Q: Why will my Digital Frame not turn on?
If you suspect the power adaptor might be faulty, contact us at http://support.nixplay.com
and we will send you a new one. Be sure to provide the frame model you have and your
Q: Certain Video files are not playing properly. Why?
This Digital Photo Frame allows you to play MP4, HD 720p, H.264 (+AAC) Videos.
For expert advice on video conversion, you can speak to our support team by visiting
Q: The slideshow sometimes freezes on a certain Photo or Video.
What’s happening?
Occasionally the frame gets stuck on a photo or video. First of all, make sure you are playing
compatible files only. The photo or video might have been edited or saved in a manner which
is not fully compatible with the frame’s processor. You might need to optimize your content
for smooth slideshow playback. For detailed advice on this, please visit support.nixplay.com
Q: How big can Memory Cards be in capacity?
The simple answer is that our frames will accept most High-Capacity Memory Cards like, for
example, a 32GB SDHC Card.
However, please bear in mind that if there are thousands of files on your card and they are in
different folders or formats, this will probably slow the frame’s processor. Also, if the frame
does not appear to be reading a card, it is worth checking ‘properties’ and ensuring that
‘FAT/FAT32’ is selected.
Q: Why are some of my Photos the wrong way round?
Some photos are not appearing in the correct orientation. The usual reason for this is that
the original files as taken on the camera are this way inclined. Check them on the capturing
device again to see if this is the case. If they were rotated on something like Windows
Explorer, they will not have actually saved in the new orientation for the Digital Photo Frame
to recognise this.