Setting Parameters
page 85
NF 650 - rev. 01 / 29.06.2020
Drawing required
A true to scale drawing is required to set the channel parameters.
1. Draw a vertical auxiliary line onto the drawing in the channel centre.
2. Then draw horizontal auxiliary lines on the distinct points where the profile chan-
3. Measure the length of the auxiliary lines and subsequently convert the length true
to scale.
4. Start at level “0” to define the starting point of the channel.
5. Enter height and width of all other breakpoints “freely”.
The distance between individual height breakpoints may vary. Not all of the 32
breakpoints need to be necessarily entered in order to define the profile since the
transmitter linearises between individual breakpoints.
In case of large irregular changes of the channel dimensions select a lower dis-
tance between breakpoints in this section.
A proportional graph of the values is indicated after the channel parameters have
been set.
6. Use the 3D-Preview to verify whether the dimensions are specified correctly.
Thanks to this visual aid, bad programming issues can be visualised and corrected
directly if required.
Free asymmetric height-width profile (Height-Width (asym.))
In practice asymmetric profiles with unusual shapes can be found occasionally. This is where
the programming options for asymmetric profiles are used.
Note on the viewing direction with free profiles
The viewing direction >Width left< or >Width right< is opposite to the flow direction in the
Drawing required
A true to scale drawing is required to set the channel parameters.
1. Draw a vertical auxiliary line onto the drawing from the lowest point of the channel
to the top.
2. Starting at this line, draw horizontal auxiliary lines from the distinct points of profile
changes to the left and to the right.
3. Measure the distances of each of these auxiliary lines starting at the centre auxili-
ary line to the right and to the left.
4. Convert the results true to scale and enter the breakpoints into the 3 value columns
as follows: height / width to the left / width to the right.
Necessarily observe
here the relevant note above on the
viewing direction
5. Start at level “0” to define the starting point of the channel.
6. Enter all other breakpoints “freely”.
A maximum of 32 breakpoints can be entered. The distance between individual