Vsett display operation and porgramming
Backlight brightness:The 1 level is the darkest
Level 3 brightest
Default: 3
Mileage: unit,0
Default: KM
P03: Voltage level: 24V
60V, Default:52V
P04: Dormancy time:0 means no dormancy;Other numbers are dormant time.The range is 1-60 minute.Default:5
P05: Reserve
P06: Wheel diameter: The unit is inch. The accuracy is 0.1; Default:10.0
P07: Speed measuring magnetic steel number.The range is 0-255. Default:28
P08: Rate-limiting: The range is 0-100km/h.Default: 100
P09: Zero start
no zero start setting
0 means zero start.1means no Zero start.Default: 0
P11: EABS switch choose.The range is 1-5.0 means closing.1 means weakest.2 means strongest.
P12: Soft and hard start strength.The range is 1-5. The softest is 1.The hardest is5.Default: 3
P13: Reserve
P14: Reserve
P15: Controller under-voltage
P16: ODO Zero setting: keep pr for 5 seconds,ODO will zero clearing.
P17: When it shows 0,it can not use cruise.When it shows 1,it can use cruise.Default:0
P18: Bind and unbind NFC CARDS.Long press "+" to build the binding, long press "-" to build the unbinding
P19: Reserve
P20: Communication protocol is defaults 4.It can not change.
Vsett display operation and porgramming
To accsee this menu,long-press and .Use button to scroll through P-codes, and to change parameterd
Display P-Codes(programming codes)