Function and Operation
Set the system language. Press up/down arrow keys to select the item
‘Language’ and press left/right arrow keys to select English and Chinese.
Setting Range is English and
and default is English.
Back Color
Set the background color. Press up/down arrow keys to select the item
’ and press left/right arrow keys to select the colors.
Setting Range is Light-Blue, Blue and Black and default is Light-Blue.
Dig Color
Set the window and number colors. Press up/down arrow keys to select the
‘Dig Color’ and press left/right arrow keys to select the colors.
Setting Range is Yellow in Blue, Green in Black and White in Black and
default is Yellow in Blue.
Reset the system. Setting Range is Off and Reset, and default is Off.
Send Ture
Set the transmitted relative or true sentence. Yes is to transmit relatvie and
true sentence and No is to transmit relative sentence.