General information
Our surrounds are all made of non-combustible
materials. All our inserts/stoves are tested
according to the latest European requirements
and also to the Norwegian SINTEF standard, which
includes particle tests. Several European countries
however have individual rules for installation of
inserts, stoves and fi replaces. You as a client are
totally responsible for the fulfi lling of these local
rules concerning the installation in your region/
country. Nordpeis (Northstar) is not responsible
regarding correct installation.
You should check local regulations concerning:
• distance from fi rebox to combustible/fl ammable
• insulation materials/requirements between
fi replace surround and back wall
• size of fl oor plates in front of fi replace/stove if
• fl uepipe connection between fi rebox and chimney
• insulation requirements if fl uepipe goes through
fl ammable wall such as a wood wall.
We recommend to stack the surround without glue in
order to adjust the insert prior to perforating the chimney
for the fl ue connection. Use a spirit level to ensure that
the surround is mounted straight. The insert will expand
with heat and for this reason the surround must not rest
on the insert. (Above the insert there must be a gap
of 3 to 5 mm. Laterally there is no need for gaps, but
between the lower part of the insert and the surround
there must be a gap of at least 2 mm.)
Floor plate
A fi reproof fl oor plate must be put in front of the fi replace
if the fl oor is of a combustible material.
Powder glue for fi lling
This is used to repair any notches or wounds in the
concrete. Mix the provided powder glue with water
(the consistency of the glue should be that of tooth
paste). Before you start, use a damp sponge to wet the
concrete surface. This will remove dust and provide for
better adhesion. Fill in any uneven surfaces.
Acrylic glue
This is used for gluing the elements towards wall, gluing
the elements together and for fi lling joints.
The surround can be painted 24hrs after that it has
been assembled. Any surface that has been fi lled needs
to be smoothened with fi ne sand paper. Use latex or
acrylic based paint (emulsion paint).
Clean the plates with mild soapy water and remove any
remaining glue.
Fine Fissures
Settlement cracks can appear during the fi rst year of
new built houses. For this reason, very thin fi ssures
could appear in the joints between the elements, the
fi rewall and the chimney. This is entirely normal and
no reason for concern. These small fi ssures can be
removed by renewing the joint. Scrape out the joint with
a joint scraper and then vacuum clean to remove all the
dirt. Inject acrylic into the joint and even out by using
the fi ngertip with some soapy water. After about 24
hours the joint can be repainted.
Smaller damages
These are successfully repaired with the provided
powder glue. If the damage is deep, we recommend
fi lling twice in order to avoid sinking. Fill smaller cracks
and uneven surfaces with a fl oat or a brush. Smoothen
the surface with a damp sponge or sand paper.
For your own safety, comply with the assembly
instructions. All safety distances are minimum distances.
Installation of the insert must comply with the rules and
regulations of the country where installed. Nordpeis AS
is not responsible for wrongly assembled inserts.
We accept no liability for typographical errors and
NB! See separate instructions for the insert