March 16, 2004
This guide is designed to provide you with the information needed to mount AS-1200-BG-EXT and
AS-1200-ABG-EXT Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Points and AS-1200-ABG-EXT-RE Nortel Networks
WLAN - Remote Edge Access Points (Remote Edge Access Points). Nortel Networks WLAN - Access
Points and Remote Edge Access Points are part of the innovative Nortel Networks 2200 series (Nortel
Networks 2200 series), and require no manual configuration after they are mounted.
This document assumes that a site survey has been performed as described in the Nortel Networks
WLAN - Access Point Deployment Guide section in the Nortel Networks Product Documentation, that
Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Point and Remote Edge Access Point locations and mounting options
have been selected, and that you have one Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Point or Remote Edge
Access Point per indicated location.
After the site survey is done, you should have a map indicating the following:
AP and Remote Edge Access Point locations.
AP and Remote Edge Access Point mounting options: in the middle of a ceiling/hallway, in the
ceiling plenum, projecting away from the wall, or flat against the wall.
AP and Remote Edge Access Point power options: power supplied by the AC-to-DC power
supply orderable from the factory, or Power over Ethernet (PoE) from the (UNUSED PRODUCT),
another network device, or a PoE injector/hub (usually located in a wiring closet).
Plenum-mounted Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Points and Remote Edge Access Points
MUST BE powered using Power Over Ethernet (POE) to comply with safety regulations.
If you do not have a map, make one so you can record the MAC addresses from each location and
return them to the to the person who is planning or managing this wireless network.
Refer to the following sections to install the Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Points.
When mounting Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Points and Remote Edge Access Points,
make sure to maintain a 20 cm (8 in.) separation between the Nortel Networks WLAN - Access
Points or Remote Edge Access Points and bystanders to comply with FCC RF exposure regula-
tions. Refer to the
FCC Statements for Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Points
section for more
For more details about Nortel Networks WLAN - Access Point and Remote Edge Access Point installa-
tions, refer to the
Planning Notes
section at the end of this document.