15.3 Launch emergency help
When in emergency long press SOS key on the back for 3 second until the device make the
alarm noise.
1. Tap family number settings icon
2. Tap > select contact. If there is no contact ,please add them first.
3. You can maximum set 6 family numbers.
Through recorder, you can record audio file.
Tap recorder icon to turn on.
1. Move microphone to the sound, tap to start
2. Tap to pause
3. Tap to stop
4. Tap to replay.
5. Tap save to save recorded files, tap cancel to cancel the file.
18.1 Alarm
1. Tap , tap clock icon ,tap icon to set clock.
2. Select the alarm to modify or tap icon on the top to add alarm and modify.
3. Set relevant information and tap OK.
18.2 Calendar
1. Tap calendar icon .
2. Tap the date on the top left to check it by day, week and month as well as your schedule.
3. Tap menu to create activity, refresh, search, select, clear all items, jump to a specific time
and set the calendar.
1. Tap calculator icon
2. Input number select operator
3. Tap equality sign
18.4 File management
1. Tap file management icon
2. Tap document to the file stored in device/SDcard and manage them.
18.5 TO DO
1. Tap and choose pending issues icon
2. Can check pending issue and finished items
3. Tap add new item and you can modify topic, details and set a deadline.
4. Tap OK to save this item.
5. Long press one item and tap
on the bottom left, you can switch between pending and
finished issues; tap on the bottom right to delete.