Page 1: ...ll find obsolete parts In same cases the parts may still be available but under a new part number In other cases a generic part may be suitable for use For help in finding parts please visit our part...
Page 2: ...bor s phooe Follow the gas supplier s inSlrUClions If you cannot reach your gas supplier call tile tire department A WARNING Should overheating occur or the gas supply lailto shut 011 shul 011 the man...
Page 4: ...a e 1 na g dolllCulty conloct NOADYNE INC Tecr ca 1 S lCe paNmen ln S1 Loo 10 T cnnic 1 fvi Dop lmonl NORDVNE INC PO 8 46yn St Louio 10 63146 6Y11 JI4 a1a 200 NOl colll I c ll will nol be oe p dl C U...
Page 5: ...nel models are tactory eqUipped with a lJuilHn coil cavity CSA 1 OIJtolIl TKlle 4 Ga Almo pheric Furnece liZ NFPT Gas falvt Inlet DESCRIPTION DOS COO ORA OCT 00 _ Iaoo og P lol Eieclrn Ignl lon J Ion...
Page 6: ...specllleelly Geso Jf ld lor ilCI ed hoosIng aooIIca1lORS Cheek WIth your motIde home dealer your heahflg and COOhng contraclO or Ou dlSlrll Ulor 10 nlI lrmallOn Wrote dlreclty 10 11I41 tiOClory PO eo...
Page 7: ...p 01 the mace door I ame and the cell ng c Closet installatIons mUSI use a Iouve ed door haVIng a minImum free area of 235 sq on when Iocaled S from fumace l a Figure 4 For speCIal clearance between 1...
Page 8: ...turer shall all a prominent ma l ng on or nea the appliance where It Can be easily read when the closet door is open The marketlng sllall ead HAZARD OF ASPHYXIATION 00 not cover or restrict return air...
Page 9: ...mblies listed in Table 6 on this Ileating appliance ROOF JACK EXTENSION Figure 7 Rool Jack A embfleo Figure 8 X SEE TABLE I ROOf JACK SLANT DECK FLASHING ROOF OPENING CEILING OPENING CEILING PITCHED R...
Page 10: ...3 12 on 2 901939 3 114 83MM A 26Onwn 9011192 89 nI304mml 121 4 1311 458907 901993 4 on 12 90 938 3 5 8 92 o1MJ lQ2rnm J 04mml T_ 10 Duel Cor _lI n S on 12 U 90194 2 11 2 64MMJ 127 1 WIth MYIn iJ 10 D...
Page 11: ...e Ff j b CUI QeWlg and root holes as tallows CeUlg Hole 8 3 222mml d amete Roo Hole g 3Jll 238mm d ameter CUT DUCT OPENING a P c dUCl connector through the floor opening Wllh bOnom labs eSllng on top...
Page 12: ...00 NOT uae amaller diameler inner Ilue pipe Which could alid inside lhe lurnace vent collar and reslricllhe Ilow 01 lumac lIue producls FiGure 21 A Callin t Fum on 196 Coil Ceblnel y OM w toM IIJI o...
Page 13: ...10 1 2 sheet melal screws suppl C Venting system warnIng tags 10 be emoved and discarded MANUFACTURED HOME FACTORY a Furnace tobe Installedpertumace Inslallal00n manual b ROO Jack to be selected from...
Page 14: ...ntrol panet cover and secure with the onglnal mounting screws CONNECT THERMOSTAT WIRES a Insert 24 volt wores through the plasto grommel JUSl above the control panel b Connect the thermostat WIres 10...
Page 15: ...tandard H U D TITLE 24 PART 280 and the Nat onal Fuel Gas Gode ANSI Z223 1INFPA 54J a Optional fuel inlel lines are available fa all gas fumace models to perm t the addillon 01 a 112 F P T shut oft va...
Page 16: ...INFORMATION AWARNING If you do not follow the e ifl tructions exactly a fire Ot explO lon may re un causing personsl Injury fOU of life or property damage FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING a ThfI...
Page 17: the fumace blower resulting in possible asphyxiation In ttle evenl oj any llashback or explosion mmediately shLJI oft ttle fumace and call your service technICIan TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE a Se...
Page 18: 01 all timing functooos Alter lighllng the cootrol module uses the gnitor as a flame sensor shu l ng off gas Should tl le llame go out Tllere are no external relays or timIng deVICeS Do not try t...
Page 19: ...o Appllance H 2 Set fhe thermostat to the lowest se ing 3 Tum all all electrO powe to the appliance 4 This appliance IS eqUIpped WIth an ignlhon dev wheh automatically lights the borner Do oot lry to...
Page 20: ...eceuary Failure to observe this caullon may reault In unnf oper uon explosion and or fire or phyxl1ltlon the following Hctlonl G SupplyM and Combustion Alr 3 Gas Valw UG MM and MB llIS torlhe gas l na...
Page 21: air adjustment may eau un a oparation explosion ar ldlor Ita aaptlyxlallon Itthe inputto the urnaeel too great bec fluse of exce llle g pre ure wrong stu nouk o onflee high altitude etc the burne I...
Page 22: ...e manual Shul valve mUSl be on b T Ie p 1ot Il me must be established C The II s valve conlrol eve musl be llle ON pos tlOf1 d Cl eCk gas p essure coming to ttle gas valve a Replaca The gas valve if t...
Page 23: ...sure all f tflngs are leak tight NORDYNE manufacturer of Inlenherm and Miffer products 120 Volls Is AvaUable At AMP Plug Ignitor Does Not Heat Up a Drsconnect power fo the lurnace b Dtsconnect AMP pl...
Page 24: ...including the grille onthe furnace To do so may cause the furnace to activate the high timit and shut down or it may cause asphyxiation A WARNING By Serviceman Ailiurnaces nei d perIOdiC servICe at t...
Page 25: ...kage an energy saving NORDYNE unIT IS available that has been des gned specifically for manufactured housmg appl cat ons ar l can lest handle your home comfort needs U L L sted and AI CertIfied all mo...
Page 26: ...n 0 1 1 rsT T A e FI 0 0 I lSI Ir u lr Q Ir I _ ED OfIA_ 4J BLACK 0 __ AJ _wHtTE D c w a I Jj GllOUNII SCM ANSW I j r f r l r Flgur 2 Go Imolpl enc MGH t O lCi 070 077 NOROYNE m nulleturer ollntertll...
Page 27: ...r 1 jjm 1_ u 1 i 0 J t fu L A O WNnE I YECLOW ____ l l l L t t CLOSED END CONNECTOR l r B CK i _ fC I WHrTE CO 1 S 1 I BUSHIHG i CD Z o __I W 5 6 r 1 J i I ______ J LWOT SW AEO I 0 11 GAS VAlVE wo Flg...
Page 28: ...S u _m w 6 to_ i i 6 j Qo i _ r u u u U u U C NECT Ou O CA REO c BLUE RED l BLACK CLOSE COf N CTOA 5 w ElIT L H BLUE CROUN SC EW 1 I J BuSH O o lh l ll 2 OIlA E L m FI9U 44 Gis Almosplleric Furnaces M...
Page 29: ...0 J 1 A r J 0 I 1 l l I I C Dralt FUfn8CU Uot w nduc ur 45 Standing P PO MOBB 090 PO MGHB ll9 I d Miller products tertherm an j clurer NORDYNE manu a...
Page 30: ...WIRING DIAGRAMS i j I l i j 0 a 11 0 J rio l 1 10 TIl FI9 49 Stondlng Pilot induced Or ft Furnaces MGHA090 PO NORDYNE manulacturer 01 lntertherm and Miller products...
Page 32: ...f I Furnace MG H B A B and MM H B A B Series Gas 7 0 34...
Page 33: ...MG H B A B and MM H B A B Series Gas Furnace Parts List i E T _ ri 0 _ __ _ _ 0 0 1 1 soo 1 Pin O O IG be olockO l y Glo lb 1OI Gas Furnace Parts List continued on back page...
Page 34: ...l I f f MG H B A B and MM H B A B Series Continued _ 5 0 32 0 _ G l P p l _ L_ M _ Rod f _ l_ _ V S kl lI5l...
Page 36: ...MG A and MM A Series GAS FURNACE...
Page 37: ...Or ol 0jj ill n Lu ni 11iO FOpen fO FDift 1 01 1 11 F peNOO DIn O s FClOM 3O Di m Fron Air eo InCh 2 p H be AUY 0fi 7ro Plu item 26 _n In lIJde 3 PI i o cn noo M oM02O tom 26 1n 1u l 3 P pe H Exchang...
Page 38: ..._ _ _ _ _ _1 1_ _1 _ I 1_1_1_1_ i R I 1T litH f L _ _ _ __ I I I I_I I I 1_1_1_1_1 I I_I I I_I I _ 1_ H I ______ I _I_I_I_ I I I_ I i H 8 III I 1 H IH t H 1 I 1 tlH H t1 t H H f I J nmm iW Iii I UU i...
Page 39: ...NSTALLATION SEQUENCE for models wilh Standing Pilot and Induced Draft Blowers 3 When Ihe motor Illach ls approxlmaiely 80 01 lull speed he proving SWItch closes and encrgizes Ihc gas valve 1 On a call...