Calibration of Tuning
Basimilus Iteritas Alter uses a sample rate that is a multiple of the fundamental (lowest)
oscillator frequency. is moves alias power that is a multiple of the fundamental to be
mapped to a multiple of this tone, therefore making the aliasing align with the harmonics
of the tone. is works well for settings with a strong harmonic structure (spread fully CW
or fully CCW) and adds unique aliasing character for other tones.
Variable Sample Rate
Basimilus Iteritas Alter can run its processor on the 5V eurorack power rail to reduce noise and load on
the 12V bus. Gently push the switch tab in the direction of the desired rail to use.
Noise Engineering
Basimilus Iteritas Alter
Analog-inspired parameterized drum synthesizer
Voltage Supply
Basimilus Iteritas Alter comes pre-calibrated but over time it may change and need a touch up.
Pitch calibration is controlled by an linear resistor-divider network. To calibrate the tuning,
attach a volt meter (preferably 4+ digit) to the test points TPCV and TPGND on the rear panel
and adjust the trim pot.
e voltage measured should be 5/16 (.3125) times the input voltage applied to the CV input. A
reasonable way to tune the scale is to use an adjustable voltage source to generate 4 volts then
adjust the tuning trim until the test points read 1.2500V. Basimilus Iteritas can also be tuned using
a reference supply capable of generating a 1 volt difference and using a stroboscope such as the
Peterson 490 to tune to an octave interval. is is method is preferred to the meter-only method.