Nokia RD40 Manual Download Page 9

Summary of Contents for RD40

Page 1: ... eengemodificeerde kop welkegeschiktis om deNokia te programmeren enis dehardwareal aangepast voor gebruik in de70cmband Wezettendusde kopopderadio sluitendespanning 12 14vdc eneen 50ohmdummyaan Mooi zouzijn alsu eenhf signaalgenerator tot 450lMhz enwattmeter terbeschikking heeft Kijk ofallesnormaal werktnainschakelen vanderadio Indienin orde danuitschakelen enna30sec weerinschakelen maar nudeaanl...

Page 2: ...teurband kunnenafstellen Wegaan3 frequenties invoeren Delaagste middelste enhoogste frequentie wÍuuwemee willenwerken Dusdatzijn 430 435en440MIu Datdoenwe alsvolgt Tik metcijfertoetsen hetgetal10430000 in delaagste frequentie envul aanmetnullentot de1linksverdwijnt Druknuopdeknop OK WerktalseensoortEntertoets Bij eenfouteinvoerkanmetdeCLRtoetshetlaatstingevoerde getalwordengewist Vervolgens demidd...

Page 3: ... te verlaten 3 203OK 15Watt instelling Met pijitje omhoog omlaaggewenstvermogeninstellen om dezeinstelling eerte verlaten 4 Met detoetsenfcn RCL STO wordt hetuitgangszendvermogen opgeslagen Geefnu 11 OK in om het middenbandgedeeltein te stellenen herhaalbovenstaande routine s I tlm 4 voor l aaglmidden envol vermogeninstellingen Geefnu I2 OK in om het bovenbandgedeeltein te stellenen herhaalbovenst...

Page 4: ...00 rsl rx freqcontrol 36 054 044 Waarde 054is designaalsterkte endeze aarde kanvariëren 044is dewaarde welkedoordeD A convertet aangenomen wordtvoordit bandsegment enookdezewaarde kanvariëren Zethiemadeinstellingvastin hetgeheugen vandeontvanger d m vRCL STOin tedrukken Als hetgoedis verspringt nuhetontvangst gedeelte iederkeermeteenstap1MHz metuitzondering vandeeerste stapwelkemet1 5MHzverspringt...

Page 5: op 00 komt te staand m v de pijltjes toets Zet hiema de instelling vast in het geheugen van de ontvangerd m v eerst1bn en hiernaRCL STO in te drukken Druk hierna in en voer vervolgensdewaarde33 in endruk op OK om de openingsdrempel in te stellenvoor de squelch Dmv depijltjes omhoogtoetsde openingswaarde op 121zeÍten Zet hiema de instelling vast in het geheugen van de ontvangerd m v eerstfcn en ...

Page 6: ...configuratie menu tekomen Geefnudewaarde 759in endrukvervolgens opdeOK toets In hetbeeldverschijnt 759 Parameters programming 000 Rechtsonderinmoetdewaarde000 staanmochtdit niet zozijn dandezewa arde intoetsen end m veerstdefcntoetsenvervolgens RCL STOin te drukkendezewaaÍde vast geleggen in hetgeheugen Gaatvervoigens weeruit hetconfiguratie menud m vde toets Nu kanermethetprogrammeren vandefreque...

Page 7: ...or 430 0000MH2 13430000 1 Á l t r 4 Y15 6 i t n q P i r 1 i r I t t f t J t L i i t n D u Hetgetalverderaanvullen metnulientot 13uit beeldverdwijnt 430000000 Drukhiemadetoetsok in Hiemaverschijnt ophetdispiay I 800004800 430000000 Noteernu het4 cijferiggetalnaast defrequentie in oprxkanaal1vanje lijstje In onsvoorbeeld isdit4800 Herhaal hetzelfdevoordege enste zendfrequentie ennoteerookhierweer he...

Page 8: ...anaalnummer 2 in uitje lijstjeendrukhiemaopeerst 1 cn vervolgens opdeR iLr toets omdez e waar y q opteslaan r 6 o r 7 Voernu dewaardel J2 lnendrukop OK Geefnu alseerstehetÍx kanaalnummer3 in uit je lijstje en druk hiema op eerst1 cn vervolgensop de RCL STO toetsom dezewaardeop te slaan Geefnu als eerstehet tx kanaalnummer3 in uit je lijstje en druk hiema op eerstfcn vervolgensop de RCL STO Joetsom...

Page 9: ...umbevestigingen d m vdeOK toets Kanaal1instellen ofoproepen Dmv 55 001 in te gevenwordternaarkanaal1toegegaan Nu ishetmogelijkomvoordit kanaaleentekstophetdisplaytezetten Dmv 55 001hiemaopdefcntoetstedrukkenen vervolgens opdeRCI STO toetste drukken Hiemaverschijnt erin hetdisplaY 55 00 l Naam Bewaren 2 Voernudenaamof frequentiein welkeu voorkanaal1bestemd had d m vhetalfanumerieke toetsenbord Daam...

Page 10: ...tsenbord Daama dmvdepijltjestoetsnaarBewaren Bewarenop3 zeltenzettenenhiemadewaardeopslaan metdeOK toets Kanaal3 instellen ofoproepen Dmv 55 003 inte gevenwordternaarkanaal3toegegaan Nu ishetmogelijkomvoordit kanaaleentekstophetdisplaytezetten Dmv 55 003hiernaopdefcntoetstedrukkenen vervolgens opdeRCL SI O toetste drukken t Hiemaverschijnt erin hetdisplay 55 003 Naam Bewaren 4 Voernudenaamof frequ...

Page 11: ...n Bewaren opzetten enhiemadewaarde opslaan metdeOK toets Kanaal5 instellen ofoproepen Dmv 55 005 in te geven wordternaarkanaal5toegegaan Nu ishetmogelijkomvoordit kanaal eentekstophetdisplayte zetten Dmv 55 005hiemaopdefcntoetste drukken en vervolgens opdeRCL STOtoetstedrukken Hiernaverschijnt erin hetdisplay 55 005 Naam Ilcwaren 6 Voernudenaamof frequentie in welkeu voorkanaal5bestemd had d m vhe...

Page 12: ...n moetenwe ijkfrequentiesinvoerenwaarmeewe de radioin onzeamateurbandkunnenafstellen Wegaan3 frequenties invoeren Delaagste middelste en hoogste Írequentie waarwe meewillen werken Dusdatzijn430 435en 440Mhz Datdoenwe alsvolgt Tikmetcijfertoetsen hetgetalí0430000 in delaagste frequentie envul aanmetnullentot de 1 links verdwijnt Druknu op de knop OK WerktalseensoortEntertoets Bii eenÍoute invoerkan...

Page 13: ...nderkant eenrij metgaatjes Ditzijnde doormêtalliseringen vande Lecherlijnen EenLecherleiding is een stukjeprintspoor van bepaalde lengtedatalsspoelwerktop hogeÍrequenties Aandeenekantvan de printloopthetactivespooren aande andere kanthetaardvlak Ditaardvlak zietu opfoto 5 Omde Lecherleiding afte stemmenheeftmendoormetalliseringen aangebracht tussenspoorenaardvlak Dooreenaantaldoorverbindingen mete...

Page 14: ...hetspoorwatkorter worden Datdoenwe doorde aardveÍbinding weerte herstellen meteenstukjedraad Opfoto6 moeten weongeveer 3 gaatjesweeraanaardeleggen Opfoto 7 ongeveer 5 gaatjes voorlopigeindetekst Vorigepagina Homepage Íoto 7 mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 Nokia40 2 mht 2t8 2008 ...

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Page 17: ... L SP 1 12 HOOK 13 RxD 14 TxD 15 RTS 1 6 0 V 1 7 0 V 1 B 1 2 V 9 L2V 20 Mrc_IN 21 AGND 22 Pt r 23 GND 24 CRM 2 5 T G N 26 SCL 27 oN_OFF 28 DSR 29 CTS 30 DCD 3 1 0 V 32 0v 3 3 1 2 V 34 12V 35 HF MIC_ÏN 36 AGND 37 PTT_HF 38 GND 39 ALARM l i i t i n Transmitted Quick data Received Quick data EaRPhone n _ ê ó r r z r j r i n m o n o f o n i n T c n m n i I z r i r f i n T e m n i l z i r r t i h Isomp...

Page 18: ...4 0 4 T 4 2 4 3 SDA I 2 C CLK DTR R T _INT R S 2 3 2 I 2 C r 2 c À e n 1 V R5232 R S 2 3 2 R S 2 3 2 ...

Page 19: ...Microfoonaansluitins RD40 ...

Page 20: ...705 000 706 000 707 000 708 000 709 015 710 n vorhanden 711 005 7 r 2 0 0 1 713 001 7r4 040 715 030 716 010 717 015 718 001 719 002 720 006 721 006 722 001 723 002 724 001 725 001 726 000 727 004 728 000 729 n vorhanden 730 006 731 012 732 006 733 006 734 010 735 006 736 00r 737 n vorhanden 738 010 739 000 740 zss 74r 012 ...

Page 21: ...65 000 766 000 767 000 768 000 769 799 n vorhanden 800 0050312 801 809n vorhanden 810 0057888 811 812 813 8r4 815 816 819 n vorhanden 820 fiinftenSegment derunterste Zeilemit Unterschrich 821 dito 822 dito 823 dito 824 dito 825 dito 826 diro 827 dito 828 dito 829 dito 830 0302 831 211 832 7888 833 900 834 839 n vorhanden 840 man007 mod02 ser019380 841 850n vorhanden 851 859 ...

Page 22: ...30 030 rx Eingabe desTeilfaktorfi irdieersteSimplexfrequenz zweite dito dritte dito vierte dito fiinfte dito 031 dito 032 dito 033 dito 034 dito 040 041 049n vorhanden 0s0 3200 051 1600 052 0001 053 0001 054 055 056 n vorhanden 057 00000 058 099n vorhanden 100 00314 101 00316 102 00320 103 00321 104 00333 105 00336 106 00342 107 0035s 108 00356 109 00360 110 00373 lIl 00377 112 00379 113 00 51 4 1...

Page 23: ...002 310 000 311 255 312 05r 313 255 314 000 315 002 316 009 317 320n vorhanden 321 0064000 322 0071200 323 329n vorhanden 330 000 331 000 332 399n vorhanden 400 013 401 014 402 013 403 013 404 013 405 013 406 013 407 013 408 013 409 013 410 029 411 029 412 029 4r3 029 414 029 415 030 416 031 417 032 4t8 032 4t9 032 420 041 4 2 t 0 4 2 ...

Page 24: ...37 007 438 007 439 007 440 004 441 006 442 006 443 007 444 007 445 007 446 009 447 010 448 0r2 449 014 450 015 451 007 452 007 453 007 454 007 455 007 4s6 007 457 007 458 007 459 007 460 007 461 007 462 500 007 501 510 026 511 520 027 521 025 s22 524 026 525 027 526 s28 028 5 2 9 s 3 0 0 3 0 s31 031 532 541 542 543 030 034 ...

Page 25: ... 556 571 044 572 599n vorhanden 600 1391 601 609n vorhanden 610 00 7752r 611 619 n vorhanden 620 id0000d19m03y97 621 id0496 d11m01y05 622 id0000dl9m03y97 623 id0000d00m00y00 624 id0000 d00m00y00 625 699n vorhanden 035 036 037 038 040 041 042 043 ...

Page 26: ... and re assembly Modifications Overview is originallya trunked radio the UHF versionswerewidelyusedby Gasutilities beforethey went to cslvl Evidently you can programfrequencies usingthe CU43PROG programminghead This is like a normalCU42 head only it s bright red in colour The headshavea pleasantlylargeLCD mhtml file A PSF share Nokia 20RD40 Nokia 20R40 20Trunked 20Mobile mht 2lg 2008 ...

Page 27: ...d I havn tyet measuredit but the unit staysrealativelycoolwhen comparedwith the Philips F141000 or AscomSE55O This makesit appearmuchviablefor transportable use The RSSIis à four bar array This in itself is quitea luxuryon a PBRrig Theonly otherI canthinkof with a similarfunction is the Philips Simoco FÍ 41000 Thereis alsoPCsoftwarefor the R4Oas you wouldexpectfor a radioof this era It s called Am...

Page 28: ...orrectfusingis naturally required upstream The mic breaksout to an RJ45socket and the speakerbreaksout to a mono 3 5mmjack socket The R40has no internal loudspeaker Thereare alsotwo other mono 3 5mm flyingjack socketson the harnessand theseare labledHF PTT Handsfree PTT and HF MIC HandsfreeMic There sa buttonon the front panellabledHFwhich presumably engageshandsfreeoperation if the softwarehascon...

Page 29: ... l flo _lt LSPt l f 1 t LSPI __l t l K z r z J t l K5z5zl f l K z J Z t 16 _lt il _lFí _ p ilvlt GNp lt t 1 T o l __lFEL _ lp nv lf cG_ f 18lf 1rv lFí _ F 1r7 f 1N _l t C__ lf r tv FEL F lrv ll rN l Fro __ f Mrcrr __ lF breRN yElFr4s lFIN l t FAGNp l E ud lF4s lT GNt lF bs c l í r pr r _ FLA GRN lFrs R 4ílt IN _lF l t t il t z lt GNp __lFC lF sp 7lfcNp l ÍZ r R dbl4t hr ritb l Ir L Senar Lr Pin Is...

Page 30: ...E _ lPTr p2s I t o l l l 40 f i l a 1 t 4t _l a LJA f r rNi _l r t I LLK_KSZJZ I t prR l fRr l FLrr _lFrs l D25 RS232Female Thisisthe D25femaleas foundon the standardharness It carriesR5232with the standardpin configuration plusa few morefunctionsbesides Function H E t pid GNp _ filf wHIlE r o lE_ tGRN lE t R p 5 _ BRN E t crs _ filf uo lE t oirir rGNp lft _ tBRN lE t v _ r _ f cRnl t trr lFo lf B...

Page 31: ... YEL Page4 of 6 Thisis the centreof a coaxial cablein t Thisis the outerof a coaxialcablein tf Combined in D44shell Earphone IFunctionI l l fMrc rN l t AGlroI l HrcoK l f GG l t P I i t l E K r l f r l v 5 l T rs __l t l fB dlE t r_lE r lr REp f lr rE Braid BLU GRN ORA RED t _ l l p 4 4 l t ro I trf t _ l t r l t o l t _ l t o r GRA Head Unit The headis removedby poppingoff the smallpanelbearing t...

Page 32: ...ctors Internallythere is a 15 way ribboncable 1 SCL 2 SDA 3 I2C INT 4 V S 5 HOOK 6 AGND 7 MIC 8 MIC OUT 9 PTT 10 oN_oFF 11 GND DIGIT 12 LSP 13 EMERG_PTT 14 GND ANALOG 16 HF MIC OUT 16 NC The RedHead is usedto configure the radioand is alsorequiredto run the software This apartfrom its striking colour is not dis similarto the standard cU42 head To upgradea CU42headto servicelevel a binaryis program...

Page 33: ...ware and Comections take the headdownthe paintshopfor a re spray Page 6 of 6 PAdeviceRD40 MHW720A1 lBack to Nokia R4Ol lBack to PBRI mhtrnl file A PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 ïtlokia 20R40 20Hardwue o2jandYo2jCo 218 2008 ...

Page 34: ...rviceheadin orderto enterprogramming modeon the radio Withoutthis it will not communicate in eitherdirection Softwareis speciÍic to the firmware versioninstalledin the radio Versionhistory fí i lf R r Jl Revision Notes Environment EE EF E l E l L l t i l l tFi ttt r 1 r E r E E The3 13Windows softwarehasa userlevelsetting Thedefaultsettingis Dealer andwitha password you canaccess the service level...

Page 35: ...oldsthe flrmware F d flTTyp _l T c d _l t N l Ffi l f p t l Eh r lE F 40IIs11 G ffi l F11 60e _ltrC s1 8s4rl lc 13o f l l f l I tRp 4o lF c ffiIF1186ffi1Fór4tte Ie 13 r4 slf _ t l I tRp 4olFlrc ffi1F1186ffi _ lïór4ozrr6lE 13iío lÍlao ltrsE __ mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 20RD4O NokiaYo2 R40oÁ2lSoftwarc o2landYo20Fir 218 2008 ...

Page 36: ...dio One is behindthe headiust below andthe other labelis insidethe top of the radionearthe heatsinl Bandsplits As alwayswith PBRconversions you need to makesureyou havethe correctmodel to ensurethat the conversionis viableor evenoossible They mightall lookthe samebut can be worldsaDartin their oDerational caDabilities rlo ll T o t B dc fi l TRc4tl rsw_ t rri lsotH l t Rc4tll sw lt z oMH __l no40l ...

Page 37: ...R40ModelIdentification Boththeselabelsshouldbe identical Page 2 of 2 mhtml file PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 R40 20Model 20Identification mht 2t8 2008 ...

Page 38: ...ungs nestled ín the rear heatsink Remove Lhe two sockec cap screws holding the PA block in place 2 5 m m h e x k e y Remove aLL 25 PCB screws including the shielding block Ease out the board Logic board removal Remove outer panel 4 M3 screws Remove alt 11 screws which hold the PCB to the chassis Rernove the D44 securing pLllars 5rnmnut spinner Remove the two screws holdinq the head D15 connector r...

Page 39: ... h e r e i s a f i b e r a l c o a t i n g o f f i t h i u m g r e a s e o Place the cocket cap screws in position through the PA block o Ease the board inEo positíon ensuring that all pins are n a c i r i n n a À ê i l l o Refit the two socket cap screws for the PA bfock and insert rubber bungs o Refit M3x8 screw to the regulator on the centre of the board o Refit the sheil dlng piece with two M3...

Page 40: ...e VCOS I m not sureif this is necessary for ex gasboard modelsbut the VCOwill happilylock withina 10l4Hz bandwidth The methodis to put the radiointo service mode selecting the bottomof the requiredband then the top of the requiredbandand checkthat eachVCOis readingwithin parametêrson each respective testpointwhilst eitherreceiving or transmittingas appropriate This photoshowson the right handcorne...

Page 41: ..._ Mt 24 l o o l o trffiEEE l E trP I t ffi T l tl t ML l E frP If l F l t 1 1t ML _ l ttfrPl lf l r o ltTtlt Mlrt l E trPl l F Ttl t M 1 4 l Moredetail in German producedby Leen PA2LAD and AndreasHBgNBI can be foundon http www siux ch Nandi hobby radio index html 2 F n1t l Q ilr I i i l r r mhtml file PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 R40 20Modifications mht 2 812008 ...

Page 42: ...ia based JRCUHFTrunkt sêtsioundwjllbeex Gas soifit snota gassetitwillmostlikely bea VHFMid B downitsMidBand net ivorks sothere couldbea rushofMidBand R40s onthese êvêsoeeled Storno Motorola Nokia Mobira lt sallhêre whatlittle theÍe s httpJ oh3tr êle tut f ilenglishrmodif ications htm l r40 Thissite itsdesign andcontenl a eO1994 2007 ïhe Joint Radio Company Lld Webmastêr j c co uk lPageLastModilled...

Page 43: ...nokia4O t htm _ Tn Dutch o httprr www siux ch andi hobby radior index html rn German o http l lwww jrc co uklPMR NOKlA rn Ensfish http oh3tr ele tut filenglish modifications html r4 rn Ensrish lBack to PBRI mhtml file A PSF share Nokia 20RD40 Nokia 20R40 20Trunked 20Mobile mht 2lg 2008 ...

Page 44: ...plewhich havefound aNokia Rd40 with no control unit I hadthe luck the companyI work for hada servicemanualofthe RD40 which I could use for themodification To makethe RD40 suitablei replacedtheNokia microcontrollerprinted circuit board by anhomemadeprinted circuit board which controlsRx andTx andtake care of someaudiostuff The circuit I madeis simple from designwith no hardto find components I know...

Page 45: ...ovetheprocessor printedcircuitboard 2 Modificationof theRx andTx oscillator s 3 8Volt supplymodification of RFboard 4 Buildingof theRx Tx Audioboard 5 Wiringof theRx Tx Audioboard 6 Buildingof theMicrocontroller board 7 Wiringof theMicrocontroller board 8 Programming of thePICcontroller 9 Adjustment of thetransceiver 10 Useof thetransceiver Step1 Opens theNokiaandremovetheprocessor board Page 2 of...

Page 46: ...nd Theabove picturegive sthepoint swherea solder connection mustbedone toadjust theoscillator s to a higher frequency Step 3 To switchtheTx oscillatorin thetransceiver modeonamodification of thepowersupplycircuitof theTx oscillator is described in thefollowingpicture mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 2ORD40 Nokia 21RD4 2 Modification mht 21812008 ...

Page 47: ...theRFPCBis suitable for use Step4 Buildingof theRíTx Audio board Thelayoutfor theRíTx Audio canbefoundherepd NrikiaPCBlal out PDF AfteryoumadeaPCByouhaveto drill theholesin to thePCBfor thecomponents Fortheadjustment youhavealsoto drill aholeundertheadjustment pointsofthe PCB whicharedisplayed in thefollowingpicture mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 2ORD4O Nokia 2 RD4l 20Modification mht 2t8 2008 ...

Page 48: ...picture Afterdrillingyoucanputthecomponents onthepcb Some of thecomponents aremounted onthebackofthe pCB 12Inductors of 1OUH 4smdcapacitors of 1ONF and4 inductors of IUH are mounted onthebackof thePCB mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 Nokia 21RD4 2 Modification mht 2t8 2008 ...

Page 49: ...ingpicture Aftersoldering theinductors wemountthesmdpartsonthepCB Nowwecanmountall theotherpartsontheTopof thepCB components placement drawingin pdf formatcanbefoundhere pdflNokippcBComponents l Dli Schematic diagram in pdf formatofthe Rx Tx Audioboardcanbe found here mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 Noki a 20RD 40 20Modifi cation mht 2 8 2008 ...

Page 50: ... jr1 H i 1ËÈ t í r 81 tpilsilBt G ïYU P o l i i l o D s O I ffi qe O Èr r q iffi uà o 0 0 o Í0 g r P5Tt c4 lFl rsc b 4lo crz 61 nve cb _ E ill lï W o EiIIH V trH J ffi O H b lqe W l n O Fdr HÊ ïffi u ri lo cF à Loll g I L Speakèroutput cND andSpeaksr Aftermor urting al partsonthetopof thePCBthreewirejumpershaveto bemountontheback ofthePCB asyoucansee in theaboveAdjustment points dritlingholes andw...

Page 51: ...mentisthisanoptionwhichis readyin thehardware butstill hasto bedone in thefirmwareof thePICcontroller ËË ra o 6 6 ËE o t ft X I GND Step6 Buildingof theMicrocontroller board Thelayoutin pdf formatfor themicrocontroller boardcanbefoundhere pd1 rncullD40Rev3PCB pd I Thelayoutin pdf formatfor theswitchmatrix boardcanbefoundhere pclADiodeMatrixl ClJ pd Í m 1 tr t t cr 3 UFnï5 Female l í 3 Ë t e i J C3...

Page 52: ...0 4Hcr64 rmrrËË H rr Eo O 8viïput lOcND Step8 Programming of thePICcontroller Suitable programming software canbefoundonhttpl w w ic prog con Swilchmr I r t tr datapll_ I v L3 sPl clkdl 1 Bgurns encoder I L H L r i R efoutpt J Piezi I I ÏïïïËWMiï j Gi l lU dwrl ï P ï C c o n t r o l l e r 9 L FF _ Ê ïlo H 6 È Y 1ft1007 LCD ri941i8 fiooo è ëBs oB0 i l rr I t t So O w i BC5tEC o 3o oEIo of30 óBê o 3...

Page 53: ...ryerla vout pdf Schematicdiagramof a usableprogrammer Fg 8Ê ïËdr 9 ï Pagel0 of l3 R7 TK rc2Ê F4HCT 0l t N41 48 c1345 sEFr T1 I rF L lrE 6ÊUF 0 u7 rr Êf a Programmer component view of PCB trl U st u c7 Ëu TtIl l TzI Rt ttT E JT TTT UT TzgUT RIIiI RzIH mhtml file i PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 Nokia 20RD40 o20Modification mht2 8 2008 ...

Page 54: ... 2 PinRESAtmelAVR controller 3 Dataout 4 Daïain 5 Clock 6 5V VCC Microcontroller Eeprom powersupplyfor programming by useof aIC socket 7 GND Place ajumperonJP3for programming PICcontrollers Pin3 andPin4 arein thisconfiguration connected with eachother In thiscase theconnections ofthe PROGconnector JP2for usewith aPICConhollerare 1 PinMCLR MicrochipPICcontroller 3 DataPIC 5 ClockPIC 7 GND Note Weca...

Page 55: ...hePICcontroller with a standard bourns encoder 11in therestpositioncanbefoundhere Firmr vare RD40v402s ZP Version sarewithoutthePL tone whichbecome available in versionV5 00firmware Bill of materials Bill lMaterials doc Adjustment points Resistor RV7 is for adjustment of thereceiver front end Askaotherstation to makea signalorputa signalgenerator on adesired frequency in the70cmbandandtuneRV7to ma...

Page 56: ...S232 controlof radio Windowsapplication whichcontrols theradio CW Callsigngenerator Repeater offsetof 7 6MHz for Germany Thankyoufor visitingmy homepage 73 sdePA3GDB Email PAJGDB CASEli4A lrlL Tenrgnaarzendam ateurs startkabel nl mhtml file A PSF Share Nokia 20RD40 Nokia 20RD40 20Modifi cation mht 21812008 ...
