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Standard 4.00
April 2000
MR commands are described in Table 2. The following examples
demonstrate some MR operations.
Setting room meters
When setting room meters for a group of consecutive DNs, the second DN
entered must be greater than the first DN entered. The value set for each meter
must be between 0 and 32766. The confirm option must be set to get a
response for input commands.
Selecting a single DN
Enter the following command to set meter 1246 to a value of 9:
SE ME 1246 VA 9
If the global COnfirm command is switched on, the following response
appears (if the meter had previously been switched off):
ME 1246 OFF TO 9
Enter the following command to set meter 1246 to a value of 0 (either ZEro
or VAlue 0):
SE ME 1246 ZE or SE ME 1246 VA 0
Enter the following command to switch meter 1246 off:
SE ME 1246 OFF
Once a meter has been set, a series of command lines consisting of only DN
and meter values can be entered as shown in Table 1:
This mode stays in effect until a nonnumeric entry is typed.
Table 1
MR commands
Command Line
Typical Response
SE ME 1246 VA 10
METER 1246 OFF TO 10
METER 1248 OFF TO 10
1257 20
METER 1257 9 TO 20
1259 0