Mains choke – SK CI5-xxx/xxx-C
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TI 276993xxx - 1822
Pos : 3 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ Allgemeine M odule/Ei ns atz ber eich (Überschrif t) [ alle T Is] @ 71\ mod_1618469861037_388. doc x @ 2764369 @ 5 @ 1
Field of use
Pos : 5 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/Dr oss eln/Netzdr oss eln/SK CI 5-.. . [ SK 5xxP]/ Eins atz bereic h [ SK CI 5-... ] (all e T ypen) @ 71\ mod_1618469678743_388.doc x @ 2764330 @ @ 1
Frequency inverters have been developed for operation in industrial environments. It may be
necessary to implement an optional mains choke if required by the system and/or the application.
These chokes must be matched to the power range of the frequency inverter and the mains supply.
Using an optional choke will
Minimise mains feedback and mains current surges
Significantly reduce the current harmonics
Restrict start-up and peak current
Reduce the apparent power and charge currents in the link circuit
Improve cos
The mains choke is implemented upstream of the frequency inverter and limits the input current to
approximately the output current level of the SK 5xxP. These mains chokes are UL certified and
should always be installed in the control cabinet due to their protection class (IP00). Optional
connection occurs with a connection cable to be supplied and with screw terminals at the mains choke
and at the frequency inverter.
Pos : 6 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ Allgemeine M odule/Übersic ht (Ü bersc hrift) [all e TI s] @ 71\mod_1618469970343_388. doc x @ 2764407 @ 5 @ 1
Pos : 8 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/Dr oss eln/Netzdr oss eln/SK CI 5-.. . [ SK 5xxP]/Ü bersic ht [SK C I5-. ..] (alle T ypen) @ 71\ mod_1618470117136_388. doc x @ 2764445 @ @ 1
1~ 230 V AC
Product type
Part number
Rated current
Mains voltage
SK CI5-230/006-C
276 993 005
200 … 240
± 10 %
SK CI5-230/010-C
276 993 009
SK CI5-230/025-C
276 993 024
3~ 400 V AC
Product type
Part number
Rated current
Mains voltage
SK CI5-500/004-C
276 993 004
3 x 7.35
380 … 480
-20 % / +10 %
SK CI5-500/008-C
276 993 008
3 x 3.86
SK CI5-500/016-C
276 993 016
3 x 1.84
SK CI5-500/035-C
276 993 035
3 x 0.84
SK CI5-500/063-C
276 993 063
3 x 0.47
Pos : 9 /T ec hnis che Inf or mationen/ Allgemeine M odule/Urheberrec hts ver mer k [ alle TIs] @ 70\ mod_1618233238929_388. doc x @ 2760484 @ 5 @ 1
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As an integral component of the device described here, this document must be provided to all users in
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Any editing or amendment or other utilisation of the Technical Information manual is prohibited.
Pos : 10 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\ mod_1476369695906_0. doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1