2.2 Change Password (001)
Message format
A******,001,New Password
Note:000000 is the old password ,123456 is the new password.
Set Password OK!
2.3 Real-time return setting (002)
Message format
A******,002, XXX
XXX=0 is for STOP, value of XXX is within [15~64800] seconds.
Message replied after successful setting:
Set time interval (30) OK!
Message contains position information will be sent in every 30
seconds after successful setting.
2.4 Alarm and Listen Telephone Number setting (003)
Message format
A******,003,P, TelNumber
P=1 is for Aalrm and listen
P=2 or 3 is the second\ the third listen number.
Message replied after successful setting
Set Telephone OK!
After it’s set successfully, once there is an alarm happened, the
device will alert to Alarm Number and Tracking System by message.
If you dial with one of these three numbers you set, it can be
connected automatically after the 3th rings. Then you can listen the
voice in the vehicle.
2.5 Over-Speed Alarm Setting (005)
Message format
XXX=[000,200] (unit: km/h)XXX=00 is close the function.