3 Troubleshooting
3.1 No connection in Section 2.3
The most common reason for this is the APN is not correct. Verify that your APN is
correct and re-enter it.
If you signed up for service through NimbeLink, please consult the following APNs:
AT&T Network: 10569.mcs
T-Mobile Network: c1.korem2m.com
Vodafone Network: vfd1.korem2m.com
If the above options do not work and you signed up for service through NimbeLink,
please contact us at:
to get your APN information. Please include your SIM ID and IMEI of your Skywire.
If you signed up for service directly through a carrier, please contact your carrier to get
your APN information.
3.2 Connection Stops After a Short Time
If your connection is failing consistently after a few minutes after starting, check if you
have ModemManager installed on your system. If you do, there is a bug in
ModemManager that closes the connection. Disabling or removing ModemManager
fixes the issue.
To disable ModemManager, issue:
# killall -STOP ModemManager
Note: This will need to be issued each time you reboot your system.
To uninstall ModemManger, use your distribution's package manager. For example, on
Debian and Ubuntu, issue:
# apt-get remove ModemManager
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