Tahvo EM ASIC includes the. following functional blocks:
• Core supply generation
• Charge control circuitry
• Level shifter and regulator for USB/FBUS
• Current gauge for battery current measuring
• External LED driver control interface
• Digital interface (CBUS)
Device memories
RAP3G memories NOR flash and SDRAM
Modem memory consists of 64 Mbit SDRAM and 64 Mbit NOR flash memories.
SDRAM is a dynamic memory for ISA SW.
NOR is used for ISA SW code and PMM data and CDSP SW code.
16-bit wide SDRAM interface consists of DDR SDRAM controller from ARM, DCDL/DLLs and wrapper logic. 32-bit
wide flash interface is implemented by using EMC module.
SDRAM core voltage (1.8V) is generated from Retu VDRAM and I/O voltage (1.8V) is from VIO. NOR flash uses VIO
for both core and I/O voltages.
Combo memory
The application memory of the device consists of NAND/DDR combo memory. Stacked DDR/NAND application
memory has 512 Mbit of DDR memory and 512 Mbit of flash memory. DDR DRAM memory is stacked above the
NAND flash.
OMAP includes a 16-bit dedicated memory interface called external memory interface fast (EMIFF). This is used
to support interface for DDR memory. OMAP 1710 provides also NAND flash controller located on the shared
peripheral bus, providing support for 8-bit NAND flash. The interface requires an 8-bit address bus multiplexed
with 8-bit data bus and several control signals.
Core voltage for DDR is 1.8V, which is generated by discrete LDO (LP3990ITLX). 1.8V (VIO) is for DDR I/O voltage.
Both NAND core and I/O voltages are 1.8V generated by VIO.
Audio concept
Audio HW architecture
The functional core of the audio hardware is built around two ASICs: RAP 3G CMT engine ASIC and the mixed-
signal ASIC Retu.
Retu provides an interface for the transducers and the accessory connector. Because audio amplifiers are also
integrated into Retu, the only discrete electronics components needed for audio paths are audio filtering
components and EMC/ESD components.
There are three audio transducers:
• 7x 11mm dynamic earpiece
• 16mm dynamic speaker
• electret microphone module
All galvanic audio accessories are connected to the Pop-Port
accessory connector.
A Bluetooth module that is connected to RAP3G supports Bluetooth audio functionality.
There is a separate application ASIC, Helen 3 (OMAP 1710) for Symbian applications..
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Company Confidential
9241872 (Issue 1)
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