2-4 NT5K18 Exchange Line Trunk Card
553-3001-173 UK Trunk cards description
Technical description
The technical details of the NT5K18 Exchange Line trunk card are outlined
Power requirements
Table 2-1 provides the power requirements for the NT5K18 Exchange Line
trunk card.
Table 2-1
NT5K18 Power requirements
Vo lt age
I dle cu rr ent
Ac ti ve cur ren t
+ 15. 0 V dc
330 ma
330 ma
+ 8.5 V dc
70 ma
70 ma
- 48 .0 V dc
30 ma
30 ma
+ 5.0 V dc
250 ma
250 ma
Environmental specifications
Table 2-2 lists the environmental specifications of the NT5K18 Exchange
Line trunk card.
Table 2-2
NT5K18 Environmental specifications
Par amet er
Sp ecif i cat io ns
Oper at i ng t emper at ur e
0 to 50 degr ees C , ambi ent
Oper at i ng hum i di ty
5 to 95 % RH ( non- c ondensi ng)
St or age t emper at ur e
- 50 t o + 70 degr ees C
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom