CCS Technical Documentation
Troubleshooting - RF
Issue 1 06/2003
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Page 53
5) If the carrier cannot be centered, check
to see if you can adjust to 2.2v on pin 1 of
G500. If you can, within the PDM range of
+/- 150, then the circuitry that delivers the
voltage is working correctly, and the
VCTCXO has a problem. Troubleshoot it as
described in the previous section. If you
cannot adjust to 2.2v within the accepted
range, then the AFC circuitry has a problem.
Troubleshoot it as described in the previous
6) In the case that there is a fault with both
the AFC circuitry and the VCTCXO, then sev-
eral combinations of the previously
described conditions are possible. Start by
ensuring 2.2v on pin 1 of G500 using a PDM
within the range +/- 150, then center the
The IF gain curve is characterized by
varying the TX_IF_AGC and measuring
the transmit power. This is only done
once (in cell CDMA mode) since the
same circuitry is used for both Cell and
Check Robin (N801) and supporting compo-
nents. Also check D400, which generates
the PDM signals. Check AGC PDM voltages.
Troubleshoot the rest of the transmitter
chain if necessary.
PA Gain Cell Po
These tunings model the cell PA gain
curve by setting the PA AGC PDM to
several values and measuring output
power. First, the TX PA AGC and the TX
RF AGC are set to (approximately) their
maximum used values (not the maxi-
mum possible values, but the maximum
of the range over which they are used).
Then the TX IF AGC is set so that the
transmit power on the antenna connec-
tor is approxi11 dBm (this
power is reported in the next tuning).
Then, six PDM values are written to the
PA AGC and the output power is meas-
ured for each. These values are reported
in this tuning.
If the power readings are low, check the
AGC voltages. You can also probe on the PA
input to find out if the power level is low
going into the PA, or if the power level is
correct going into the PA but the PA gain is
too low. If the power level going into the PA
is too low, probe the TX chain at all the
other points prior to the PA listed in the
table to see where the gain is lacking. When
that point is identified, check the soldering
of all related components, and replace com-
ponents until the fault is found. If the
power on the PA input is not low and the PA
AGC voltage is correct, similarly probe the
power at all points after the PA to find the
fault, being extremely careful not to short
the probing point to ground because this
will instantly destroy the PA. Visually check
soldering first, and probe on PA output as a
last resort.
TX IF AGC (Cell)
This is the part of the previous tuning
when the TX IF AGC is adjusted so that
the output power is +11 dBm.
Check Jedi (N601). Also check D400, which
generates the PDM signals. Check AGC PDM
voltages. Troubleshoot the rest of the cell
transmitter if needed.
Tuning Title