Norsk Data ND-5000 Series Hardware Maintenance Download Page 174

Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data © 2011

Summary of Contents for ND-5000 Series

Page 1: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ND SOOO HARDWARE MAINTENANCE ND OS 017 01 EN ...

Page 2: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 3: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ND SOOO HARDWARE MAINTENANCE ND 05 017 01 EN Scanned_by_Jonny Oddpnp fnr Sin rmn Data 7011 ...

Page 4: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 _ Scanned by Jonny OddeneioLSiniranDaiaQZOH ...

Page 5: ...intran Data 2011 0 0 000 09 0 0 65 60 09 0 0 0 9 0 000 030 4 0 r 0 0 0 69 00 3 am a 3 eée 0 000 NOTSK Data A S M A N U A L ND SOOO HARDWARE MAINTENANCE ND 05 017 01 EN Written 2503 1988 Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 6: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 H Scanned by Jonny Oddene OLS Lnitan Data_ _20_11 ...

Page 7: ...ff thus used in addition to The Service Handbook ND lOO Maintenance Manual This manual has been prepared for the ND field service engineers and technical personell directly involved in maintaining the ND SOOO computer systems A basic knowledge of the hardware in the ND SOOO computer systems ND Number Title ND 30 008 ND lOO Hardware Maintenance Manual ND 3D OOS Test Program Description for ND lOO N...

Page 8: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ____Scannad_b Jonny OddeneiaLSjnitan DataIQZOLH ...

Page 9: ...on Upgrading from Upgrading from Upgrading from Upgrading from Upgrading from Setting of the Updating too to be used on ND 5000 Targe cabinet version EXAMPLE a OJQJQJQJ ND 5200 ND 5400 ND 5500 ND 5700 ND 5800 l 2 3 t to to to to to mmmm a he CPU types ND 5400 system ND 5500 system ND 5700 system ND 5800 system ND 5900 2 3 4 system ND 5000 CPU mode Updating tooT to be used on ND 5000 Compact system...

Page 10: ...ring startUp Loading of controT store D1fferent error messages that can occure during start up Of ND 5000 Attempt to start the ND 500 mOnitOr dOn t succeed ND 5000 SeIftest is failing Errors during Toading of controT stOre ND 500 Error Messages Genera FataT System Error Messages Hardware Fau1t Page FauTt Protect VioTation Index Scaling Error ITTega1 Instruction Code Instruction Sequence Error ITTe...

Page 11: ... the Cache Load1ng and start1ng SEMICS Start1ng the TPE mon1tor Start1ng SEMICS Us1ng SEMICS Prepare for test1ng Test number1ng The 1n1t1aT parameter values Access1ng f11es through SEMICS Runn1ng m1crotests Error 1n memory conf1gurat1on Time Consumption Logg1ng errors ND 5000 TEST MACRO PROGRAMS TEST PROGRAMS DESMODUR How to get Started Messages that Occur Dur1ng a Testrun Logg1ng errors FLOTILJE ...

Page 12: ...STONE and LACOURT Tests Logg1ng errors LIBTEST Logg1ng errors MULTIJOB TELEFIX UTILITY PROGRAMS NSOOX MESSAGE Program descr1pt1on Runn1ng NSOOX MESSAGE TEST FUNCTIONS IN ND SOOO MF FIRMWARE MF Bus Test and Ma1ntenance Program Connecting the consoTe term1na1 to the controTIer Descr1pt1on of the most usefuI commands INIATE EEPROM CONFIGURATE SLOT LIST CONFIGURATION TEST MEMORY SYNDROME TEST AUTOINIT...

Page 13: ...8 5 3 Configurating the MF system 9 SWITCHES AND INDICATORS The Mother board 5502 The MPM Line Driver The Cache ModuTe 5610 The MFB Bus Port 1 The Dynamic RAM 5411 The MFB ControTTer 5464 The DoubTe Bus ControTTer Scanned_by_Jgnny Oddnnp fnr Sin rrzn Data 9011 212 212 212 215 224 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 ...

Page 14: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Scannedby Jonny OddeneioLSiniran Data 7011 ...

Page 15: ...messages sent as an Octobus message 232 A 3 Commands rece1ved by the ACCP 234 A 4 The Context bTock Reg1ster block 236 A 5 ATTocat1on of reg1sters 1n the Scratch Reg1ster F1Te 238 A 6 ND lOO ND 5000 Commun1cat1on 241 A 7 The Extended CPU dataf1e1d 242 A 8 The message buffer 247 A 9 The Message bTock 248 A lO Trap message 252 Scannedby_Jonny_Qddene_ioLSinitan_Data_ _20 LL ...

Page 16: ...onnect1on on the Large Cab1net new type Power Fa1T Interrupt Connect1on on the Large Cab1net 01d type Layout of CPU type 1 Layout CPU type 2 Layout CPU type 3 Octobus Cab11ng 0n ND 6000 ACCP ConsoTe Connect1on on the Large Cab1net ACCP consoTe Connect1on on ND 5000 Compact Cab1ne The fans The CPU transport box ND JOO Error Cond1t1ons Connect1ng the MF consoTe on the Targe cab1net Connect1ng the MF...

Page 17: ...guration Overvie The MF bus Card Rack o type The ND 5000 Card Rack new type The ND SOOO Compact Card Rack The ND 5000 Compact Card Rack new type Specifications for the ND SOOO Power Suppiy The difference between the CPU modeTs Survey of ND SOOO error messages Scanned by lnnny Oddenp fnr Siniran Data 7011 NON Data L0 17 28 83 ...

Page 18: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 xiv Scannedhy Jonny Oddene OLSiniran Data 20_1_1_r ...

Page 19: makes the high end in the range of computer systems from Norsk Data v CONSOLE ND lOO ND lOO CPU DISK I O CONTROLLER FLOPPY MODEM I O CONTROLLER L PRINTER I O CONTROLLER TERM MF LINE DRIVER OCTOINTERFACE 3m mI 33 ODD mm 0 3 PORT M F B U S mCUUO 4OO 50 1200 ND SOOO CONSOLE CONSOLE MF INTERFACE ACCP OCTOINTERFACE Scanned by Jnnny Oddene for Sin rran Data 7011 ...

Page 20: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Chapter 1 ND SOOO OVERVIEW Figure 1 The ND 5000 Computer System 7 ScannedbyJonny Oddene OLSiniran Data 2QL1 ...

Page 21: ... 125 to 125 to 125 to InternaT 4 125 Mb 4 125 Mb 4 125 Mb 4 125 Mb Disk size ModeI B Up to Up to Up to Up to ExternaI 3 6 CD 3 6 Gb 3 6 Gb 3 6 Gb Streamer A modeIs A modeIs A modeIs A modeIs System type ND 5200 ND S400 ND 5500 ND 5700 Compact Compact Compact Compact DETAILED DISK CONFIGURATION ModeT A0 A10 60 MB Al All 125 MB 125 MB 125 MB 125 MB A2 A12 2X125 MB 2X125 MB 2X125 MB 2X125 MB A3 A13 3...

Page 22: ...0171 Mic program vers 110 xx 111 xx 112 xx ll3 xx 114 xx 114 xx I O processor NDllO ND120 NDlZO N0120 CX NDlZO CX NDlZO CX w 2Mb w 4Mb w 4Mb Memory size shared ioca1 4 2 4 4 8 4 12 6 16 10 24 6 Cache size Data KB 64 64 64 2 X 64 Instruction 320 320 320 320 2 X 320 Disk size Externa1 Up to 29 Gb Table 2 ND 5000 Compact Configuration Overview Mode1 5900 contain 2 3 or 4 CPUs Vaiid for SINTRAN K WM 4...

Page 23: ...e ND SOOO is deTivered either in a smaTT or a Targe cabinet This section gives a short description of the two cabinets the card crates etc 1 2 1 THE LARGE CABINET The computer cabinet Tooks Tike this 1 U SERGE 1 W T t Figure 2 The ND 5000 Cabinet Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sin rran Data 2011 ...

Page 24: ...ns 9 to 24 are for 12 Ports or memory by chOise memory and ports 13 Note that the MuTti Function Bus ControTTer onTy has 15 14 externaT request and grant Tines Masters can then not 15 be placed in pos 8 11 These 6 can onTy be used for memory 1 17 18 The MuTti Function Bus Ports 19 are the same cards as the 20 MPM S ports The MFB Dynamic RAM cards 21 are the same as the MPM S dynamic RAM cards 22 2...

Page 25: ...y choise 5 ND 5000 CPU 4 Pos 5 8 CPU 2 4 are 9 optiona and these positions may be 10 ND SOOO CPU 3 P05 10 13 occupied by memory or ports 11 12 13 14 15 ND SOOO CPU 2 P05 15 18 16 17 18 19 20 ND SOOO CPU 1 21 CPU type 1 pos 20 and 21 22 CPU type 2 pos 20 22 23 CPU type 3 pos 20 23 24 Table 4 The ND 5000 Card Rack new type Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 26: ...apter 1 ND SOOO OVERVIEW 1 2 2 THE SMALL CABINET Figure 3 shows the ND SOOO Compact cabinet with its main modules The new and 01d card racks are shown in tab1e and 6 Figure 3 The ND 5000 Compact Cabinet W fi _Snanned_b Jonny OddeneiQLSiniLanflata 2011 ...

Page 27: ...or 16 Mbyte Dynamimic RAM 5 DoubTe Bus ControTTer 6 ND llO CX CPU 7 Tracer Memory 8 HDLC MegaTink Memory 9 u 10 8 term PIOC Memory 11 ND llO s1ze 12 cards l3 STSOS D1sk ControTTer Tr1ange1 Memory Free 14 FToppy SCSI Free Memory 15 Free 16 Free 17 Free From pos 10 8 term PIOC 18 PTug board I From pos 5 6 Console From pos 6 TeTef1x Tf1x prt _l_ _ From pos 11 8 term PIOC_ _ 19 PTug board 2 From pos 8...

Page 28: 1 pos 1 and 2 ND SOO _ 5123 3 MFB Dynamic RAM CPU type 2 pos 1 3 car 5 4 MFB Dynamic RAM 4 8 or 16 Mbyte Dynamimic RNW 5 Doub1e Bus Controller 6 ND llO CPU 7 Tracer Memory Ethernet Token ring 8 HDLC Mega1ink Memory Etnernet Token ring 9 H 10 8 term PIOC Memory 11 ND llO size 12 cards 13 F10ppy SCSI contro11er 14 Free 15 Free 16 Free 17 Free 18 P1ug board 1 19 P1ug board 2 20 P1ug board 3 Table ...

Page 29: ...L CABINET The small cabinet is equipped with one power supply 00110 This power sypply is acessible from the front of the cabinet It is of the plug in type and it can be removed by loosening the four screws in the front and pulling it out see fig The DCllO supplies the following voltages and currents 5V 120A 12V 15A 5V 7A Standby o 5V 120A does mainly supply power for the CPU and the memory 0 5V 7A...

Page 30: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Chapter 1 ND SOOO OVERVIEW 12 Scanned deneimSlnicanDaiaQZOfl ...

Page 31: ...D Mu1ti Power Supp1y is mounted in the upper part of the cabinet accessib1e from the rear They are of the p1ug in type and they can be removed by loosening the four screws in the front and pu11ing it out Figure 5 Power Supply in the ND 5000 Large Cabinet Scanned by lnnny Oddene fnr Sin rran Data 7011 ...

Page 32: ... 5V 120A 5VSTB 7A 12V 15A In this case DCllO is used in a muiti power configuration together with other moduies and the standby power STB is not active STB is in this case taken care of by DC300 DCZOO Deiivers the SV ZOOA DC3OO Delivers the SV SOA standby for 10 minutes DC4OO For future use Switches LEDs etc This is a short description of the switches LEDs etc found on the front of the moduies see...

Page 33: ...ecked on the test points TP MARG These switches increase decrease the output with 5 This wiTT NOT activate the transient indicator if the voltages are correct OVERTEMP This red LED is Tit if the internal temperature exceeds 90 degrees C TRANSIENT This red LED is Tit if any voTtage varies more than 10 from nominaT vaTue The LED must be reset by the RESET switch which has three positions The MIDDLE ...

Page 34: ...1 ND SOOO OVERVIEW resets the alarm o SLAVE MODE This green LED is 1it when DCZOO deiivers power in siave mode controiled by DCllO When the load is beiow approx 16 A DCllO wi11 suppiy the 5V alone and this LED is not activated Manny OddeneiaLSjnitan Data 2011 ...

Page 35: 130 7 7 16 5 220 240A 55 60A 150A 9 8A 21A Short circuit protection 4V 4V 10V 4V 4V Switch on current Max 150A peak Margin controi 5 5 5 Static reguiation for worst case combination of Max l Max l Max 1 1ine og ioad change Voitage adjustment 5 7 5 7 Temperature coefficient Max 200ppm Max 200ppm Max 200ppm output voitage per C 1mV C lmV GC lmV GC Table 7 Specifications for the ND 5000 Po...

Page 36: ...ed upside down DC400 DC300 DC200 D6110 z d z d z d z d d z 32 32 32 32 4 4 3 2 1 1 A A A A A 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 32 2 d 2 d 2 d 2 d z d 2 d 32 32 32 32 4 3 2 2 1 1 B B B B B B l 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 The connectors on the rear side of the power moduies have a 1ay out iike this 2 d 32 30 26 A0000 Scanned by JonnyflddeneiaLSinitamData 201 1 7 r ...

Page 37: ...0 12V return D14 12V D18 5V SB 022 5V SB return D26 Common D30 Memory inhibit DC110 plug 1A4 232 030 to 5V return to 5V 204 006 DCllO piug 183 232 5V sense 228 5V sense 224 Vc 0 5V 220 Vc return 216 Common 212 N C 208 N C 204 GND net D30 Battery D26 Battery D22 Rem 5V SB marg 018 Rem 5V marg D14 N C 010 Neutra net 006 Line net D0110 p1ug 184 Z32 D30 to 5V return to 5V 204 006 Scanned by Jonny Odde...

Page 38: ... 5V sense 030 Vc return 228 5V sense 026 Vc 0 5V 224 Power fa11 1nt 022 Common 220 0pt1ona Jump _ 018 Remote OFF 216 0pt1on31 Jump 014 N C 212 N C 010 Neutra net 208 N C 006 L1ne net 204 GND net DC200 p1ug 2B4 232 D30 to 5V return to 5V 204 006 Chapter 1 _ Scanned by Jonny_Qddene_iQLS Lniran_Data 2011 ND 5000 OVERVIEW ...

Page 39: ... 204 006 to 5V SB to 5V SB return D30 Z32 DC300 plug 381 204 Not used 208 Sense 212 Sense Z16 Common 220 Remote OFF 224 Not used 228 Not used Z32 Ground net 006 Not used D10 Not used 014 Rem SVSB marg D18 Power Fai1 Int D22 Not used 026 Neutra netf D30 Line net Srfinnemmmweneimfintanflaiaflzojjfi ...

Page 40: ...g board Print 5234 1ocated 1n the backp1ane at the rear side of the MF bus control1er OCTO 2 ND SOOO REAR VIEW OCTO l PFI T ND IOO MF console cgdcnm R5232 é igxf é éim A Seri a 1 he N D 5000 power on plug panel m 381 232 _ _ Power fail interrupt ND 00 CARD CRATE connection on ND SOOO Figure 7 Power Fail Interrupt Connection on the Large Cabinet new type Scannedby Jonny OddeneioLS Lnitan Data 7011 ...

Page 41: ...D lOO card rack termina1 strip row c11p on the ND 5000 I I backwiring 7L_ j _______l L_ I u 6 32 cba The Power fail connection on ND SOOO in large cabinet old type Backwiring ND SOOO card crate Backwiring ND lOO card crate Position 26D 66 77 6 7 OCTO 2 OCTO 1 MPM S Console Figure 8 Power Fail Interrupt Connection on the Large Cabinet old type Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 42: ...irty and save context bIock The different moduIes must at Ieast have Eco IeveI MPM5 Dyn Ram 5411 DoubIe Bus ControIIer 5464 MFB ControIIer 5454 MFB ControIIer 5465 NDSOOO Mother Board 5502 9b NDSOOO ACCP Moduie 5602 SC Backain partno 324801 1c OnIy if 01d cabinet NDllO Rask 2 F Sintran III WM 406 PatchfiIe 5400 0300C ND 5000 Compact cabinet Power sense is taken care of in the backwiring Scanned by...

Page 43: ...TT cover the CPU modeI 2 ND 5200 system Part number 320001 The CPU type 1 consist of two Tayers 1 Tayer MB 2 Iayer ALU IDA MMS CS MIC ACCP ALU MOTHER BOARD MMS cs 1 l IDA _ ACCP MIC Mother board Mother board with 1 Tayer of baby moduTe Figure 9 Layout of CPU type 1 Part no ModuTe 324602 MB Mother board 324701 MM Instruction data memory management controTTer 324702 ACCP Access processor 324704 ALU ...

Page 44: ... IDA ACCP MIC Mother board Mother board with Mother board with Part no Module 324602 324701 324702 324704 324707 324708 324709 324710 324715 MB MMS ACCP ALU CS IDA MIC CACHE AAP 1 Iayer of baby moduIes 2 Iayer of baby moduIes Figure 10 Layout CPU type 2 Mother board Instruction data memory management controIIer Access processor Arithmetic IogicaI unit ControI store Instruction data address controI...

Page 45: ...r board Mother board with Mother board with Iayer of baby moduIes 2 Iayer of baby moduIe l s Part no ModuIe 324603 MB 324701 MMS 324702 ACCP 324704 ALU 324707 CS 324718 IDA IDAC 324709 MIC booster 324717 CACHE 324714 IDAC 324715 AAP MIC IDA ACCP Figure 11 Mother board Memory management controIIer Access Processor Arithmetic LogicaI unit ControI store 16 K Instruction data address contr Micro instr...

Page 46: ...nction Instr Cache SIFGOC Data cache Instr cache SIFGOC Data cache Instr cache Addr cache SIFGOC Data cache WICO Instr cache Addr cache SIFGOC Disabied function Data cache Addr cache Addr cache NICO WICO Master ciock speed Normai 70 ns Siow 156 ns Siow 156 ns Norma1 70 ns Norma1 70 ns Table 8 The difference between the CPU models Smart IFGO Controi Smart ifgo strategy enabied Write In Cache Oniy W...

Page 47: ...ame MIC 5400 23 40020ATA 11123 FiIe name MIC 5500 23 400 DATA 11223 FiIe name MIC 5700 23 400 DATA 11323 FiIe name MIC 5800 23 400 DATA 11423 RELEASED VERSIONS FOR SINTRAN K WM406 ND no CPU Fi1ename Version 211272 ND 5200 MICRO 5200 Axx DATA llx 211273 ND 5400 MICRO 5400 Axx DATA lllxx 211274 ND SSOO MICRO 5500 Axx DATA 112xx 211275 ND 57OO MICRO 5700 Axx DATA 113xx 211276 ND 5800 MICRO 5800 Axx D...

Page 48: ... B model with external disk option A models include from one to four internal disks of 125 MB capacity each called models A1 to A4 ND 5200 Compact system includes an extra model with one 60 MB internal disk called model A0 Model B versions are delivered with a controller for external disks and can be configured with external disks and magtape The table below shows the models within each configurat...

Page 49: ...D 5000 Compact systems System type ND 5200 ND 54OO ND SSOO ND 57OO Compact Compact Compact Compact Mode A0 A10 60 MB Al All 125 MB 125 MB 125 MB 125 MB A2 A12 2X125 MB 2X125 MB 2X125 MB 2X125 MB A3 A13 3X125 MB 3X125 MB 3X125 MB 3X125 MB A4 A14 4X125 MB 4X125 MB 4X125 MB 4X125 MB B External Externa1 Externa Externa1 Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 50: ...hrough A4 However it is not possibie to add externai disks to these modeis Upgrading from models A to B and from Ax to Alx is not aiiowed The foiiowing diagram shows the upgrading paths ND 5200 ND 5400 ND 5500 ND 5700 Compact Compact Compact Compact A0 A10 1 5095 1 Al All 5289 a Al All 5489 Al ll 5589 A1 11 1 1 1 1 5096 5096 5096 5096 1 1 1 1 A2 A12 5289 A2 A12 5489 A2 A12 5589 A2 A12 1 1 1 1 5097...

Page 51: ...h 4 Mb onboard memory Name TabeT for ND SAOO COMPACT Micro program MIC 5400 xx 400 DATA 5489 ND 5500 CPU Name TabeT for ND SSOO COMPACT Micro program MIC SSOO xx 400 OATA 5589 ND 5700 CPU ND lZO CX with 4 Mb onboard memory Name TabeT for ND 57OO COMPACT Micro program MIC 5700 xx 400 DATA OTB Do remember to bring with you the updating tool for setting the CPU model in the eeprom in backwiring Scann...

Page 52: ...tem type ND 5200 ND 54OO ND SSOO ND 5700 ND 5800 ND 5900 ND 5900 ND 5900 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Memory size shared loc 4 2 4 4 8 4 12 6 16 10 24 6 24 6 24 6 Cache size Data KB 64 64 64 2 X 64 3 X 64 4 X 64 Instruction 320 320 320 320 2 X 320 3 X 320 4 X 320 Disk types extern extern extern extern extern extern extern extern Upgrading possibilities The following diagram illustrates the upgrading pa...

Page 53: ...for ACCP Name 1abe1 for 5891 ND 5800 CPU Print for ACCP Name 1abe1 for 5892 ND 5800 CPU Print for ACCP Name 1abe1 for ND 54OO MAXON MIC 5400 xx 400 DATA ND 5500 MAXON MIC 5500 XX 400 DATA 6 Mb onboard memory ND 57OO MAXON MIC 5700 xx 400 DATA ND 5800 MAXON MIC 5800 xx 400rDATA conso in backwiring ND 5900 MAXON consoi in backwiring ND 5900 MAXON mode 3 consoi in backwiring ND 5900 MAXON modei 4 u D...

Page 54: ...CPU mode 0 Exchange the ND SOOO microprogram with version 2 1 3 UPGRADING FROM A ND SSOO TO A ND 5700 SYSTEM to 5 145xx 0 Use the updating too1 to set the CPU mode 0 Exchange the ND SOOO microprogram with version 0 Exchange the ND llO CX CPU with ND lZO CX 4MB to 7 l47xx Remember to change switch settings for memory 1imits for MPM port and 10ca1 100 memory 2 1 4 UPGRADING FROM A ND 5700 TO A ND 58...

Page 55: ...Double Bus Contr updating tool Updating tool to be used on ND SOOO large cabinet version Part no 350157 MF Bus Controller updating tool OTE The updating tool will be available in limited volume and will normally only be needed when upgrading the ND SOOO CPU 2 1 6 SETTING OF THE ND SOOO CPU MODEL Setting of the CPU model has to be done when the ND SOOO CPU has to be upgraded or when the content of ...

Page 56: ...E MF bus TEST AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM INTERNAL VERSION for 5465 5454 November 11 1987 INITIALIZING MF BUS MEMORY BANK NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED NOT AVAILABLE OMMENT The MF bus wiII not be avaiIabIe when these PROMs are used These PROMs are onIy to be used during initiaIizion of the MF bus or setting the CPU mode on ND SOOO CPU s To set the CPU mode the command shown beIow must be used SET CPU MODEL...

Page 57: ...NOTE 0 The MF bus wiII not be set avaiIabIe when using the upgrading too When setting of the CPU modeI is finished exchange from the upgrading tooI back to the 01d MF controIIer with correct version of the MF PROM s o Check what kind of AAP moduIe Checkpoint 3 is instaIIed and use the correct microprogram according to CPU modeI Ref overview of the ND SOOO microprograms MARNINC If the updating too ...

Page 58: system Process process communication and synchronization within the operating system as weTT as at the appiication ieveT wiTT be provided by NUCLEUS 3 1 INTRODUCTION TO OCTOBUS HARDWARE The Octobus can be divided into a GTobaT and LocaT Octobus Oniy a device connected to the Giobai Octobus may be MASTER of the octobus chain ATT devices connected to the Octobus chain is given an unique station n...

Page 59: ...r wiTT end up as MASTER and start transmitting refresh signaT XRFO When a MASTER is seTected the Octobus is ready to transfer messages between any of the stations connected to the bus A transfer is initiated by a station when activating the XREQ Tine When the MASTER receives this request it automaticaTTy starts to transmit cTocks XCLK with the frequency specified for the Octobus 1 or 4 MHz ATT req...

Page 60: ...n types c If C 1 the attached information is a controi byte If C 0 the information fieid contain pure data B i If B l a1 stations of specified type shaii accept this message Broadcast If B O oniy the station matching the destination number shaii accept this message Source Station number of transmitting device Information One byte of data Parity The number of 1 s are counted and the two 1east signi...

Page 61: ... to HANDLER ENTRIES This message wiTT immediateiy activate a process in the destination station The destination process wiII receive kick messages from aTI stations and has own datastructure to find reason for activation MULTIBYTE messages routed to OCTOBUS MESSAGE DEVICES OMD This message wiII immediateTy activate a process in the destination station The destination process wiTI receive muItibyte...

Page 62: ... contains source station number The Information fie is decoded as foTTows by the Octobus driver I I F I I I I I 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 O7 06 05 O4 O3 02 Ol 00 C B Best Source E K M S I I I I I 1 O 1 emergency code Emergency msg l O O 1 kick number Kick msg 1 O 0 O O ident no Ident msg l O O O 1 1 0MD no Start muTtibyte message 1 0 O O 1 O OMD no End of muTtibyte message 0 o data byte Part of muTt...

Page 63: number 1 is used in ND5000 CPU to start scan the execution queue MuTtibyte messages wiTT be by the destination process routed to the specified OMD routine In NDSOOO CPU muTtibyte messages with OMD number 3 wiTT be handTed by the ACCess Processor 3 4 OCTOBUS HARDWARE 0N ND5000 CPU The ND5000 CPU is connected to the TocaT octobus in the MF crate LocaT octobus TTL RREO RCLK RFOSC RDAT TDAT I Trans...

Page 64: ... Communication MPM 1ine driver B MF Contr OOOU IUZ C UO 1oca1 octobus N100 Term 0CT02 0CT01 Giobai octobus XREO XCLK XDAT XRFO MF Locai octobus is terminated in the D backpiane OCTO Extention crates Term MF conso A150 see the figure on the next page e Jcanned_by Jonny OddeneiaLSinirarlDaiaflzm1 ...

Page 65: ...Data 2011 Chapter 3 Octobus Communication ND SOOO REAR VIEW Octobus MF CARD CARD CRATE Termination CABLE T0 MF UNE DRIVER W OCI OINTERF ND 1OO CARD CRATE Figure 12 Octobus Cabling On ND 5000 ScannadJay Jonm Oddene for Sjntran Data 2011 47 ...

Page 66: ...t so ever This means that normally i e by delivery the ACCP is not accessible by anyone However when the ND SOOO is not running the ACCP can be used to inspect the memory control store etc and to act as a communication link to the ND SOOO CPU while debugging the hardware To do this a console must be connected in the following way 3 6 1 CONNECTING THE ACCP CONSOLE When eco level 4 on ACCP is done t...

Page 67: ...235 Partno 324195 Samson console maxson A ACCP connection JlA R8232 cable D J2A ND 5000 REAR VIEW Plug card in Position 20 Cable to the ACCP console ND 1 OO CARD CRATE Figure 13 ACCP Console Connection on the Large Cabinet 1 This cable will be delivered together with the new cabinet Its partnumber is 325705 and it is registered in the MPS system as CABL EXT 12 21 22xx Domino This cable will be del...

Page 68: ...ed in the middle on the right side of the cabinet Print 5236 Partno 324196 Samson consoie comson Socket for the ACCP conso plug JlA R5232 cabie J2A Serial iine connector To ND lOO terminai interface Fiat cabie connection Socket for the ACCP console plug V 24 Figure 14 ACCP console Connection on ND 5000 Compact Cabinet Scannedrby Jonny OddeneJOLSiniran Data 2011 ...

Page 69: ...ounted in the rear side of the MF crate OTE When eco level 4 on ACCP is done the ND SOOO Console print has to implemented to enable communicatione with the ACCP from a terminal When you have connected the console type CTRL X on the keyboard to perform a software RESET The display will now look like this ACCP Software Reset performed Communication ACCP NDlOO started Version ACCP Typing HELP will di...

Page 70: ... ACCP executes seTftests it does not answer Octobus commands This command returns a 16 bit status word where the resuTt of each test is refTected in a particuTar bit If a test was successfuTTy compTeted the status bit is 0 otherwise 1 This means that aTT bits shoq be 0 when aTT parts of the seiftest was OK If any part of of the seiftest faiTed the ACCP wiTT toggTe the Master Reset signaT in order ...

Page 71: ...PU type is 2 i e if the CPU modeT is ND 5400 ND SSOO or ND 5700 then this bit is set if the MFbus controTTer has not been initiaTized with proper CPU modeT The bits are aTTocated as foTTows 0 BUS test 1 MIR test 2 CS test 3 START STOP test 4 ARC test 5 ALU test 6 REG test 7 TSB test 8 INSTR CACHE test 9 DATA CACHE test 10 CONTROL CACHE test 11 AAP 12 l3 l4 15 CPU modeT not initiaTized in MF contro...

Page 72: ...M on the ACCP module Tests the main busses on the CPU Tests the Micro Instuction Register on the Mother Board Tests some random Tocations on the ControT Store moduTe Tests that the microprogram can be started and stopped Tests mini arguments Tests short arguments Tests Tong arguments Loads ControT Store with the next tests Tests ACCP communication AOP and FBUS true and faTse ALU operations ALU sta...


Page 74: ...y is accessabTe from microprogram onTy for read in five 32 bits partitions The content may be read consecutiveTy from address zero after CTearing the Trace Address Counter One of the five read actions read C trace wiTT increment the address counter To Tocate the trigger on middTe trace mode a signaT TRIGD trigged is avaiTabTe in the C trace word 4 2 SOFTWARE CONTROL OF THE TRACE MODULE The Trace m...

Page 75: ...programmed trigger A BM02 D SPEC CTRACE CSA Trig when MAR given controI store address csa ACCP Receive trigger from ACCP WIRED Trig when the signai WTRIG_O on connector C7 pin 827 or XTRIG_1 on connector C7 pin 831 present One of these signaIs may be strapped to any signaI WTRIG_0 can be used if trig on Iow condition of a signai is wanted and XTRIG_1 if trig on high conditon csa va1ue ControI stor...

Page 76: ...ntence of the trace memory Ref Examine Trace command WRITE TRACE FILE WRITE TRACE FILE fi1ename comment 1ine fi1ename Any fiiename DefauTt fiTe type is TRAC comment Tine Any free text within 80 characters The text shoq describe the error situation Write the trace data curentTy beeing examined to a file The fiie may Tater be recovered for for further studies Together with the trace data information...

Page 77: ...hows a END trace with CSA trig on 1008 For navigation during trace examination the foTTowing commands may be used Position to next page Position to previous page Move Move to given trig reTative address Trigger Move to trigger address Print Print current page to fiTe Get Seach for pattern Cntr1 P gives back Tast pattern searched for The vaTue X wiTT match any vaTue Exit Exit from examination pictu...

Page 78: ...00 001 4 00101 F80000FF 00000000 00000001 0 70 000000001 0F0 97 00 001 3 00101 F80000FF 00000004 00000001 0 70 000000001 010 97 00 001 2 00100 F80000FF 00000004 00000001 1 70 000000001 010 97 00 001 1 10243 F80000FF 00000004 00000001 1 00 000000001 080 97 00 001 TRIG 10244 F80000FF 00000004 00000001 0 00 000000001 0B0 97 00 001 ScroTT Move Trigger Print E E MAR ControI store address Entry points i...

Page 79: ...ter together with the defect ND 5000 CPU Enter the ND 500 5000 Monitor from user SYSTEM Dump the trace memory N5000 DUMP TRACE MEMORY type E to 90 exit from the examine trace picture Then write the trace dump to a fiie by using the command N5000 WRITE TRACE FILE Fiie namez TRACE DUMP a Comments Prot vioT in PEDd Copy this fiTe to a fTOppy discette and send the discette with the defect ND SOOO CPU ...

Page 80: ...Pd HELP or wiTT give you heTp EXAMINE TRACE MEMORY Examine trace contents READ TRACE FILE Read a trace mem contents from fiTe WRITE TRACE FILE Write contents of trace mem to a fiTe EXIT Leave the program Command2READ TRACE FILEd From fiTe SAVE TRACEa Date 87 11 19 10 41 08 CPU no 191480 Sintran K Rev 05400 Micro program version 11323 MB 2 ALU l AAP 4 IDAC IDA 2 MM 1 CACHE 1 CS 2 MIC 2 ACCP 1 09 b ...

Page 81: ... 00000000001 00000000001 00000024004 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000024014 00000000001 00000024014 00000024014 00000024014 00000024014 AOP 0 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000024004 00000000000 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000001 00000000000 00000000001 00000000001 05003000000 05003000000 050030000...

Page 82: ... sure that all of them are working The other fan trays are of the plug in type which are disconnected from the AC mains when you take them out of the cabinet All fans are of the same type and size The best way to find out if an individual fan is working or not is to pull out the fan tray without first turning off the mains switch As the fans will continue to rotate for a while after they have been...

Page 83: measuring the voltage at the point where the bus bar is connected to the ND 100 crate The drop in voltage from the power supply to the card crate should be below 50 mV and it is not necessary to do any further adjustments A battery pack is located inside the standby power supply DC300 The battery pack is a plug in module fastened by two screws behind the front plate on the right hand side If yo...

Page 84: ... file by the command WRITE TRACE FILE Now you can do a regular floppy dump and send the floppy and a written statment of what really happened together with the defective module to the repair centre 5 5 THE ECO SYSTEM It is now possible to read the current ECO status of the module from the ACCP console or a terminal This is done by typing READ ECO LEVELS in the ACCP command mode or by typing VERSIO...

Page 85: ... fieid and a print status PAL on each baby moduie that is coded to the current ECO ievei which can be read out by SW When we have found the current ECO numbers on each moduie comprised in the NDSOOO CPU we can decide the ECO 1eve1 on the CPU by using the ECO register Ref Service Hand Book To use this correctiy we need to know the rules behind this register and the procedure to determine the ECO 1e...

Page 86: ... number indicated under ECO level Any mismatch here means that you are running a combination of babies that is not tested against each other The ND SOOO CPU should then be exchanged The MB ECO no O33 has to be checked against eco level 036 Here 12a is found on both places and this is legal The ALU 028 must be checked against O36 This is also legal because there is only a dummy D on the C print If ...

Page 87: ...m one 1eve1 to a higher one oniy one ECO is issued 020 020 Introduction of a new PCB CS 029 030 Oniy an ECO on one of the PCBs ALU d print Dummy D on c 021 022 ECO has to be carried out on all PCB versions of a baby moduie MB 02 0188 20 An ECO requires another ECO on another moduie IDA MB Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 201L ...

Page 88: needed to disassemble this module Before removing or replacing cards in the card racks you must remember to turn off the power This is done by turning the key switch on the operator panel OFF When you have earthed yourself using the wrist strap you can pull the relevant card out of the crate After having installed a new card you must make sure that this one is working better by running the same...

Page 89: ...e The box is marked with the CPU type part number and ECO TeveT It is especiaTTy important that the CPU does not Teave this packaging before it is to be instaTTed in a machine OTE You must earth yourseTf to the cabinet before you touch the CPU card The defective CPU must be pTaced in the packaging together with trace dump fToppy and error messages and sent to the CentraT Repair Centre Figure 16 Th...

Page 90: ...on and go to step 4 Ref ND lOO WILL NOT Y STEP 4 N RESPOND AT ALL in PossibTe to operate 0 ND lOO Maint ManuaT in STOP mode Ref ND 100 STOPPED 0R HANGING 0N LEVEL DIFFERENT FROM 14 in Y STEP 5 N ND lOO Maint Manuai I E Active TeveT l4 O S J _ I Ref ND 100 STOPPED 0R HANGING 0N LEVEL 14 in ND lOO Maint ManuaT 41 Ref N0 RESPONSE FROM 1 CERTAIN TERMINALS in Y STEP 6 N ND lOO Maint ManuaT E SINTRAN re...

Page 91: ...OL STORE l 6 9 11 I l O O C P U E OCTO ACCESS 4 12 E BUS MODULE I 2 10 3 E ACCP 8 MF input output DISK CONTROLL registers C SzDATA CONTROL STORE 2 CPU Data M BABY MODULE fie1d F extension M E M O 2 R MFB CHANNEL X5ACCPBUF Y CONTROLLER to buffer used for transfer of 1arge amount of data 1 pg Numbers in parenthesis refers to the different states in the flow chart diagram on the next two pages Scanne...

Page 92: ... telling ACCP to load that page to CS The ACCP reads from 7 ACCPBUF does a parity check and writes to CS End Of File No Possible error 500 MONITOR NOT INITIALIZED Possible error ERROR IN MEMORY CONFIGURATION Possible error ERROR IN VERIFYING PARA POINTER Z Possible error ND lOO ERRORS FIRST PAGE YES 1 If first page ND lOO fill in 4 some parameters PST CNTXT BL The ACCP will count number of 1 and r...

Page 93: ...ADING CONTROL STORE Ioading has went out OK i Z PossibIe error 9 Start Microprogram LOADING COMPLETED STARTING MIC PROG FAILED I 10 Reading CPU mode PossibIe error from controIIer Z l PossibIe error 11 Enable Kick LOADING COMPLETED STARTING MIC PROG FAILED 12 Read Microprogram Version PossibIe error LOADING COMPLETED READING MICROPROGRAM VERSION FAILED Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sin rran Data 0 7...

Page 94: ... interfaces via OCTOBUS If one or more NSOOO s are found MASTER CLEAR on NSOOU and reset ACCP is performed on the identified CPU s This wiii initiate a short NSOOO CPU seiftest The iowest byte in CPU df variabie CPUAVAILABLE is updated according to configuration If no CPU is found the user wiii be denied access to ND SOO MONITOR and an error message wiii be given Action Possibie error could be on ...

Page 95: ... commands ACCP RUN SHORT SELFTEST A short version of the seTftest is started approx 20 sec ACCPzRUN LONG SELFTESTa or from ND SOO SOOO Monitor by the command ND 5000 RUN SELFTEST Start the fuTT seTftest of the ND SOOO CPU This test takes appr 3 minutes and in addition to the Master Ciear jliZest it incTudes a thorough test of control store and ND 50002MASTER CLEARd Perform a master clear message v...

Page 96: ... SOO SOOO MONITOR Version 101 87 9 l 87 9 17 ND 5000 seiftest faiied in SB ALU test NSOOO The foiiowing command can be used to reset the the ND SOOO CPU ND SOOO RESET CPU This wiii perform a reset CPU message via the Octobus to the ND SOOO The ACCP wiii be reinitiated This command wi11 reset the ND SOOO CPU if the seiftest has faiied and the red indicator on the edge of the motherboard OTE If the ...

Page 97: ...s in an error message mentioned abowe If the ND SOOO CPU don t receive any CPU mode from the controIIer caused by octobus communication probIems this wiII be reported to the ACCP consoIe Action Connect an terminai as ACCP consoI This may give more information about the reason for the troubIe PossibIe errormessages from ACCP consoI could be MF Bus controIIer not found on octobus station 2 7 I Actio...

Page 98: ...make the system run wiTT be performed automaticaiiy This sequence wiTT contain the foiiowing Load controT store func 37 inciuding a reset on ND SOOO CPU and a verification of memory addresses in communication with ACCP ACCP function Verify Parameter Pointer A 2Kb buffer in the MF memory is used for transfering The pointer to this page XSACCPBUF is found in the negative part of the dummy message 17...

Page 99: ...lace the 5000 CPU Then the microprogram is started The microprogram asks WHO AM I If wrong CPU model set from the MF consol and the correct microprogram is loaded CPU I will run as a slow version of 5200 CPU II will run as 5400 CPU III will run as 5400 If the correct microprogram version is used Set the correct CPU model by using the updating tool Perform the command MASTER CLEAR Reload Control St...

Page 100: ... store the error coq be caused by errors in CONTROL STORE DATA The timeout error is expTained under N500 5000 TIMEOUT in this troubTe shooting chapter Priority Copy a new microprogram version to CONTROL STORE DATA on disk Exchange 5000 CPU Run a memory test from ND lOO Test communication from NDSOOO to memory Run memory test from MF consoT If the error is stiTT not soTved Took at the expTanations ...

Page 101: ... You wiii aiso find an expianation of each error message and advice for troubTe shooting procedures Error messages See page FATAL SYSTEM ERROR NDSOOO HARDWARE FAULT PAGE FAULT PROTECT VIOLATION INDEX SCALING ERROR ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION CODE INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ERROR ILLEGAL OPERAND SPECIFIER TRAP HANDLER MISSING Table 9 Survey of ND 5000 error messages Scanned by lnnny Oddene fnr Sin rran Data 7011...

Page 102: ...e N500 driver System Monitor or by the Swapper ATT processes running in ND SOOO wiTT be aborted The error message aiways the heading 1 Tine FATAL SYSTEM ERRU Second Tine of the error message ND 500 5000 time out Time out impossibie to terminate ND SOO SOOO FataT error from System Monitor FataT error from Swapper Scanned by Jenny OddeneiaLSiniranDaia 2011 7 The Swapper Stopped ...

Page 103: in time which is due to ND5000 hardware problems 1 If this problem occures during normal runtime on the ND 5000 c Find the extended datafield Ref Appendix Look at location x55ema If x55ema 0 Look at the location x5proc If x5proc a process number then it means that neither ND SOOO microprogram or ND 100 has reserved the execution queue and a process was executing macro code Use the command LOOK ...

Page 104: ... this is the case may be something wrong with System monitor or the NDSOO driver ND lOO CPU or memory If xprocNo 1 to 4 The ND SOOO microprogram has reserved the execution queue If this is the case may be something wrong with ND SOOO CPU System monitor or the NDSOO driver MF memory 0 Take a Memtof dump of the situation 2 If this probiem occures during start up of ND SOOO See chapter about error wh...

Page 105: ...r message be written on the Error device 20 08 12 35 Nd 500 5000 CPU 1 process 1 SYSTEfllTERHINAL SZ Time out impossible to terminate ND 500 5000 Explaination This error occures when ND lOO sends a terminate message to ND SOOO CPU and the ND SOOO does t respond within certain time limit at present approx 0 6 sec Action Same as for Time out message Scanned by Jonny Oddene for SintranData 2011 ...

Page 106: ...tion If this error occures during startup of the ND SOOO it is because the system monitor detects that something is wrong when initializing the Swapper load Swapper or starting the Swapper However if this error occures during processing the system monitor has found an error in the system tables Possible errors could be 0 The system monitor has been corrupted 0 Error in memory configuration 0 Error...

Page 107: ... Error code 2070B The Swapper stopped Explaination The ND SOO driver detects a fataT trap in the message buffer If the current process is the Swapper process process No 0 the trap is fataT for the system The swapper is stopped and the error message wiTT be written The reason for the stop is given in the third Tine of the error message and can be one of the error situations Tisted beTow 0 PAGE FAUL...

Page 108: ...age HARDWARE FAULT 0 Check that the internaT hardware tracer has trigged If so cTear the FERROR fTag and dump trace memory to a fiTe 0 Proceed with step 2 ATso see the HARDWARE FAULT error message ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION CODE o Check that the internaT hardware tracer has trigged If so cTear the FERROR fTag and dump trace memory to a fiTe o 60 to step 2 to find the instruction that caused the error A15...

Page 109: ...FERROR fIag and dump trace memory to a fiIe 0 Go to step 2 to find the instruction that caused the error AIso see the INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE error message INDEX SCALING ERROR 0 Check that the internal hardware tracer has trigged If so ciear the FERROR fIag and dump trace memory to a fiIe 0 See the INDEX SCALING error message Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sin rran Data C 7011 ...

Page 110: ...TAL SYSTEM ERRORS occur The fTag is cTeared Tike this LOOK AT S3DPIT READY 4227 nnnnnn nnnnnn IZ yyyyyy yyyyyy l3l 2070 2 Now you can use the LOOK AT REGISTER command on the swapper process from the ND SOO Monitor Log in as user SYSTEM and do as described beTow N500 ATTACH PROCESS 04 N500 LOOK AT REGISTER P P XXXXXXXXXXXé P1 xxxxxxxxxxx Féiling instruction N500 EXIT J Scannexiby JonnyVVOddeneiaLSi...

Page 111: ...or error FiTe system error ND SOOO hardware error InternaT error in the swapper ND lOO hardware error A iist of sub error codes is found in the appendix Action 0 Record aii ND 5000 activity that was active when this error occured NSOOO LIST ACTIVE SEGMENT 2 d A11 active segments for each process are printed out even the swapper process 0 Ciear the FERROR fiag by doing the foTTowing LOOK AT S3DPI I...

Page 112: ...ran Data 2011 94 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 0 Exchange the ND SOOO CPU and start up the system to see if the probiem is soived by exchanging the CPU 0 If not the dump should be investigated __Scanned by Jonny OddeneiQLSinitanDaia 2011 ...

Page 113: ...64143 Physical segment 8D HR 13771B ACCP status 627508 BADAP 140B An Error message will in addition to the user error message be written on the Error device 20 08 12z35 Nd SOO SOOO CPU 1 process 1 SYSTEM TERMINAL 52 ND SOO SOOO trap number 51B at 1000000031B ND 500 5000 Hardwar fault An error message will also be written on the console connected to the MF bus controller MFBUS BUSERROR HEMORYCYCLE ...

Page 114: ... been locked neither the Logical address or the HR register From these registers the following information can be found Program address What kind of instruction ACCP status Data Program reference BADAP status Memory timeout parity error MMS status Memory timeout parity error during look up in MMS tables WR register Failing physical page address during look up in MMS tables The slot number in the e...

Page 115: ...ith the HWF info Continue scan the Go IDLE execution queue In case that a muiti byte message is sent the error message that wiTT be written on the error device and have the foiiowing Tayout 20 08 12 35 Nd SOO SOOO CPU 1 process 1 SYSTEMlTERMINAL SZ Memory error detected by the ND 5000 Micro program Process no 1B Trapping P 100000000258 Restart P 100000000253 Trap no SIB MMS sts 000055160753 Log ad...

Page 116: there is other probIems occuring in this MF bus as weTT However the detection curcuit on NDSOOO CPU may have failed If so change the NDSOOO CPU In case of Memory timeout _ S_czauned by Jonny_Qddene_iQLSjnitanJlaia QZQH a To big physicai address in the MF bus suppTied by the NDSOOO CPU This coq be a hardware as weTT as a software probTem The Tink addresses in the message queue coq be wrongTy upd...

Page 117: ...n the MF bus a hardware problem in the ND SOOO CPU may have been the reason for that the physical page address in the PST has been wrongly updated by the Swapper process earlier 0 Bad memory board in the MF bus By looking at the error message from the MFB controller the slave slot number will point out the memory module in the MF crate NOTE The internal hardware tracer will in case of Hardware fau...

Page 118: ...DECODER pre 21 08 87 k Status on CPU type 5800 CPU number 16408 Operating syst SINTRAN III VSX SOO K Revision 144205 LocaT CPU NDllO CX 16PITS 32 Pp Mic program ver 70 Main CPU NDSOOO Mic program ver 14213D System part 87 5 29 Rev K04 Swapper 87 07 03 LocaT memory 56320 Kbytes Shared memory 163840 Kbytes Register biock 000004440008 phys ND5000 addr Phys Seg Tab1e 000006440008 phys N05000 addr READ...

Page 119: Address 010004664148 MMS Status reg 000000000058 No trap indicated in MMSTSI POFF read request Physicai Address 131377764148 13884 Kbyte Phys page 154368 Phys Segment no 0000108 Physica page WR 0137718 ACCP status ASTS 0627508 BADAP status 1408 Memory timeout Genera Buffer pointer 054 0320008 Scanned by lnnny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 101 ...

Page 120: ... segment If that is the case then it depends if the process that issued the Page FauTt trap has a TocaT trap handTer to take care of a Programmed trap conditon or not when further action is going to be taken If the a TocaT trap handTer for Programmed trap condition excist and is TocaTTy enabTed the Swapper wiTT set the Programmed trap bit in the ST1 register for trapping process This wiTT cause a ...

Page 121: ...NT STATUS 227000061003 CPU trap 1r Zero in PST This message depends on trap type The following can be read from the error message abowe A Page Fault trap condition has occured at program address 1 2257B from NDSOOO CPU when reference to logical program address 1 20035318 was attemted The logical page number 20035318 40008 4008 was outside the program segment The physical segment number used for ac...

Page 122: ...ered the ND SOO SOOO Monitor the ATTACH PROCESS command can be used to connect to the failing process Then the foiiowing prosedure can be used N500 LOOK AT PROGRAH program address 200B PX xxxxxxxxxB instruction Px xxxxxxxxs instruction causing the trap Px xxxxxxxxxB instruction EXIT J 0 Then dump the foiiowing registers for the faiiing process N500 LOOK AT REGISTER P xxxxxxxxxxxxB L xxxxxxxxxxxxB ...

Page 123: ...e following prosedure If the error message is PROGRAMMED TRAP you should rerun the program with programmed trap disabled DEBUG PLACE program LOCAL TRAP DISABLE PROGR TRAP RUN I Now one of the error messages mentioned above should appear like ADDRESS OUTSIDE DATA SEGMENT PAGE FAULT At program address 1 22423 Logical address 1 10244608 Physical segment 58D MEMORY MANAGEMENT STATUS 227010160008 If yo...

Page 124: ...ind the start address of the program and look at the program from the start address and search for the first c311 to a subroutine Put a break point just after this cai Start the program The program wii then stop at the breakpoint Then disabie the iocai trap handier and reset the breakpoint and continue the process When the trap condition occure the trap wi11 be reported to the ND 500 5000 Monitor ...

Page 125: ...hysicai segment 690 MEMORY MANAGEMENT STATUS 267072170008 N500 WHO 1 USED BY SYSTEM 2 USED BY SYSTEM 3 USED BY TEST 4 USED BY TEST The faiTing process is process 4 N500 LOOK AT REGISTER P a P 10000022378 p 1 22373 w STZ B 0 OB W1 REG 11 a 11 100000008 B a B 10000000443 EY u N500 The effective address in the instruction is 8 30 Il 4 1 44 308 100000008 4 lOOOOODO44B 3OB 4000OOOOB Eff address 1040000...

Page 126: ...ampie register 11 has been wrongiy updated eariier in the program OTE If the logicai address found in the message buffer is not equai to the effective address the error is probably caused by a hardware fault You shouid then suspect the ND SOOO CPU ScannedbydonnyflddeneiQLSinitanData 201 1 ...

Page 127: ...laination When trying to access a non existing TogicaT segment in the domain for a process a Protect Vioiation trap condition occures If writing to a Togicai segment is attemted without having the write permitted bit set in the capabiTity for this TogicaT segment a Protect VioTation trap condition occures If ALT prefix is used in accessing a TogicaT segment on one domain from another is attemted w...

Page 128: ...age abowe will be written In addition the microprogram will trig the internal hardware tracer The tracer will contain valid information about the trap condition From the error message below we can read A Protect violation has occured at program address 1 22378 from NDSOOO CPU in MF crate position 6 The protect violation trap occured on a data write accress to logical segment number 0 address 248 l...

Page 129: ...ailing program address From faiTing program address 2008 up to the faiTing program address A termina with a hardcopy printer may be used for this purpose If another terminaT have to be used for this purpose then after Tog in prosedure and entered the ND 500 5000 Monitor the ATTACH PROCESS command can be used to connect to the faiTing process Then the foTTowing prosedure can be used N500 LOOK AT PR...

Page 130: ...d by the ND SOO SOOO Monitor If the failing program is a Fortran program then local handling of the trap condition in the program may be omitted by the following prosedure N5000 DEBUG PLACE failing program N5000 LOCAL TRAP DISABLE PROT VIOLATIONd N5000 RUN When the Protect Violation trap condition occure it will be reported to the ND SOO SOOO Monitor as described abowe The internal hardware tracer...

Page 131: for Sintran Data 2011 Chapter 6 Troub1eshooting 113 reported to the ND 500 5000 Monitor and the interna tracer W111 trig The action to be taken is the same as done in point 1 Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 132: ...gicaT address What is the MMS status What is the program address If Protect VioTation on the data channei 0 Check MMSTS register in the error message If the capabiTity is zero then proseed but if it is Write or ATt Protect VioTation then the capbiiity may be set wrongTy by Sintran 0 Check what kind of addressing mode is used 0 Get the contents of the invoTved registers B register R register Pre in...

Page 133: ...sed in the address calculation has been wrongly updated before in the program It could still be a hardware fault on the ND SOOO CPU If Protect Violation on the program channel Get the failing process and the instruction causing the GY Y OY If the instruction is one of the following the CALL CALLG JUMPG GO RETx IF cond GO calling or jump address is wrongly calculated If RETx instruction the return ...

Page 134: ...EMENT STATUS 250070174728 CPU trap Zero in capabiiity tabTe DMM and write PV DATA Write request PhysicaT address 0 577554008 Physica segment 00 NR 5408 NSOOO LOOK AT PROGRAM 1 37 a P1 378 D1 IND B 024B REG By B 1000000004B EX a Now you can caTcuTate the effective address to the Tocation where the indirect address is stored B 248 l 4 24 1 30 Get the indirect address NSOOO LOOK AT DATA 1 30 6 D 1 30...

Page 135: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Chapter 6 Troub1eshoot1ng 117 The logica1 address in this case has been wron1y ca1cu1ated in the ND SOOO CPU Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sin rran Data 2011 ...

Page 136: ... 20 08 12 35 Nd 500 5000 CPU 1 process 1 SYSTEHJTERMINAL SZ ND 500 5000 trap number 408 at 1000001062B ND SOO SOOO Index Scaling error Explaination In post index addressing mode one of the index registers contains the post index H1 B ZOB R2 In this instruction INDEX REGISTER 2 I2 contains the index The scaTing of the post index is dependent of the data type of the instruction In the instruction ab...

Page 137: ... the ND 500 5000 Monitor the ATTACH PROCESS command can be used to connect to the faiTing process Then the foTTowing prosedure can be used N500 LOOK AT PROGBAM program address 200B Px xxxxxxxxxB instruction Px xxxxxxxxs instruction causing the trap Px xxxxxxxxxB instruction EXIT I 0 Then dump the foTTowing registers for the faiTing process N500 I OOl I BEGIS I ER J P xxxxxxxxxxxxB L xxxxxxxxxxxxB ...

Page 138: ... also have trigged If hower the program initializes its own local traphandlers which is very common for the most of the subsystems like NOTIS PED SIBAS etc then it may be complicated to get more detail about the trap condition Usually the local traphandlers are set up in one of the first subroutines in the program Debug place the failing program Find the start address of the program and look at th...

Page 139: ...e instruction N500 LOOK AT PROGRAM 1 1062 d P 1 106232N MOVE B O34B S B 124B Wl E5 0 Use the LOOK AT REGISTER command to find the post index register If the content of this register is OK the error condition is caused by a hardware error N500 LOOK AT REGISTER I1 Il 172000000008 EX a The data type is word W so the contents of 11 must be muTtipTied with 4 That means shifting two positions to the Tef...

Page 140: ...he microprogram wiII issue an ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION CODE if it is a priviIeged instruction and the PIA bit in Status register 1 is not set it is a SP instruction and the BPT trap is disabIed mapping to a entry which is not defined 1 If the trap has been reported to the monitor as exampIe abowe then 0 Dump the internaI hardware trace moduIe to a fiIe Ref ND SOOO Trace ModuIe chapter 0 Write down or g...

Page 141: ...ormation described abowe The sTot position from the error message can be used to Tocate the faiiing ND SOOO CPU in the MF crate in case there is a ND 5900 system with more than one ND 5000 CPU 0 Run the same program on the new ND SOOO CPU to see if the probiem is soived or not If the exchange of ND SOOO CPU does not soive the probTem then it may be the dataway from the memory to the ND SOOO CPU wh...

Page 142: the program Debug piece the faiTing program Find the start address of the program and Took at the program from the start address and search for the first caii to a subroutine Put a break point just after this caTT Start the program The program wiii then stop at the breakpoint Then disabie the TocaT trap handTer and reset the breakpoint and continue the process When the trap condition occure the...

Page 143: ...CTION CODE At program address 1 1062B From CPU in slot position 6D Use the LOOK AT PROGRAM command to get the instruction N500 LOOK AT PROGRAM 1 1062 P 1 10628 DB EX In this case the program address has been wrongly caicuiated It is most 1ikeiy that it is a hardware fauit on the ND SOOO CPU Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data c 2011 ...

Page 144: ...o cases 1 If a CALL or CALLG instruction is decoded by the ND SOOO CPU the next instruction has to be an ENTx instruction eise an ISE trap condition ocure 2 If the ND SOOO CPU decodes an ENTx instruction and the previous instruction was not a CALL or CALLG instruction an ISE trap condition ocure If this trap condition is not handied by a TocaT traphandier in the process the interna Hw tracer wiTT ...

Page 145: ... a floppy o Exchange the ND SOOO CPU with a new one and put the failing ND SOOO CPU into the box together with the floppy with the trace dump and a hardcopy of the error message and the information described abowe The slot position from the error message can be used to locate the failing ND SOOO CPU in the MF crate incase there is a ND 5900 system with more than one ND SOOO CPU 0 Run the same prog...

Page 146: ...the program Debug place the failing program Find the start address of the program and look at the program from the start address and search for the first call to a subroutine Put a break point just after this call Start the program The program will then stop at the breakpoint Then disable the local trap handler and reset the breakpoint and continue the process When the trap condition occures the t...

Page 147: ...e INSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ERROR At program address 1 1062B From CPU in slot position 6D Use the LOOK AT PROGRAM command to get the instruction N500 LOOK AT PROGRAM 1 1062 a P 1 10628 CALL 1 200203 03 1 20020 P 1 200208 W1 R 208 g5 Instruction in address 1 20020 shouid be an ENTX Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 ...

Page 148: ...s destination ALT prefix on routine argument Type conflict between instr and operands non constant number of arguments to CALL and polynomial instructions If register or constant operands in TSET and RDUS instructions 1 If the trap has been reported to the monitor as example abowe then 0 Dump the internal hardware trace module to a file Ref ND SOOO Trace Module chapter 0 Write down or get a hardco...

Page 149: ...the error message can be used to Tocate the faiTing ND SOOO CPU in the MF crate incase there is a ND 5900 system with more than one ND SOOO CPU Run the same program on the new ND SOOO CPU to see if the probTem is soTved or not If the excnange of ND SOOO CPU does not soTve the probiem it might be something wrong with the dataway to the ND SOOO CPU The faiTing moduTe coq then be To A memory board MF...

Page 150: ... program Debug place the failing program Find the start address of the program and look at the program from the start address and search for the first call to a subroutine Put a break point just after this call Start the program The program will then stop at the breakpoint Then disable the local trap handler and reset the breakpoint and continue the process When the trap condition occure the trap ...

Page 151: ...6D Use the LOOK AT PROGRAM command to get the instruction N500 LOOK AT PROGRAM 1 1062 d P l 1062B W MOVE B 20 ZOOB El In this situation an attemt to write into a constant is done This couid be a program error or the program address has been wrongiy caicuiated It is most iikeiy that it is a hardware fault on the ND SOOO CPU if the program has run through ok before SranneiWJonnwddeneioLSiniranflaia 2...

Page 152: ...iece of the program Each eTement contains the start address of a trap handTer routine in the program memory The Nth eTement of this array must ho the start address of the trap routine to handTe the Nth trap condition If the contents of the THA register Trap N 4 0 the microprogram wiTT issue a Trap HandTer Missing message to the NDSOO SOOO Monitor Trap N is in the range 9 36D ref ND 05 009 NSOO Ref...

Page 153: ...nd in the message buffer location 628 relative byte address to the link location Action 1 If the trap has been reported to the monitor as example abowe then 0 Dump the internal hardware trace module to a file Ref ND SOOO Trace Module chapter o Write down or get a hardcopy of the error message 0 Have this program run through before without this error and no relinking or any modification has been do...

Page 154: ...m is stiTT present The Trace dump shoq be investigated If NO 2 There couid be a program error or a Tinking probTem Try to reTink the domain by the Linkage Loader Rerun the program If the domain is linked to Tibrary segments and these Tibrary segments are repTaced with new revitions this trap may occure If the probTem is stiTT present Reioad the Tibrary segments used by this process and reTink the ...

Page 155: ...m is still present 0 Reload the library segments used by this process and relink the program If the problem is still present 0 Exchange the ND SOOO CPU with a new one and put the failing ND SOOO CPU into the box together with the floppy with the trace dump and a hardcopy of the error message and the information described abowe 0 Run the same program on the new ND SOOO CPU to see if the problem has...

Page 156: ... done the DEBUG PLACE must be used N5000 DEBUG PLACE domain name a By using the LOOK AT commands it is possibTe to dispTay and modify registers and Tocations in program and data memory An address in the current domain is specified as segment no segment reTative address 7 1 DEBUGGING COMMANDS 7 2 LOOK AT PROGRAM o LOOK AT PROGRAM address domain This command dispTays and modifies program memory or p...

Page 157: ... 7 5 LOOK AT STACK o LOOK AT STACK The current TocaT datafie is dispTayed This is the memory area pointed to by the current B register and contains the subroutine caTT information The sub commands PREV and NEXT can be used to dispTay previous stack or next stack 7 6 LOOK AT RELATIVE o LOOK AT RELATIVE reTative to Starts Tisting of data memory reTative to either the contents of the R register B reg...

Page 158: ...r File 4 K x 32 bit memory on the ND SOOO cpu from the specified address Ref Appendix Allocation of SRF register 7 9 LOOK AT RESIDENT MEMORY o LOOK AT RESIDENT MEMORY address Examine physical location in shared memory from the specified address Address 0 is the start of shared memory This command is previlege and can only be done from user SYSTEM ___Scauned by JonnyOddeneiaLSinitanDaia 201_1___ ...

Page 159: ...N USER LINKAGE LOAD HOO DSEG If process number is 2 then aii segments for a1 processes are dispiayed This may oniy be done from user SYSTEM 7 11 SET BREAKPOINTS o BREAK address count This command sets a breakpoint at the specified address If a positive number is specified for the count argument the breakpoint wi11 be passed count l times before reaction When the breakpoint is reached the execution...

Page 160: ... 11mit2 If no Timits are given any modification of the Tocation specified causes a guard vioiation error and the program is terminated If one or two Timits are specified the vaTue of the specified Tocation is checked against this range If the vaTue is outside this range there is a conditionai guard vioTation and the program is terminated This command uses the LL and HL registers Tocated in the IDU...

Page 161: ...andTing for that trap condition If ALL is specified aTT traps wi11 be iocaiy disab1ed The OTE register wiTT be cTeared 7 15 PROGRAM EXECUTION CONTROL o RUN This command wiTi restart the program from the beginning 0 CONTINUE This command restarts the execution of the program at the current program counter 0 STEP step start execut start count SingTe step If no parameter is given the instruction poin...

Page 162: ...oprogram the ACCP program the ECO 1eve1 on every baby moduie on NDSOOO CPU ND 5000 VERSION SUBSYSTEM PART 87 9 l REV IOl SYSTEM PART 87 9 17 SWAPPER REV IO3 MICRO PROGRAM 11323 ACCP VERSION 87 11 27 E0 Moduie MB 2 ALU 1 AAP 4 IDA 2 MMS 1 CS 2 CACHE 1 MIC 1 ACCP 1 ECO no 12a 2c 2a 5a 30c 3b 2b 0d 5c From the microprogram version the fo110wing may be decoded zzxyy L yy Microprogram revision 1eve1 0 ...

Page 163: ...5400 000000 ND 500 register b10ck 005524 000124 WORD ND lOO 00013000000 00013250000 00013350000 00013246000 BYTE ND 500 00000000000 00000520000 00000720000 00000514000 NDSOOO page Physica segment tab1e 005564 000164 NIP PGU tab1e 005523 000123 NDlOO page 0 Loca ND100 memory 5400 5523 WIP PGU buffer 123 5524 Register b1ock 124 Shared MF memory 5564 Physicai Segment tab1e 164 200008 7 20 FORCED STOP...

Page 164: ...00 01000463634 01000463604 00000177400 00000000040 00000002001 01000464343 00000000054 00017777777 02104210420 SRF13 11022000003 SRFl7 00000000040 B 01000463604 L 01000072036 R 01000224210 X2 01000250374 X3 00000000034 X4 01000224374 A2 00000000000 A3 00000000000 A4 00000000000 E2 00000000000 E3 00000000000 E4 00000000000 5C2 00000000054 SC3 00000000000 8C4 00000000000 SC6 01000224210 SC7 00000000...

Page 165: ...LE 100030 000000 000000 000000 0000000 050000 100000 001340 UNEOUALITY FOUND AT 000016 CONT STORE 100030 000000 000000 000000 0000000 050000 100000 020000 FILE 100030 000000 000000 000000 0000000 050000 100000 001340 NOTE This command doesn t function with ND SOO SOOO Monitor version I o MICRO START address This command starts the execution of the ND SOOO microprogram at the specified address 7 24...

Page 166: ...tested by sending the address of the ACCP buffer located in the muTtiport memory to the ACCP and verify that the System monitor and the ACCP agrees on the Tocation of the buffer This command brings the ND SOOO out of a hangup situation After this command has been issued the centre store has to be Toaded o RUN SELFTEST The Tong seiftest wiTT started on the ND SOOO cpu The comand is previiege and a1...

Page 167: ...wiTT be inhibited WRITE THROUGH DATA SMART IF GO PROGRAM Use Write Through Data cache Inhibit NICO mode Appiies to the instruction cache 7 26 ATTACH ANOTHER PROCESS o ATTACH PROCESS Process no The PROCESS NO is the number of the process with which communication is desired DefauTt is the current process that is connected to the termina The commands LOOK AT and RUN wiTT be routed to the specified pr...

Page 168: ...ICS 8 1 1 DEFINITIONS Testsystem is a coTTection of 1 256 tests A testsystem is started by the command RUN Test is the smaTTest unit which is visibTe to the user A test is started by the command TEST Subtest is a part of the test some tests consist of severaT subtests The subtest is invisibTe to the user 8 1 2 SWITCHES ON THE CACHE SEMICS is abTe to detect whether the cache moduTe is present or no...

Page 169: ...ust start the monitor 1 Log in as user SYSTEM 2 Type the foTTowing NDSOOO SEMICS TPE VION 1 00 F HOG J When the TPE monitor has started it wiTT identify itseTf with this heading TPE Monitor ND IOO ND 110 Version lnn yyyy mm dd The TPE monitor is now ready to accept your commands NOTE When the TPE monitor is running you can Toad the testprogram Load ND5000 SEMICS SEMICS J The testprogram wiTT ident...

Page 170: ...o reserve memory for test purposes Each testsystem contains one or severe tests max 256 These tests are numbered from 1 to n where n is the number of the Tast test in the testsystem THE INITIAL PARAMETER VALUES SEMICS uses severaT parameters to centre the testing Some of these parameters must be set according to the hardware configuration of the system The command INVESTIGATE AND RESERVE wiTT find...

Page 171: ...2 FiTes accessed through TPE commands such as MODE wiTT be searched under user SYSTEM RUNNING MICROTESTS The microtests are divided into testsystems Each testsystem consists of one or several tests Each test can be executed with one two three or four different types of input data When running a test severaT repetitions can be executed for each input type Different sets of inputs wiTT be used in ea...

Page 172: an inconsistency between the memory configuration information given to the ND SOOO background monitor and the real physicai memory configuration inciuding aiso switch settings In some cases there couid of course aiso be a reaI HW probiem on the boards invoived When you get the message ERROR IN MEMORY CONFIGURATION try the foiiowing hints a Restart the ND SOOO MONITOR and give the command ND SOO...

Page 173: ...EMICS you must return the CPU to the ND repair center Then pTease incTude a fiTe containing the error messages from SEMICS where the errors were detected This fiTe is caTTed LOG FILE SYMB Output from SEMICS can be assembied on the fiTe by using the TPE commands SET PRINTEH FILE SET PRINTER MODE The foTTowing exampTe iTTustrates how to direct output from SEMICS to the terminaT and to the fiTe LOG F...

Page 174: ...duie caTTed bootstrap Instructions are executed and status registers and memory ceiis affected by the instruction or operation are compared against expected data If they match the instruction or operation is assumed to work correctiy and the test proceeds If any error is detected aii reievant error information is saved and can be dispiayed upon request The verification system is mainiy intended to...

Page 175: ...est wiTT NOT test the different instructions under aTT conditions such as page fauTt TSB miss cache miss PXING etc Therefore an instruction which is tested by the verification test may faiT in another program where some of the externaT conditions are different Scanned by lnnny Oddpnp fnr QintranLataQ 2011 ...

Page 176: ...estprograms Tinked together ready for execution and a1 the fiies necessary to run the verification system System Initiation Log in as user NSOO VERIFY DOM 13 24 24 9 JUNE 1987 SINTRAN III VSX SOO VERSION K ENTER NSOO VERIFY DOM d PASSWORD A OK Enter the ND SOO ND SOOO monitor ND a NO SOOO MONITOR VERSION XXX NO SOOO Activate the verification system DESMODUR ND SOOO DESMODUR a _Scanned by Jonny Odd...

Page 177: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Chapter 8 Test and Utih ty programs 159 ND SOOO VERIFICATION SYSTEM VERSION 87 01 27 Shannpd Q1 lnnny Oddpnp fnr Sin rmn Data 0 9011 ...

Page 178: ...the defauTt directive is shown on the right in parentheses character can be used to correct any incorrect directive given it deTetes aTT directives given and restarts the request sequence NumericaT input must be ended with CR Non numericaT must not be ended with CR but the moduTe name must be ended with CR If an improper directive is given is printed and the request is repeated The Testrun Paramet...


Page 180: ...ghly tested Apart from those modules testing string instructions all test modules ignore the testrun speed and always execute with a complete set of test conditions MAXIMUM 377B NUMBER OF ERRORS ALLOWED OCTAL 377 Total number of errors that is accepted during the testrun If exceeded the testrun is aborted and a message is printed on the terminal CPU TYPE ND 500 G ND 5000 S or ND SOOO w 570 FP X G ...

Page 181: ...ator may continue execution of the testprogram or restart the current test module The operator can continue in the current module as long as the maximum number of errors is not exceeded or the end of the module reached In these cases he can only restart the module He can place and start the next test module in the testrun by typing RESUME MACRO When an error has occured it is important collect as ...

Page 182: ...environment such as Cache miss hit TSB miss hit PagefauTts restarting Word aTigning PXING etc 0 Lack of testing with CONSTANTS Because these wiTT become a part of the instruction code these operands wiTT be routed through other parts of the hardware and wiTT therefore test other parts of the system The purpose of FLOTILJE is to fiTT this gap in the testing of the fToating instruction set A descrip...

Page 183: ...perands Specify fixed test data If you want to loop on certain test data you may specify these as 3 2 octal values of 11 digits each See example of the use of this command under the section Running FLOTILJE Pass instructions You may skip instructions that you don t want to test This may be done if you notice that a certain instruction fails and you want to loop and check the other instructions wit...

Page 184: ... error information wiTT be dispIayed The test run wiTT continue using the faiIing data set as test pattern OPTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENT The HIT TEST FACTOR parameter can be set from 0 to 4 o 0 The operands in the data memory wiTI aTTways be in the cache 0 1 The operands wiTI first be tested with CACHE HIT then with CACHE MISS c 2 The operands wiTT be tested with CACHE HIT CACHE MISS and DUMP DIRTY on c...


Page 186: ... is possible to log errors to a fiie by using the MODE command in sintran The startup procedure and the parameters must of course be specified on the input fiie How to 109 errors to the file LOG FILE SYMB is expiained beiow MODE input fiie LOG FILE SYMB a ficanned by Jenny OddeneioLSlniran Data _20_1_1___ ...

Page 187: ... exerciser consist of four different fragments Fragment 1 uses simpie macro instruction executed in a way that creates predefined pipeline situations Fragment 2 exercises different addressing modes in different pipeiine situations Fragment 3 tests instructions before and after exceptions trap situations are used Fragment 4 combines a set of heavy instructions and addr modes 9PannedJAAJonnyilddenei...

Page 188: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 _S amned by Jenny OddeneIOLSlniran Data MOM i ...

Page 189: ...m will stop and you have the possibility of examining registers LOOP COUNTER Total number of loops in a testrun TESTRUN MODE E ERROR MESSAGE B BREAK POINT E d TOTAL NUMBER OF LOOPS IN TESTRUN OCTAL 1 74 COMMENT During the test run the program counts the number of loops in this case 7 oct E N D O F T E S T R U N k k k k k k ND SOOO LOGGING ERRORS It is possible to log errors to a file by using the ...

Page 190: ...test creates fatal traps by altering contents in PST and DIT it is important that no other program can access the actual table entries Therefore fixing of pages used by the test has to be done before starting up MMS TEST MACR will do this In the present version it s necessary to know the start address of PST i e PSTP Use the comand MEMORY CONFIGURATION to get this and give it as an input parameter...

Page 191: ...severaT patches a MEMORY CONFIGURATION command and a LOOK AT REGISTER PS command When you see the ND 5000 prompt you must enter the command LOOK AT PHYSICAL SEGMENT 310 x where x is the Tast digit of the PS register You must change this Tocation to a l as shown in the exampTe below NOTE After entering the RUN command you wiTT be asked for the vaTue of the pointer to the physicaT segment tabTe This...

Page 192: ...OOOOOyyyyyy WIP PGU table 004111 000111 00010222000 00000444000 N500 LOOK AT REGISTER Pa PS 1142200000XB ND SOOO LOOK AT PHYSICAL SEGMENT 310 X0 PHSEG 0 3108 08 PERMIT DEPOSIT PHSEG O 3108 08 BYTEd PHSEG O 3108 08 1d PHSEG 0 3118 08 d ND SOOO RUNoJ M E M O R Y M A N A G E M E N T T E S T VERSION 870618 POINTER T0 PHYSICAL SEGMENT TABLE 0CTAL yu IS THE PROGRAM RUNNING ON A 5000 CPU Y N Y a TESTRUN ...

Page 193: ... messages reported you can use the phiiosophy MODE input fi1e err mess fi1e a where input fi1e is a mode fiie starting up the test with defauit parameter set and err mess fi1e is an output fi1e to store the error printouts The on1y thing you shouid remember is that you have to set the priv intructions allowed first ...

Page 194: ...r you want to use the current swap fiTe for swapping or directly your DSEG used as originaT segment Using the standard swap fiTe is much faster for starting and exiting but wiTT steaT about 30000 pages to the avaiTabTe swapping space the DSEG option does not take any swap fiTe ressources but whenever you Teave the program the swapper wiTT rewrite the 29 segments back to the DSEG which wiTT take ab...

Page 195: ...ment number N5000 LOOK AT PHYSICAL SEGMENT 3108 SBd PHSEG o 3103 OB PERMITd PHSEG 0 3103 OB BYTE PHSEG 0 3103 GB 1u PHSEG o 3113 OB EXIT N5000 Bgfla There are quite obvious since you wiii be running as a priviieged process you are a110wed to execute any fatal instruction for the system Remember aiways to check the SWAP FILE size before running the program there shouid be at 1east 3000 pages avaiiab...

Page 196: ...e running on a ND SDOO CPU Data patterns initiaTization wait Segment 30 Finished The command HELP gives you the fuTT Tist of avaiTabTe commands TPE PROGRAM STATUS l TPE PROGRAM STATUS 1987 11 30 12 45 11 TPE Version A03 1987 02 10 PrereTease ConsoTe device 36D 448 Printer device mode 36D 44B normaT Stop on fuTT page Off Test program fiTe name PF Exerciser AO3 CPU type used ND SOOO Data segments av...

Page 197: ...gment 30 Finished Test counter 12500 OMMENT Here I pressed the ESCAPE key Run aborted by ESCAPE at 1987 11 30 16 11 54 Number of executed test sequences 12576 ESCAPE TPE SERVICE PROGRAM PF Serv LOOK AT ESCAPE REGISTERa Register name 3 P 02000000011 L 01000142751 4 PF Serv LO0K AT PROGRAM u Address 2 11 02000000011 PCTSB a 02000000013 DCTSB 02000000015 RETD d PF Serv VERIFY DATA PATTERN d OMMENT Ai...

Page 198: ... to the test program informations are written to the seTected PRINTER device 0 The pTace where the trap ocurred either in the test sequence presentTy active or in the main program TOOp the Toop which extracts the test routine parameters from the tabTe where they are defined and which activates it o The test tabTe index Can be used Tater to reproduce the error o The trap number and name 0 The progr...

Page 199: ...ine address 020000000108 Test instruction CTSB Addressing modes Not appIicabIe Not app icab1e Not appTicabTe Data type Not appIicabIe Base address 8 register 020000000008 F A I L U R E I N F 0 R M A T I 0 N S Instruction faiIing PCTSB OMMENT PriviTeged one P register 020000000118 B aux 000000000008 L register 010000647048 8 register 000000000008 R register 000000000008 11 register 000000000008 I2 ...

Page 200: ...egment 30 Finished Test counter 12500 ERROR Trap has been detected in test sequence Test tabTe index 00182D Trap number name 36 Protect vioIation Program address 330002237648 Base address 8 050000337768 Do you want more informations YES or NO YES 4 TRAP definition 36 Protect vioTation CURRENTLY USED TEST TABLE Test routine address 330002237638 Test instruction DIV4 Addressing modes LocaI Indirect ...

Page 201: ...pen and it means that something is wrong Finished 8 2 1 6 FLOATING POINT TEST GENERAL FLOAT TEST is a diagnostic program designed to test four arithmetic boards on ND 500 2 or ND 5000 computers All instructions that are tested are simulated in software i e the expected result computation does not use the external arithmetic on the ND 500 5000 computers Following the computation of the expected res...

Page 202: ... FLOAT TEST do the foiiowing Log in as user FLOAT TEST Sintran wi11 respond with the foiiowing 13 23 59 6 OCTOBER 1987 SINTRAN III VSX SOO VERSION K ENTER FLOAT TESTA PASSWORD 4 OK Now enter the ND SOO SOOO monitor ND 8 ND SOOO MONITOR Version XXX ND SOOO Activate FLOAT TEST by typing ND SOOO FLOAT TEST TPE Monitor ND SOOO Prereiease XXXXX FLOAT TEST fioating hardware diagnostics The command HELP ...

Page 203: ...given as TPE FUNCTION TEST a The program wiTT respond by dispTaying the Pass Count number i e the current pass number and the Test Number The Test Number gives the number of the currentTy executing test ATT detected errors are sent to the error Tog i e the termina or a fiTe which is set to the terminaT by defauit At the end of every pass the program wiTT dispTay the number of completed passes and ...

Page 204: ...using the EDIT command This will tell you the test number Examine the buffer using the SHOW PATTERN IN MEMORY command It is also possible to run the buffer to regenerate the error If required change the formats for integer and real variables and examine the buffer again FLOAT TEST also gives the user the flexibility of executing specific tests The RUN command computes the simulated results and per...

Page 205: ...N o RUN test sequence SET PARAMETERS The user may set parameters which decide the behaviour of the RUN command The parameters are Tisted beTow and their defauTt vaTues are shown in paranthesis 0 Loop mode No 0 Abort mode Yes 0 After how many errors 10 o Supress error messages No The user may aTso specify the appearance of the error messages This is done by answering Yes to the question Define erro...

Page 206: ...ber 0 Octobus hardware device number 0 Receive ident code eve 13 o Transmit ident code TeveT 13 The Octobus controTTer s station number Stations seen by the Octobus controTTer RUN Using this command you can run aTT tests defauTt onTy one test or a sequence of tests The avaiTabTe tests are 1 Check transmit receive Toop 2 Loop a1 possibTe patterns 3 Check receive FIFO ength Test 1 The controTTer wiT...

Page 207: ...oq detect any errors on the CPU and decide to return the CPU to the ND repair center pTease incTude a fiTe containing the error messages from the Octobus test where the errors were detected Output from the Octobus test can be assembTed on a fiTe by using the TPE commands SET PHINTER FILE SET PRINTER MODE The foTTowing example i11ustrates how to direct output from The Octobus test to the terminaT a...

Page 208: uses input from severaT fiTes The test verifies the FToating Arithmetic and the STice The SUPER source fiTes can aTso be used as input fiTes to the Fortran compiTer to verify the compiTation The resuTts are compared against a facit fiTe If the resuTt is correct OK is written after every printout In case of an incorrect resuit ERR and the actuaT and expected resuTt is written The resuTts are pri...

Page 209: ... 94551 14071574406243673070738 ITERATION N0 5 TOTAL ENERGY 77 94641 14071574443701672234313 ITERATION N0 6 TOTAL ENERGY 77 94647 14071574446042033053258 ITERATION N0 7 TOTAL ENERGY 77 94648 14071574446201033104748 ITERATION N0 8 TOTAL ENERGY 77 94648 14071574446211605114558 STOP 0 N500 TIME USED Time and date 10 43 14 14 October 1987 Entered ND SOO SOOO at 10 38 26 14 October 1987 TotaI time Togge...

Page 210: ...723324655728 OK ITERATION NO 14 TOTAL ENERGY 23l 54779 14106361416733206661428 OK STOP 0 N500 TIME USED Time and date 13 32 42 14 October 1987 Entered ND SOO SOOO at 10 38 26 14 October 1987 TotaT time Togged on ND SOO SOOO monitor 2 h 54 min 15 5 s ND SOO SOOO CPU time used in Tast run 2 h 48 min 47 0 s ND lOO CPU time used by ND SOO SOOO process in Tast run 11 3 s TotaT ND SOO SOOO CPU time used...

Page 211: ...U time used in Test run 49 h 16 min NO lOO CPU time used by ND SOO SOOO process in Tast run TotaT ND SOO SOOO CPU time used 52 h 9 min TotaT ND lOO CPU time used by ND SOO SOOO process TotaT ND lUO CPU time used ND SOOO exita LOGGING ERRORS 193 OK 0K 0K 0K 0K OK OK mmmmmm If you need to save the test output in a disc fiTe do the foTTowing 0 Log into user TELEFIX Type TELEFIX to start TELEFIX LOCAL...

Page 212: the test without using TELEFIX Tog in as user SYSTEM Type MODE SIBAS TEST INIT SIBAS MODE to initiatiaTize the fiTes Then type ND to start the ND SOOO Monitor Type SIBBIG to start the test program You wiTT see the foTTowing output This program SIBBIG Toops and find deTete modify persons jobbs and connected reports THE PROGRAM WILL TERMINATE AND THE DATABASE BE CLOSED IF YOU TYPE B You must the...

Page 213: ...3 9 11 2 3 1987 MODIFIED 486 PERSONS AT 0 50 10 11 2 3 1987 DATABASE FORDB CLOSED AT 2 50 10 11 2 3 1987 MODIFIED 486 PERSONS AT 6 59 37 12 2 3 1987 DATABASE FORDB CLOSED AT 8 59 37 12 2 3 1987 MAX TIME REACHED NUMBER OF SOPDB 119 SCLDB 119 NUMBER OF SRRLM 120 SFRLM 1 NUMBER OF STORE 2181 SGET 114814 NUMBER OF SMDFY 57348 SRASE 251 NUMBER OF SRFSM 118 SRNSM 57348 NUMBER OF SRNIS 57348 SFEBL 118 NU...

Page 214: ...T wiTT be in the fiTe SIBAS LOGS 0 Type the esc key and Tog into user SYSTEM 0 Type the commands described earTier to start the ND 5000 monitor and 818816 When the test is finished Tog out o Type ctr1 to return to TELEFIX You can now exit from TELEFIX or type LOG ANALYZER to Took at the Tog fiTe 7 W VScannedbgLJonny OddeneioLSiniran Data 2044 ...


Page 216: ... 3000 PRECISION 0F MATRIX 721266656629580 12 ITERATION 4000 PRECISION OF MATRIX 800715715953970 12 ITERATION 5000 PRECISION OF MATRIX 935550134716410 12 ITERATION 6000 PRECISION OF MATRIX 115678648318140 11 ITERATION 7000 PRECISION OF MATRIX 121092091909250 11 ITERATION 8000 PRECISION OF MATRIX 114335521826280 11 ITERATION 9000 PRECISION OF MATRIX 105208915124860 11 939979193247270 12 852426590513...

Page 217: ...u BEGINNING OF JOB TESTl START ONLY RETURN END STOP ONLY RETURN END START TANSFER A BUFFER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 START MOMEMTUM 194922409058E 02 STOP MOMEMTUM END OF JOB TEST3 8 68 SECONDS 16 08 SECONDS 12 92 SECONDS 13 90 SECONDS ND SOOO ex l LOGGING ERRORS If you need to save the output from these tests to a disc fiTe foTTow the directio...

Page 218: ...t The inverse function is under coTumn G The INTERVAL and STEP coTumns specify the vaTues for which the functions are tested The maximum vaTue of the errors found appear in the MAX ERROR coTumn The vaiue of X for which this vaiue occurred is in the CORR X coiumn The vaTue in the ERROR RMS coTumn is the mean root square caicuiated for aTT of the errors on X vaTues The right most coiumn is the execu...

Page 219: ...SORT 010 0 5E 02 2E 06 8E 01 3E 08 2 EXP LOG 010 0 5E 02 3E 06 3E 01 2E 08 22 LOG EXP 9 O10 0 1E 01 2E 06 1E 01 5E 09 30 D 0 u B L E P R E c I S I 0 N F G INTERVAL STEP MAX ERROR CORR X ERROR RMS EX TIME FOR SIN ASIN 1 0 1 0 1E 02 3E l6 9E OO 2E 18 70 ASIN SIN 1 6 1 6 2E 02 8E 14 2E Ol 5E 17 82 C08 ACOS 1 0 1 0 1E 02 8E 16 6E 00 5E 18 84 ACOS cos 0 3 1 2E 02 4E 14 3E 01 3E 17 83 TAN ATAN 9 010 0 1...

Page 220: ...tiiity programs 8 3 MULTIJOB TELEFIX How to use the Muitijob Teiefix is described in ND SOOO Test Macro Program Manual Foiiowihg is a very short descriptin of on1y the startup of the disc pack hot impiented yet in this manua 7v8canned by Jenny Oddene for SiniranDataQZOJJr ...

Page 221: ...which function MICFUNC to perform and entry no 2 contains the STATUS Depending on the contents of these two locations the rest of the message is either decoded or written as octal 16 bits values The program has a set of commands EXIT Closes the file and exits the program HELP Prints a list of the commands LIST EXECUTION 0UEUE Lists the execution queue OCTAL DUMP Prints the message buffer as octal ...

Page 222: ... 07 03 LocaI memory 4096B Kbytes Shared memory 163840 Kbytes Register bIock 000004440008 phys N05000 addr Phys Seg Tab1e 000006440008 phys N05000 addr readd Give process number l Sw 8 Dump of Message buffer for process 8 Link 1777778 Link 1777778 Status 0000038 Answer N500 finished Sender 0000108 Process no Receiver 0000108 Process no Prev Iink 0000018 Previous message Micfunc 0000238 Start NDSOO ...

Page 223: connected to the controTTer moduTe 8 5 1 CONNECTING THE CONSOLE TERMINAL TO THE CONTROLLER Large cabinet A conSOIe can be connected to the MFB controTTer via the plug board Print 5234 Iocated in the backpiane in the rear side of the contrOTTer ND SOOO REAR VIEW OCTO 2 A OCTO 1 B M 1 PFI cabfgnso e T C MF consoTe _ R5232 MF cor 15019 ND iOO CARD CRATE D Current Loop Figure 18 Connecting the MF c...

Page 224: ...teiefix cabie is connected to socket 3E Console switch U 38 switches the consoie to master consoie or MF consoie I Component side 2A 2A 3A 3A A 28 23 3B 3B 2C 2C 3C 3C 8 2D ZD 3D 3D lOO CPU consoie 2E U Console C 2E 3E 3E 38 switch MF consoie Teiefix cabie connected Conso1e cabie connected Figure 19 Connecting the MF console on the Compact cabinet Scanned by Jonny OddeneioLSiniran Data 2044 ...


Page 226: ... For DBC Partno 350156 For MF contr Partno 350157 See description on page 37 INIATE EEPROM Parameters STot number Date Year Month Day YYMMDD OTd contents wiTT be Tost continue Yes No CONFIGURATE SLOT Parameter Siot number With this command it is possibie to configurate the MFB system See the exampTe on page 215 LIST CONFIGURATION Parameter STot number This command Tists the contents of a specified...

Page 227: ...t Yes No This command performs a staticaT pattern test on the MFB memory EXAMPLE TEST MEMORY CR Start k 128 kb O CR No of k 40 CR No of run l cr Suppress err report yes CR SYNDROME TEST This command performs a test on the Togic circuitry that is used to detect errors in memory Syndrom CR SLOT O3 l BIT CORRECTION OK 2 BIT DETECTION OK Scanned by lnnny Oddnnp fnr Sinimn Data 03 201 L ...

Page 228: ...e LIST SUBPROC TABLE OCT CONTROL FUNCTION Function Retry OCT TRANSMIT STATUS OCTOBUS DRIVER Function READ OCTOBUS RECEIVE TRANSMIT OCTOBUS Destination C 0 1 B 0 1 No of bytes 5 max Byte 1 Byte 5 LIST OCTOBUS STATION OCTOBUS SELFTEST Present a Tist showing the Octobus stations present in this ring ACCESS OCT REG The Octobus controiier sends different bit patterns to itseTf on the Octobus The patter...

Page 229: ...n ACCESS OCT REG FoTTowing functions exists mtr ao OCT TRANSMIT STATUS Read a11 mode CTear receiver CTear transmitter CTear transmit fifo Remove master Set number of retries on transmit The user is presented the content of the transmit status register OCTOBUS DRIVER This command gives the user access to the Octobus 680XX driver FoTTowing functions are defined _ OLOGJVOWU IACJNH Send muTtibytes Bro...

Page 230: ...d is vaTid data 002 The byte read is not vaTid data Verify that the receive part of the controTTer works correctTy Bypass the Octobus driver Before using this command one must disabTe interrupt on channe 6 by the command DISABLE INTERRUPT Channe1 no The interrupt is enabied by the command ENABLE INTERRUPT ChanneT no The user is abTe to transmit bytes on the Octobus Verify that the transmit part of...

Page 231: ... the Octobus controiier to send a mu1tibyte message to itse1f the commands must be done in foiiowing order 1 OCTOBUS DRIVER 9 Connect OMD no X 2 OCTOBUS DRIVER 1 Send message to OMD no X 3 LIST SUBPROC TABLE List content of OMD no X 2 Communication with bypass of the Octobus driver Verify that the transmit and receive parts of the Octobus controi1er work correctly To send bytes on Octobus 8BUS TRA...

Page 232: ...fore any message can be received the interrupt on channei 6 must be disabied If one want the Octobus controiier to send bytes to itseif the commands must be done in foiiowing order 1 DISABLE INTERRUPT Disabie interrupt on channei 6 2 TRANSMIT OCTOBUS Send maximum 5 bytes 3 READ OCTOBUS RECEIVE Read one byte from fifo 4 ENABLE INTERRUPT Enabie interrupt on channei 6 __ _Scanned b OddeneioLSiniran D...

Page 233: ...SLOT 2 Upgrading the system by instaiiing a ND lZO CX 4Mb 3 Configurating the upgraded system 4 Check the configuration by using the command LIST CONFIGURATIONV The basis configuration in the exampie is ND SOOO ND llO CX 2 x 2 Mb iocai ND lOO memory Ethernet controiier 512 Kb 16 Mb shared memory 1 Set the switches in the ND 100 card crate as shown beiow Moduie Lower 1imit Upper limit Ethernet swit...

Page 234: ...RY PLEASE WAIT STotno 02 CR SLOT 02 TWIN 16 BIT PORT PRINT 5155 EXPLAIN PORT PARAMETERS YES CR Memory areas are opened for access by giving LOWER and UPPER LIMITS LOWER LIMIT area UPPER LIMIT SeveraI non overTapping areas are aIIowed START ADDRESS is the first physicaI address in the MFB memory LIMITS and START ADDRESS are in moduTes of 128 KB O OB 1 4000008 2 1000OOOB n n 4000OOB DATALENGTH is 16...


Page 236: ...NC You need a speciaI too part no 350157 when configurating the CPU Siotn0 20 CR SLOT 20 ND 5000 MODEL 008 OCTOBUS STATION N0 70 CR COMMENT STATION NO TYPE OF STATION 1 ND lOO 2 7 MFbus controTTer 10 13 SCSI ControTIers disk 14 15 Matra VME 16 17 Mu1tifunction communication 20 HyperchanneT 21 23 FDDI Fibernet A 24 27 FPS 5000 30 33 Graphic controTTer 34 67 Free for expansion 70 76 NDSOOO POWER FAI...

Page 237: ...004400 000000 ND SOO register block 004524 000124 Physica segment tab1e 004564 000164 WIP PGU tab1e 004523 000123 ND 5000 ex 2mb 2Mb Ethernet 1 2 Mb 4400 0 ND 100 can see and access 4Mb both the 1oca1 100 memory and the MF memory 4Mb 4Mb 4Mb 23777 17777 WORD BYTE ND 100 ND 500 00011000000 00000000000 00011250000 00000520000 00011350000 00000720000 00011245000 00000514000 ND 5000 can on1y see and a...

Page 238: ...y to change the switchsettings in the ND lOO card crate and to reconfigurate the MF system 3 Change the switchsettings on the memory cards in the ND 100 card crate to the vaiues shown in the tabie beiow Moduie Lower 1imit Upper iimit Ethernet switchsetting display bank no ND lZO CX 200 lst 2Mb board 200 300 2nd 2Mb board 300 400 Ethernet 040 _ Scanned by JonnnddeneioLSiniran DateI O 901 1 ...

Page 239: ...s are opened for access by giving LOWER and UPPER LIMITS LOWER LIMIT area UPPER LIMIT SeveraT non overTapping areas are aTTowed START ADDRESS is the first physicaI address in the MFB memory LIMITS and START ADDRESS are in moduTes of 128 KB 0 08 1 4000008 2 IOOOOOOB n n 4000OOB DATALENGTH is 16 or 32 bits INTERLEAVE TYPE is O 2 4 or 8 LOWER LIMITl4 CR UPPER LIMIT 304 CR ACCESS LOCAL 1 GLOBAL 2 BOTH...


Page 241: ... 500 address zero 010400 000000 00021000000 00000000000 ND 500 register b1ock 010524 000124 00021250000 00000520000 Physica1 segment tabie 010564 000164 00021350000 00000720000 WIP PGU tab1e 010523 000123 00021246000 00000514000 ND 5000 ex 4Mb onboard on 120 CX 2mb 2Mb Ethernet 1 2 Mb 10400 0 N0 100 can see and access 4Mb both the 1oca1 100 memory and the MF memory ND 5000 can on1y see 4Mb and acc...

Page 242: ...octobus It will flash heavily when control store is beeing loaded MACRO Lights when the CPU executes macro program This LED lights when the tracer is triggered MERR Memory error normally OFF ECMIR Lights when the microprogram is running AMODE ACCP mode Lights when the ACCP has control of the CPU i e during bootstrapping etc MR Master Reset Lights at power up reset or when Master Clear is received ...

Page 243: ...aster Transmit request I am master Octobus speed STATION Octobus station number Octobus device number Setting of octobus device number Thumbwheei TH2 the device number OCTO uses on1y 4 of its 16 positions to set Th w OBC No IOX No IDENT CODE LEV 13 no Receive Transmit 0 08C 0 100400 40 41 1 CBC 1 100410 42 43 2 OBC 2 100420 44 45 3 030 3 100430 46 47 Scanned by lnnny Oddnnp fnr Sinimn Data 03 901 ...

Page 244: ...on for setting the speed of the OCTOBUS Th W SPEED no MHZ 0 4 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 0 5 NormaT speed setting is 4 Mhz NOTE In 01d cabinets the Octobus speed shoq be set to 1 Mhz Remember to set the same Octobus speed on the MF ControTTer Setting of destination station number in case of power faiT The DIP switch in pos 17H is divided in two groups which specifies the vaTues for a Power FaiT Destination b...

Page 245: ...roadcasts to be received A11 broadcasts to be received lO IU IbQND O THE CACHE MODULE 5610 0 Green LED NICO Lights when the Write In Cache mode is ON 0 Green LED Lights when the instruction cache is turned ON a Green LED Lights when the data cache is turned ON ON OFF DCA Data cache enabie switch ICA Instruction cache enable switch Smnned tJonadeneioLSlniran Data 2011 ...

Page 246: ...rdwired XMINH i e port is not connected to any driver 0 LD 2 YeTTow Request to port 0 LD 3 YeTTow Request within port address to port InterTeave port number v_ No Tight in dispTay LS BASE Oct 128 Kb units caTcuTated by the 68000 NOT the ame as the start address MS LS UPPER LIMIT Oct 128 Kb units MS LS LOWER LIMIT Oct 128 Kb units MS _ SmnnedbyLJanngL OddeneioLSiniranData 9011 ...

Page 247: ...cted for every cycle 0 LD 5 Red BAD MEMORY non correctable error has been detected within this module 0 LD 1 Yellow CORRECTED means that at least one error correction is done Cleared by hard or soft reset power down or disable enable SW 1 0 LD 2 Green ENABLED lit when error correction is enabled SW 1 ERROR CORRECTION enable disable Normal operatioanabled switch up 0 LD 2 Yellow ACCESS means module...

Page 248: ... on this card is disabTed NormaTTy not Tit TRFO means that REFRESH is running NormaTTy Tit POWERFAIL DISABLE normaT operation enabTed switch in middTe position SOFT RESET produces a simuTated powerfaii REMOVE removes refresh TOTAL RESET same as both 5 voTts and 5 voTts standby OFF Initiates memory and Toads the RAM moduTes with the configuration parameters from the EPROM in the backwiring SeTects ...

Page 249: 15 present on the board Always lit 0 o STR 7 Normal strap setting is disabled Normally not 14L SW3 POWER FAIL DISABLE Normal operation enabled middle position 12L SNZ SOFT RESET H Produces a ower fail Signal to the MF bus same as 5V 13L SNl TOTAL RESET Normal ogeration enabled middle position Same as 0th 5V and 5V stand by OF Initiat tes memory takes the configuration from the EEP ROM 1n the ba...

Page 250: 2038 Wrong microprogram FataT 6 Bytes 2048 Unrecognized kick NotFataT 4 Bytes 2058 Unrecognized message NotFataT 4 Bytes 2068 Unrecognized emergency NotFataT 4 Bytes 2078 Unrecognized Accp Command NotFataT 4 Bytes 2108 Unexpected externaT trap NotFataT 2 Bytes 2118 Size of Wip Pgu tabTe 0 FataT 2 Bytes 2128 Pst pointer 0 FataT 2 Bytes 2778 MicroProgram error in Trap_cm 2 Bytes ErrorReporter 1 M...

Page 251: ...ion 2 Bytes totaT 6 Bytes FauTt Type 2048 Unexpected Octo bus Kick NotFataT FauTt Type 2058 Unexpected Octo bus MuTtiByte message NotFataT FauTt Type 2068 Unexpected Octo bus Emergency message NotFataT Fault Type 2078 Unexpected ACCP command NotFataT MessageBody Message Header 2 Bytes tota 4 Bytes FauTt Type 2108 Unexpected externa trap NotFataT FauTt Type 2118 Size of w1p Pgu table 0 FataT FauTt ...

Page 252: ... 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 18h 1Ch t lEh t 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h 25h 26h 27h 28h 29h 2Ah 28h 20h 20h 2Eh 2Eh 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 38h 3Ch 3Dh 3Eh Read system parameters Load system parameters echo test read ECO 1evels 1oad parameter pointer verify parameter pointer 1oad cs via MPM 1oad CS direct dump cs via MPM dump CS direct Debug Contmic no STOP sync ACCP Microprogram trap run 1on...

Page 253: ...initiated messages to ND lOO HWfau1t 2008 ND 5000 hardware fault Emergency messages C bit bit 15 set detected by hardware ARES 2413 Master c1ear on ND SOOO CPU ACONT 2428 Continue ACCP ASTOP 2438 Stop ACCP TERM 2448 Z Terminate ACCP SeamedbponnMdeneioLSiniranQataEWmH ...

Page 254: ... are not saved in or loaded from context block when changing to a new process They will be loaded from the domain information table before execution is started A pointer to the start of the context block is patched in location OFFSET address 20 in the microprogram when loading the control store The physical address of the context register block can also be found by the command LIST MEMORY CONFIG i...

Page 255: ...8 1408 Process segment register PS 19 238 1148 1448 2748 Top of stack register TOS 20 248 1208 1508 3008 Lower limit register LL 21 258 1248 1548 3048 Higher limit register HL 22 268 1308 1608 2668 Trap handler register THA 23 278 1348 1648 Current executing domain register CED 24 308 1408 1708 Current alternative domain register CAD 25 318 1448 1748 Current executing segment register CES 26 328 1...

Page 256: ... PhysicaT address MMS PHYS 2608 PhysicaT Segment Number MMS PHS CAP 2648 WR register MMS WR 2728 STot no BADAP status disp Register Context Trap DIT number disp Disp Register Register name symboTs 2008 2018 203B 2078 2138 2148 2728 2738 3108 CED of caTTing domain CAD of caTTing domain Return address in caTTing domain Base register in caTTing domain CED of trapped domain CAD of trapped domain CED o...

Page 257: ...ter SRF37 MMS LA register SRF40 MMS STS register SRF41 Restart P SRF42 Trapping P SRF1777 Last octobus msg from microprogram backword SRFZOOO Address of Current Message SRF2001 Max index in FIFO WMSOO SRF2002 Address of the FIFO buffer WMSOO SRF2003 Communication fiag 0 id1e 1 running 1 trap in process Read from SRF2004 Optionai parameter 2 two bytes the ACCP SRFZOOS Host station number and OMD nu...

Page 258: ...ddress ADR MESS 20008 ADR FIFOB l 20018 ADR FIFOB 20028 ADR FLAG 2003B ADR SYSPAR 2 2004B ADR_SYSPAR 1 20058 ADR_SYSPAR 20068 ADR MODINIT 20078 ADR ASTBAD 1 20108 ADR_ASTBAD 20118 ADR MOD 20128 ADR PROCO 20138 ADR MODMASK 20148 ADR CPUPAR 20158 ADR CPUAVA 20168 ADR CPUDF 20178 ADR MSGME 20208 A Scanned byWOddeneiopSinnanData 21344 5 _1 ...

Page 259: ...und Program M mon 60 F SPIT M __ E T l M M SYSTEM COM I ND SOOO MONITOR MON e C as DATA R PROCESS O P T NO SOOO OCTO BUS ACCP DRIVER DRIVER o Octobus and memory are used for communication and synchronisation 0 Common data Tike message buffers are pTaced in shared MF memory __Scanned_by_Jomy_Oddene_foLSiniran_Data 2O11 ...

Page 260: ... a message is activated in the ND SOOO CPU the message block is initiated depending on the operation to be executed When the ND SOOO microprogram is activated the execution queue will be scanned to find the first message block with status equal to 1 When such a message is found a routine in the microprogram is entered according to the function specified in the message block The microprogram will t...

Page 261: ...e1ds in Message buffers in MF memory N100 memory CPUdf extension 3O x5mess PU datafield x5mar NSOOO extended g1oba1 datafieId Link Start of execution SSCPU queue ma111ink proc O proc 1 CPUadf proc 2 proc descr end of q proc 3 ScannedbuJonnyOddenei OLSiniran Datafi39011 ...

Page 262: ... execution queue Processor number 1 4 Link to first message in execution queue Message status set by TERSOO 0 Free 1 Terminate NDSOOO CPU Micfunc 478 Terminate The N05000 CPU wiTT when activated from the IDLE Toop start scanning the execution queue pointed to by Df x5mar A Tocation START MESS address 26 in the NDSOOO microprogram points to Df x5mar Tocation in the extended CPU datafie this Tocatio...

Page 263: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Appendix A 245 an interrupt is not issued from the NDSOOO CPU and the Df x5mess 1ocation wi11 not be updated Smnned hy Innny QddenefonSlniranData 901 1 ...

Page 264: ...Yes No l Give_interrupt Df x51nt SRF2000 Link Save Context l 2 Df x5proc O Msg_F1ag Msg_F1ag 0 No Yes 1 Status XSMAR Link I Link Link I End of Queue 7 1 No No 1 Status l L 7Yes 1 Msg flag 2 Status CurrMess SRF2000 Receive ProcNo Df x5proc Uniock queue 1 Start processing 1l Save context I b l ll Df xSproc I O ll Msg_F1ag Appendix A Uniock Oueue 1 Idie the message ScannedvanaddeneioLSiniran Data 201...

Page 265: ...ader consists of six 16 bit words describing the message The data part consists of a function vaTue and a number of parameters depending on the operati on to be carried out The size of each message buffer is 256 bytes Locating the message buffer and process description 0 The NDlOO memory bank may be found in 5MBBA address 4644 on segment S3DPIT LOOK AT SEGM S3DPIT 4644 bank no 0 Get reserved proce...

Page 266: ... df used by this process 12 Spriority ND SOOO priority of process 10 htsiiowpri Highest 10w times1ice priority 6 Magic no Magic part of process sequence number outdf _ Addr of term output Df using proc H 2 5msf1ag Repeat fiag bit 15 E 0 1ink 00 Link to next message in the A 2 1ink 01 execution queue D 4 1ink 02 Status E 6 1ink 03 Sender process R 10 1ink 04 Receiver process 12 1ink 05 Link to prev...

Page 267: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Appendix A 249 D A 1A Sgameibmnnyflddeneiopsmiranflatafifl ...

Page 268: ...nswer to ND lOO Set when the micro program is finished handTing the message Error return from NDSOOO Stopped by MON 501 502 Sender Sender process number Owner of the message bTock Receiver Receiver is the NDSOOO process number to receive the bTock Prev Tink Link to previous message buffer in the execution queue This is a N100 physicai address within the bank The data part Each message between the ...

Page 269: ...h write back of a buffer 30 PhysicaI segment read 31 PhysicaI segment write 34 Logic instruction memory read 35 Logic instruction memory write 42 Programmed trap 44 Histogram read 45 CTear cache T38 46 Dump dirty 47 Go IDLE SO Restart UNIX 51 Restart UNIX after monitor cal 52 Restart UNIX process 70 InitiaTize Trace moduTe 71 CTear Trace moduTe 72 Arm Trace moduTe 73 Disarm Trace moduTe 74 Dump Tr...

Page 270: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Scanned byJonngddeneior Siniran Data 2011 ...

Page 271: ...Scanned by Jonny Oddene for Sintran Data 2011 Srannpd hy lnnny Oddpnp fnr Sin rran Data 9011 ...

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