ND-508 Manuale d’uso
Version no.: V01
Edition date: 08/04/2016
1 General Information
1.1 Profile
1.2 Safety warning and Attentions
2 Your phone
2.1 Phone overview
2.2 Functions of Keys
2.3 Functions of icons
3 Getting started
3.1 Installing the SIM Card and the Battery
3.2 Charging the Battery
3.3 Linking to the Networks and devices
3.4 Using the touch screen
3.5 Using the onscreen keypad
3.6 Dialing Calls
4 Using the Menus
4.1 Backup Restore
4.2 Browser
4.3 Calculator
4.4 Calendar
4.5 Call History
4.6 Camera
4.7 Clock
4.9 Email
4.10 Facebook
4.11 File manager
4.12 FlashLight
4.13 FM Radio
4.14 Gallery
4.15 Gmail
4.16 Google
4.17 Google settings
4.18 Maps
4.19 Messages
4.20 Music
4.21 Note
4.22 People
4.23 Phone
4.24 Play store
4.25 Search
4.26 Settings
4.27 SIM Tool kit
4.28 Sound Recorder
4.29 Video player
4.30 Voice Search
4.31 YouTube
5 Appendix