Operation – Important Safety Information
Now that you have completed and tested your assembly, there is some important safety information
you need to know with regard to vehicle handling with the sprayer attached.
Carefully read and make sure you understand the following safety information before using the trailer kit.
Before Towing
Trailer prep
. ALWAYS inspect and prepare the trailer kit before use according to the directions
provided in this manual.
Operator age
. You must be 16 years of age or older to operate this trailer kit.
Mechanical parts.
Check to be sure all nuts and bolts are tight to make sure the trailer kit is in safe
working condition.
After Towing
. ALWAYS turn off vehicle and set brake or block wheels.
Transporting Safety:
The trailer sprayer is very heavy. It can cause serious injury if it rolls out of control or tips over.
Follow the safety instructions below for safely moving the trailer sprayer.
Read vehicle instructions
. Review safety instructions in your vehicle manual with regard to towing heavy
cargo loads.
Driver age.
You must be 16 years of age or older to drive the vehicle with the trailer sprayer attached.
Vehicle handling.
Be aware that vehicle handling will be affected when driving with the filled sprayer.
Exercise caution to avoid loss of control or sprayer overturning:
Keep speed to a minimum
so you can maintain control at all times. Reduce speed prior to turns.
Allow for more distance to stop
Avoid any sudden
steering maneuvers, starts, or stops that could create liquid sloshing in the sprayer
and instability.
Rough or sloped terrain
. Slow down and exercise extra caution on rough or sloped terrain in order to
reduce risk of rollover. Pick the most level route possible when transporting across fields. Drive up and
down slopes that cannot be avoided, rather than across. Use a vehicle equipped with a Roll Over
Protection System (ROPS) if you will be operating on non-level terrain.
Reduced visibility.
Be aware that visibility may be reduced with trailer sprayer attached. Be extra
cautious when backing up or turning.
Ride / transport.
Never ride or transport cargo on the trailer sprayer.
Under the influence
. Never transport or operate this trailer sprayer while under the influence of alcohol,
drugs, or medication
. Before leaving the trailer sprayer unattended, turn off the vehicle and set vehicle brakes.
. Be sure tires are fully inflated and in good repair before towing the trailer sprayer. When adding air
to tires, do not over-inflate -- serious injury could occur if tire explodes.
Replacement parts.
If a part needs replacement, only use parts that meet the manufacturer’s
specifications. Replacement parts that do not meet specifications may result in a safety hazard or poor
operation of the trailer kit.