© 2020 Norsat International Incorporated (“Norsat”) All Rights Reserved
DOC-000840 Rev A 06/2020
No or weak signal
1. Test reception with a different cable
2. Verify there are no obstructions in the look angle
3. Verify all other interfacing components, such as the modem and LNB, are
functioning properly
4. If the problem is not corrected in the above steps, contact the terminal manufacturer
Unable to transmit
1. Check condition of Tx cable
2. Verify the flexible waveguide is installed tightly
3. Verify there are no obstructions in the look angle
4. Verify all other interfacing components, such as the modem and BUC, are
functioning properly
5. If the problem is not corrected in the above steps, contact the terminal manufacturer
Azimuth has difficulties
1. Verify the azimuth base is not jammed
2. Perform a full azimuth sweep and observe if there is any resistance
3. Contact the terminal manufacturer
Elevation has difficulties
1. Verify the target angle is not beyond the elevation range
2. Verify the elevation gearbox is not jammed
3. Perform a full elevation sweep and observe if there is any resistance
4. Contact the terminal manufacturer
Polarization has difficulties
1. Verify the polarization lock knob is disengaged
2. Verify there is no interference between the polarization assembly and any
components when moving within the polarization range
3. Contact the terminal manufacturer
Petals do not assemble onto
Reflector Hub
1. Verify the numbered Petals are installed onto their proper location according to the
Central Petal.
2. Verify the Petal fastener blocks are flush against the Petal body
3. Contact the terminal manufacturer
Inspect and clean integrity of Feed window, replace when damaged
Once per month
Inspect waveguide sealing, if there is a leakage, dry out the components
and seal with silicon fusion tape or replace damaged parts.
Once per month
Inspect screws and nuts, tighten or replace screws upon loosening or rusting Once per month
Inspect system for any noise during operation. Clean up the transmission
and lubricate if any noise
Once per month
Inspect paint integrity of the antenna, touch up when required
Once per month
Lubricate gears and transmissions.
Once per year
Clean the Petal surface
Every 3 months or required
when exposed to extreme
7. Troubleshooting
8. Maintenance