To delete the request, press
{getDisplayText() failed}
Saving the callback request sender
When you receive a callback request from someone who is not in
your contacts list, you can save the name in your phone book.
1. Press
, and select
View PTT address
2. To make a new entry, select
{getDisplayText() failed}
[qtn.poc.list.add.contact] Add contact; to attach the address to an
existing contact, select
{getDisplayText() failed}
address} Edit address.
Creating and setting up groups
When you call a group, all members joined to the group hear the
call simultaneously.
Three types of talk groups can be created for push to talk over
cellular. Open groups can be created by users, and new members can
be added by invitation. Closed groups allow only selected
participants provisioned by an administrator to participate in a
group call. A third type of group is a new group of selected members
in a provisioned group. For example, a business could have a closed
group, plus separate groups created for business functions.
Each user is identified by a user name. given by the service provider.
Group members can choose a nickname for each group, which is
shown as a caller identification.
Groups are registered with a URL (uniform resource locator) address.
One user registers the group URL in the network by joining the group
session the first time.
Inviting members to a group
To invite new members to a group, you can send a text message from
the Push to talk menu.
P u s h t o t a l k
Antenna House XSL Formatter (Evaluation) http://www.antennahouse.com/