Voltage Select
Sinc Iter can run the digital core on either the 5v or 12v
rail. The switch near the top on the back panel selects
which rail is used.
e voltage measured should be 5/16 (.3125) times the input voltage applied to the
CV input. A reasonable way to tune the scale is to use an adjustable voltage source
to generate 4 volts then adjust the tuning trim until the test points read 1.2500V.
Sinc Iter can also be tuned using a reference supply capable of generating a 1 volt
difference and using a stroboscope such as the Peterson 490 to tune to an octave
interval. is is method is preferred to the meter-only method.
The SI comes calibrated
should not need adjustment. On the off chance the
trim pot gets bumped and needs a tuneup, follow this procedure to calibrate your
Pitch calibration is controlled by an linear resistor-divider network. To calibrate
the tuning, attach a volt meter (preferably 4+ digit) to the test points TPCV and
TPGND on the rear panel and adjust the trim pot.
Noise Engineering
Sinc Iter
Twenty-Three Octave multi-mode voltage-controlled oscillator