M e n u f u n c t i o n s
Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Saved items and My folders
To organize your messages, you can move some of them to the
Saved items
folder, or add new folders for your messages. While reading a message,
To add or delete a folder, select
Saved items
, and
My folders
. To delete a folder, scroll to the folder, select
Delete folder
Multimedia messages (MMS) (network service)
Only devices that have compatible features can receive and
display multimedia messages. The appearance of a message may
vary depending on the receiving device.
The wireless network may limit the size of MMS messages. If the inserted
picture exceeds this limit, the device may make it smaller so that it can be
sent by MMS.
A multimedia message can contain text, sound, and a picture. The phone
supports multimedia messages that are up to 100 KB in size. If the message
contains a picture, the phone scales it down to fit the display area.
You can not receive any multimedia messages if you have a call in progress,
or a game or another Java application running. Because delivery of
multimedia messages can fail for a variety of reasons, do not rely solely upon
them for essential communications.