menu keys below the display
screen allow you to perform the following functions:
restart the desired track line to run directly from your position to the
waypoint, “zeroing” the cross-track error display
change the options available for the plotter
center the image of the boat on the screen
zoom in to show more detail
zoom out to show more area
See page 22 for more information on using the plotter.
TideTrack displays a 24-hour tide graph for any of over 3,000 NOAA tide
stations covering the entire U.S. coast, including Alaska and Hawaii, as
well as much of the western Canadian coastline. Tides may be shown for
today or any other day you choose. See page 71 for more information on
using TideTrack.
The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and all controls are lighted for night-
time use. The display is easily readable under all conditions, from full
sunlight to total darkness. Anti-reflection treatment of the display and its
window eliminates over 90% of the reflection and glare. Important data
can be displayed using large numbers which can be seen from a distance.
To adjust the brightness, press the
key (
) and use the
menu keys to set the desired illumination. Contrast is con-
trolled by the
key to the left of the screen.
Use caution when cleaning the plastic window in front of the display
screen. Although it is resistant to scratches, it can be damaged if you
wipe dirt off with a dry cloth. Always use a damp cloth when wiping the
window. Use a small amount of window cleaner or alcohol to dissolve
plotter functions
The Display
cleaning the