Magellan Vector OMS-V 2.3 Release Notes
Chapter 5 Trouble Shooting
A few common problems are summarized in the NTP 241-9501-302, Open
Management System for Vector (OMS-V) Guide with actions to correct the
situations. These notes will be included in the above mentioned NTP for the
next major release.
After performing OMS-V upgrade, switches are not being discovered,
Magellan Network Submap remains empty. What is wrong?
Verify that the required HP OpenView processes are running by typing
/opt/OV/bin/ovstatus | more
Status of the following processes: OVsPMD, ovwdb, ovtrapd, pmd, trapd,
vsmswmon, ovactiond, vsmovmon, vsmovtrapd, vsmdsd, and vsmensd
should be displayed. If any of the processes is missing from the list above,
check in /etc/opt/OV/share/lrf directory for its corresponding registration
file. In the case of missing registration files, you must reinstall OMS-V,
otherwise restart the processes using the following procedure:
/opt/OV/bin/ovaddobj process_name.lrf (add the missing process)
/opt/OV/bin/ovstop (stop processes that are currently running)
/opt/OV/bin/ovstart -v (restart all the processes)
/opt/OV/bin/ovstatus (verify the required processes are running)
/opt/OV/bin/ovw &
Allow 20 minutes for the switches to be discovered. If you still have
problem, please contact Nortel Support.
The system is very slow, OR, the system seems to be doing something
else from time to time.
Have you inactivated the IP network management that was turned on by
default by the HP OpenView installation? The IP network management
causes your system to try to manage your complete IP network as well as
ATM network.
Stop the netmon process by typing:
ovstop netmon
Modify the start-up configuration file by typing:
/opt/OV/bin/ovdelobj /etc/opt/OV/share/lrf/netmon.lrf