User interface
Touch module
This phone uses Synaptics capacitive touch series S3202 for displays.
The Synaptics touch module interfaces with MSM via I2C and GPIO 50 for Reset and GPIO 11 for Touch INT.
The Synaptics touch module uses VREG_L9 for its analogue supply and VREG_LVS4 for its digital supply.
Whenever the user touches the touch screen, the controller raises an interrupt to MSM which initiates I2C
transactions to identify the locations the user touches on the display.
Figure 40 Touch diagram
Proximity sensor and ambient light sensor
This phone uses a combined proximity and ambient light sensor called Alphamon.
The proximity part of the device uses an external IR LED supplied by VPH_PWR. The current this LED consumes
is controlled by Alphamon and set using software. The interrupt output of Alphamon changes state when
the infra red light from the LED is reflected back by a suitable reflective surface.
The ambient light sensor detects the level of ambient light and adjusts the display whenever the display is
active. Covering this sensor results in dimmed display.
Figure 41 Proximity sensor and ALS diagram
Imaging and video
Display module
This phone uses a 4.3’’ AMOLED type WVGA display with 16 million colors. The display module supports the
display format of 800 rows x 480 columns. The dimension of the display module is 59.60 mm x 100.80 mm
x 1.28 mm. The module interfaces to the phone via FPC with a 50 pins board-to-board connector.
RM-824; RM-825; RM-826
System Module
Issue 2
Page 6 – 17
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