Display Indicators
The phone has a series of fixed display indi-
cators which inform you about the opera-
tion of the phone.
When on it indicates that a voice
message is waiting.
Whether this indicator is used de-
pends on the network operator.
When on it indicates that a short
message has been received.
When flashing, it indicates that the
message memory is full.
The phone is in alpha mode and let-
ters can be keyed in and displayed.
Indicates that you have entered the
Indicates the index number of a menu
function or a setting.
Indicates a memory location
Indicates the message number in
the Message mode.
and bars
Indicates the current cellular signal
strength at the location of your
phone. The more bars, the better
the signal in the area.
and bars
Indicates the charge of the battery.
The more bars, the better the bat-
tery charge.
A scrolling bar indicates that charg-
ing in progress.
Indicates information overflow on the
display, e.g. the front part of the
phone number is not shown on the
display. Press and hold the
to check the rest of the number.
Indicates that the phone is switched
Indicates that the phone is using a
network other than the home net-
Appears when you are making a call
and is on during a call.
The indicator flashes when you
have a call on hold.
Shows that the phone is registered
on the cellular network. If it does
not light up, the phone is outside
the network coverage area.
Indicates information overflow on the
display, e.g. the end of the phone
number is not shown on the display
or, during number editing, indicates
that there are more than 16 digits in
the phone number.
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