NIOX FeNO VERO Quick Reference Manual Download Page 4

6-second measurement mode 

(See User Manual) 

How to interpret alert codes


Sensor stabilization 

Remove any sources of disturbance  

(such as cordless phones/mobile phones 

or gas emitting appliances). Wait for the 

Sensor to stabilize.


Unstable system 

Remove any sources of disturbance  

(such as cordless phones/mobile phones 

or gas emitting appliances). Wait for the 

system to stabilize.


Count down time 

The remaining time until the instrument is 

ready to use is displayed.



Lock MMI 

When the instrument is connected to a 

PC the main view buttons will be locked.

For other alert codes please use the 

User Manual.


Exhalation too strong 

Press Return and repeat the 

measurement with less exhalation force.


Exhalation too weak 

Press Return and repeat the measurement 

with greater exhalation force.


Measurement failed 

No exhalation detected or the user 

failed to exhale within 15 seconds from 

the inhaling. Press Return button, restart 

the measurement and exhale into the 

instrument directly after inhalation.


Measurement failed 

Remove any sources of disturbance 

(such as cordless phones/mobile phones 

or gas emitting appliances). Then press 

Return. When the instrument is ready for 

use repeat the measurement. If the alert 

persists, unplug and reconnect the power 

supply unit to restart the instrument.

NIOX VERO® can be operated 

with two different exhalation 

times, 10 seconds and  

6 seconds.  

The 10-second test is the preferred mode. For children who 

are not able to perform the 10-second test, the 6-second test 

is an alternative.
The 6-second test should be used with caution in patients 

over the age of 10 years. It should not be used in adult 

patients. Incorrect use of the 6s exhalation mode may result 

in falsely low FeNO values, which can lead to incorrect 

clinical decisions.

NIOX VERO® and NIOX® are registered trademarks of Circassia AB. CIRCASSIA is a registered trademark of Circassia Limited.

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