2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1. Product overview......... 5
Package contents ...................... 6
System requirements ............... 7
Network services ....................... 7
Operating environment ........... 7
2. Product features.......... 9
GSM terminal ............................. 9
Application module ................10
Light indicators .......................12
Power supply ............................14
Supplementary services ........15
Short Message Service
(SMS) ..........................................15
Voice mail .................................15
High Speed Circuit Switched
Data (HSCSD) ...........................16
Calling Line Identification
(CLI) .............................................16
Automatic Area Code (AAC)
and routing ...............................16
Intensity of Field (IOF) ...........17
Faster call setup ......................17
AutoPIN security feature ......17
3. Setting up
the terminal ...................18
Installing the SIM card ..........18
Mounting the GSM terminal 19
Connecting the power
supply .........................................19
Connecting a telephone ........19
Entering the PIN code ...........19
Terminal tone indicators .......20
Checking the signal strength 20
Making test calls .....................22
Installing the antenna
adapter .......................................23
4. PBX installation.........24
Functionality in trunk mode 24
Functionality in extension
mode ...........................................25
Connecting the Nokia 22
to a trunk line of a PBX ........26
Connecting the Nokia 22
to an extension line of a PBX 28
5. Configuration ............30
Methods .....................................30
Basic settings ...........................30
Advanced settings ..................31
6. Accessories.................34
Nokia 22 Data Packet ............ 34
Nokia 22 Configurator
Software ....................................34
Antenna adapter .....................35
Backup battery set .................35
7. Technical
specifications .................36
GSM terminal ...........................36
Application module ................36
Terminal data transfer
modes .........................................36
Factory default values ...........38
Terminal connectors ...............40
8. Security
information ....................43