Tube set removal steps
Switch off the amplifer and disconnect the power cord from
Wait at least 30 min. for the tubes to cool down.
Use the provided tool to remove the six M3 screws that keep
the protection Plexiglas panel in place.
Remove the existing tubes and place them back in their
original packaging.
Tube set installation steps
Install the two
tubes in the middle sockets. These
sockets are highlighted with
blue rings.
Install the four
tubes in the top and bottom sockets.
These are highlighted with
red rings
Make sure the tubes are well seated and fully inserted!
Re-install the Plexiglas protection window and secure it
using the provided tool and screws. Be careful not to over-
tighten the screws: fnger tight is more than enough!
The plexiglas panel is easier to install and remove if you
start by removing the bottom screws frst and work your
way up while holding the panel with your other hand
Arcus Integrated Amplifer
Owner’s Manual
Page 8